
祁东县人民医院 湖南衡阳 421600

【摘 要】目的:运用reman4.2分析比较钙通道与β受体阻滞剂对高血压患者血糖影响。方法检索Medline,PubMed,EMBASE,Cochrane Library 数据库1960~2013年相关文献,运用Jadad评分评估所涉试验质量,比较组服用钙离子通道阻滞剂治疗高血压患者,对照组为服用β受体阻滞剂治疗高血压患者。reman4.2比较两组病人血糖差异具有统计学意义的人数结果共48345例,其中服务CCB组22396例,血糖异常1479例,服务β受体阻滞22588例,血糖异常1882例。结果显示两者差别具有统计意义(OR=0.78 95%CI:0.73-0.84)。结论 相对高血压患者服务β受体阻滞剂,服用钙离子通道阻滞剂对血糖影响更小。


[Abstract]Obijective To evaluatecalcium channel blockers and β blockers on incidence of diabetes by using meta -analysis.Methods Related artcls(1960-2013)were searched in Medline,PubMed,EMEASE,Cochrane library,Study on quality of these literatures were evaluated by using the Jadad score.The patients taking caleium channel blockers or taking β blockers were comparison group,adn control group,respectively.The incidence of diabete in the two grouns were evaluated by using meta-analysis.Results A total of 5 studies fitted the selection eriteria,including 48345 patients.Among them 22396 cases were in comparison group and 22588 cases in the concrol group.The meta-analysis showed that:The blood Sugar significantly differed between CCB group and βblockers group afer taking CCB and β blockers.Conclusin Comparing with taking β blockers,taking calcium channel blockers can reduce the pressure of patients.

[key words]hypertension;calcium channel blocers;β blockers;diabete;Meta analysis


1 资料和方法


英文以 关键词“calcium channel blocker”,”β blockers”and “diabetes mellitus”检索1960年1月至2014年06月期间 Medline,PubMed.EMBASE,Cochrane LIBRARY 数据库相关文献,所有纳入文献给予JADA评分评估质量。






2 结果


3 讨论




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