2.切实转变教学方式,重视任务设计理念。下面先试对比两个课例(Unit 14 Festival,SEFC Book I),从中可看到,教授同一课文,关键环节有细微差别,产生的课堂效果就截然不同。
Warming-up & Listening
Task 1 Leading-in
The teacher leads in the topic "festival/holiday"by asking some questions such as:
a.Which festival or holiday do you like best? And why?
b.How many Chinese festivals do you know? And what are they?
c.Which is the most important festival to Chinese people?
d.How many foreign festivals do you know? And what are they?
Task 2 Warming-up
Firstly,the teacher shows the students three pictures and asks them to discuss in pairs according to the following guiding questions:
Q1:Do you know the names of the festivals?
Q2:Do you know which countries the festivals come from?
Q3:What are the people in the pictures doing? Why are they doing this?
Secondly,the teacher asks individual students to talk about the festivals.
Task 3 Exercise
The teacher asks the students to take his/her favorite festival for example and fill in the following form.
When is the festival celebrated?
Who celebrates the festival?
How do people celebrate it?
Why do people celebrate it?
What are some important themes,e.g.
"family"and"peace" ?
How eld is the festival?
Task 4 Listening
The teacher plays the recording and the students listen to the introductions of the three festivals one by one.For each one,the students can listen twice.
Task 5 Summary
The teacher help the students to have a revision of the festivals learnt in that class.
Wanning-up and Listening
Activityl:Collecting information about the names of festivals in the world.
a.The teacher divides the whole class into several groups of 4 or 6 students each.
b.Each student gives the names of the festivals that he or she knows.
c.One of the students in the group writes down what they have told.
d.The teacher asks one group to report their result and other groups ready to supplement.
Activity 2:Sharing the favorite festival
The teacher gets the students to work in pairs to make up a dialogue.
The following form is presented for the students to prepare.(The form is the same as Task 3 Exercise above.)
Aclivity 3:Listening and reporting
a.The teacher presents three pictures about Mardi Gras,Ramadan and Easter and let the students guess the names of the festivals according to what they have seen in the pictures.
b.While listening,the students are required to take notes and get more information about the festival.
c.The teacher asks the students to describe one of the festivals in their own words according to what they have just heard and the information on the textbook.
While-task:Research work
Activity 1:Discussion
a.The group discuss the differences between Chinese culture and the culture in another country by comparing one of the Chinese festivals and one festival in another country.
b.The students are required to draw a conclusion after the discussion.
Activity 2:Interview
a.The students design several questions about the differences between the Chinese festivals and the festivals in another country.
b.One of the students in each group goes to other groups to have an interview.
Activity 3:Conclusion
After interviewing and comparing the conclu sion,each group made previously with the infor mation from other groups,each group are required to draw a final conclusion.
Post-task:Wall newspaper about the festivals
The teacher asks each group to prepare wall newspaper about the festival.
第二个教学设计能根据任务型教学的原则和特点,设计了贴近学生实际的教学活动,并吸引和组织他们积极参与。(1)所布置的活动目的明确。活动从学生的生活经验和兴趣出发,内容贴近现实生活,而且采用小组讨论、交流和汇报的形式,让学生在合作中完成任务,共同感受成功。(2)“Listening and reporting”这一环节能使学生真正参与对目的语的理解、处理和输出中,从而提高实际语言运用能力。(3)“Research work”这项活动能促使学生在互动中获取、处理和使用信息。用英语和他人交流,提高了用英语解决实际问题的能力。整个过程学生共享资源,互动合作,从做中学,在学中用。(4)活动还延伸到课堂之外,弥补了课时不足的问题,也促使学生主动拓展相关的课外知识。