朱韩武,周虹,曹慧芳,何兢,谭徽 - 湖南省郴州市2013-2017年矿区周边居民死因分析

朱韩武,周虹,曹慧芳,何兢,谭徽 - 湖南省郴州市2013-2017年矿区周边居民死因分析

Title:Analysis of the causes of death of the residents around the mining area in Chenzhou City, Hunan Province, 2013-2017




论文来源:中国卫生产业 2019


Abstract:Objective to provide scientific basis for making disease prevention and control strategy under specific environment by analyzing the causes of death of residents around Chenzhou Mining Area. Methods the death cases of the residents in Shizhuyuan mining area, Huangshaping mining area and Matan mining area from 2013 to 2017 were selected as the research objects, the basic causes of death were investigated and classified, and the data of the causes of death were analyzed by descriptive epidemiological method. Results from 2013 to 2017, 3042 cases of death were reported in the towns where the mining area is located (bailutang Town, Huangshaping town and Matan town), with an average annual crude mortality of 504.75/100000. The crude mortality of each year in turn was 373.73/100000, 395.89/100000, 464.38/100000, 626.84/100000 and 637.25/100000. The difference of the crude mortality of each year was statistically significant (χ 2 = 153.50, P & lt; 0.01). The top five causes of death were: heart The mortality of the first five causes of death accounted for 85.73% of the total. The mortality of the top five causes of death was statistically significant (χ 2 = 597.59, P & L) T; 0.01); the top five malignant tumors in the death cause diseases were lung cancer (24.23 / 100000), other malignant tumors (17.26 / 100000), liver cancer (16.92 / 100000), gastric cancer (9.79 / 100000), leukemia (5.31 / 100000); chronic diseases were the main three kinds of diseases in the mining area, with a total mortality of 4.4353/100000, accounting for 87.87% of all death diseases. Conclusion the main death diseases of the residents around Chenzhou Mining Area are chronic non communicable diseases. It is necessary to further strengthen health education and health promotion, implement health behavior intervention strategy, continuously improve health risk factors, and improve residents' self-protection awareness and behavior.


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朱韩武,周虹,曹慧芳,何兢,谭徽 - 湖南省郴州市2013-2017年矿区周边居民死因分析
