


到英格兰旅行的人,都会对那里绵延起伏的原野、绿树和芳草红花赞叹不已。英国乡村美丽的风景常在文学家的笔下发出绚烂的光彩。美国19世纪的著名作家华盛顿,欧文(Washington Irving,1983-1859)曾写出优美的散文《英国的乡材生活》,介绍岛国的风土人情。


Nothing can be more imposing than the magnificence of English park scenery.Vast lawns that extend like sheets of vivid green,with here and there clumps of gigantic trees,heaping up rich piles of foliage:the solemn pomp of groves and woodland glades,with the deer trooping in silent herds across them;the hare,bounding away to the covert;or the pheasant,suddenly bursting upon the wing;the brook,taught to wind in natural meanderings or expand into glassy lake;thesequestered pool,reflecting the quivering trees,with the yellow leaf sleeping on its bosom,and the trout roaming fearlessly about its limpid waters;while somerustic temple or sylvan statue,grown green and dank with age,gives an air of classic sanctity to the seclusion.

These are but a few of the features of park scenery;but what most delights me,is the creative talent with which the English decorate the unostentatious abodes of middle life.The rudest habitation,the most unpromising and scanty portion of land,in the hands of an Englishman of taste,becomes a little paradise.With a nicely discriminating eye,he seizes at onceupon its capabilities,and pictures in his mind the future landscape.The sterile spot grows into lovelinessunder his hands,and yet the operations of art which produce the effect are scarcely to be perceived.

欧文描写英国的乡村生活,第一段起句赞美乡村美丽的园林风景。文中的park不是指一般的公园,而是指英国乡村别墅或宅第周围包括草场、树林、湖泊的大片自然园林。接下来作者细致地描写花草树木、溪流湖泊和大自然中的生物。欧文是语言大师,他笔下的图画生动逼真,如说草地像sheets of vivid green(鲜绿的地毯);描写草木繁盛用clumps of gigantic trees(高大的树丛)、rich piles of foliage(繁茂的枝叶)、covert(鸟兽藏身的矮树丛);形容溪流蜿蜒曲折说wind in natural meanderings,湖面漂浮黄叶、水中倒映树影用with the yellow leaf sleeping on its bosom、reflecting the quivering trees。几个描写动物的短句栩栩如生:the deer trooping in silent herds(鹿群安静地结队而行);the hare,hounding away to the covert(野免跳入灌木丛);the trout roaming fearlessly about its limpid waters(鲑鱼在清水中漫游)。英国乡村中多见寺院教堂(rustic temple),人们用木头雕刻神灵像(sylvan statue)置于林中供奉。整幅画卷在庄严仕美(solemn pomp)、幽寂僻静(sequestered、seclusion)、古雅神圣(classic sanctity)中见宏伟富丽(magnificence),给人留下深刻的印象(imposing)。

然而,单纯描画大自然,还不足以展现英国文化。英国人天生喜爱乡村,对大自然的恩赐感念至深,园艺在英国文化中占有重要的地位。欧文接着赞美英国人的创造才能(creative talent)、品味(taste)、审美眼光(nicely discriminating eye)和灵巧的手(his hands),能把简陋的住宅(unostentatious、rudest)、贫瘠的土地(unpromising、scanty、sterile)变得美好(loveliness),变成天堂乐园(paradise)。文中capabilities愿意“潜力”,这里指可以美化成的景致。最后一句说艺术手法产生的效果几乎不为人察觉(are scarcelyto be perseived),就好像是人工未施,不留痕迹。





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