
(1.国网山西省电力公司调控中心; 2.山西大学,电力工程系)



Project Supported by Key Laboratory of Mining Electrical Equipment and Intelligent Control (Taiyuan University of Technology), Shanxi, China(EMI2015-5).

Abstract: wind shears, tower shadow, and yaw error can produce voltage fluctuation whose frequency is three times rotate speed of wind turbine, and the voltage fluctuation can impact on sensitive load and even not work nomally. The paper aims the problem that HHT can’t detect accurately if the frequency radio of two voltage fluctuation is less than 1.5, uses the method combined by equal interval analytical mode decomposition (EIAMD) and Hilbert, analyzes the relationship between frequency intensity, interval compactness, and fluctuation radio, also their influence on detection error, determines the best inter compactness that can precisely check the frequency and amplitude of the voltage fluctuation when frequency intensity is 0.1Hz. The data of actual measurement on wind farm have been checked by EIAMD and Hilbert, and the results prove the effectiveness of the proposed method.

Key words: high frequency intensity; voltage fluctuation; equal interval analytical mode decomposition; fluctuation radio



由于HHT (Hilbert Huang Transform)能够有效检测非平稳信号而被用于检测电压波动[8,9],但其缺点是无法检测两频率之比小于1.5的高紧密度电压波动[10,11]。文献[10]采用SAX方法(Symbolic Aggregate Approximation)将信号转换为符号用于确定非平稳信号中的平稳信号边界,文献[12]采用小波变换和HHT相结合的方法对分布式电源并网系统中的谐波进行检测。以上方法都对检测两频率之比小于1.5的高紧密度信号进行了有效尝试,但其研究对象频率范围较宽,且两频率之比也远大于1。由于风电场3p电压波动各频率最小间隔在0.1Hz,两频率之比非常接近1,模态混叠现象将更加严重。

Chen和Wang于2012年提出解析模态分解(Analytical Mode Decomposition, AMD)被应用于检测紧密间隔信号的频率[13],文献[11]用于滚动轴承的故障诊断,文献[14]用于桥梁和高层建筑工作环境振动响应的参数识别。风电场的3P电压波动是被调制于工频电压中,而后者的幅值远大于前者,以上文献研究的各信号幅值相近,并未考虑两者之间的影响。




设待测电压为 ,由 个电压波动分量 组成

特别地, 。其中 为Hilbert变换, 为截止频率的积分,对于频率不随时间变化的波动,式(3)可以简化为

图1 EIAMD+Hilbert电压波动检测方法流程

Fig.1 Voltage fluctuations detection flow of EIAMD+Hilbert



3. 仿真验证

3.1 算法有效性检验



图2 仿真计算结果

Fig.2 Results of simulation


3.2 参数影响度分析




图4 考虑间隔基准偏移时 Hz仿真结果

Fig.4 Results of simulation on in consiferation of interval reference offset

图7 某风电场电压波动检测结果

Fig.7 Detection results of voltage fluctuations in wind farm

5. 结论



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