Cultivation of Cultural Subjectivity from the Perspective of Cultural Self -Confidence 〔*〕
Liu Wenyuan
(Foreign Language Institute Tianjin Normal University,Tianjin 300387)
Abstract: Economic and cultural globalization has strong impacts on the culture of each country.How to maintain the integrity of the local culture in the course of globalization and how to develop on the basis of the inheritance and innovation are the questions worthy of being studied.This paper firstly expounds the important meaning of cultural subjectivity in the view of cultural self-confidence,then explores the roots for the loss of cultural subjectivity consciousness and finally indicates the strategies of cultivating cultural subjectivity.Cultivating cultural subjectivity is an effective way to maintain the integrity of the local culture and the cultural self-confidence.
Key words: globalization;culture;cultural self-confidence;cultural subjectivity
Today,China is actively taking part in the process of globalization and developing a higher-level open economy.While globalization brings economic development,it also exerts negative influence on national cultures,mainly in two ways:one is the process of the standardization and homogenization of the weaker cultures with the stronger cultures as the center,the other is that the cultures of the marginal countries are undermined,and gradually lose their independence and become dependent on the dominant cultures as a result of global division of labor.Moreover,the process of globalization will make some countries’ cultural identity highlighted,and people are constantly aware of the importance of their cultures with the rise of cultural self-consciousness,such as their customs,values and history.Therefore,how to maintain the integrity of culture and cultural subjectivity has attracted an extensive attention in the course of globalization.
Ⅰ.The necessity of cultivating cultural subjectivity
In recent years,Chinese culture is affected and surrounded by the western cultural values,and some Chinese people have the prejudice that the western culture is more advanced and excellent than Chinese.They are lack of our cultural identification awareness and have an alienation of Chinese mainstream culture.Due to the influence of multi-cultures,they are eagerly in pursuit of the western lifestyles,such as food,products,festivals and even values,whereas they ignore or even look down upon Chinese culture from Chinese products to traditional festivals.In fact,the nature of these phenomena lies in the nihilism of our national culture and the lack of cultural subjectivity and cultural confidence.The attitude is conducive to adhere to,carry forward and innovate not only our national culture,but also the spread of Chinese mainstream culture to the world.Therefore,in the process of foreign cultural exchanges,we should emphasize the importance of our cultural subjectivity,cultivate our consciousness of cultural subjectivity and improve our cultural self-confidence.Chinese culture passes down after a long period of historical inheritance,ideological and cultural inheritance through the social and economic development.If we do not persist in Chinese culture continuity from the past to the future,we cannot complete the culture of revival.Therefore,it is very important for us to have cultural self-confidence for the cultural revival.And it is necessary for Chinese people to strengthen the cultural consciousness and ideological and moral education to carry out the national “Belt and Road Initiative” strategy.
Ⅱ.The historical origin of the lack of Chinese cultural subjectivity
There are some reasons due to the lack of Chinese cultural subjectivity,two of which are the main causes.
1.The relative backwardness of economy and culture in China in the past 100 years
The loss of Chinese cultural confidence can trace back to more than 100 years ago.After the Opium War,some people began to lead the Westernization Movement.It lasted for decades in China.After that,some creative people reflected the reasons of failure and advocated some theories of saving the country including the proposal of “Chinese culture as the basis,the western culture as application”.At that time,some people claimed that China should copy the whole western system and make it full play in China.Finally,it also proved not to be proper in China.On the contrary,Chinese people accumulated poverty and weakness due to lack of political and cultural subjectivity in the crisis of our nation.Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China,China has gained remarkable achievements because of our adhering to the socialist road and independent international status.So where is the competitive advantage in global competition from? It is from the political and cultural subjectivity rooted in Chinese excellent culture,including the socialist road,political system and traditional culture.
At the end of the last century,China’s economy was still in the stage of development,and there was a certain gap with the western developed countries both in economy and in culture due to the reason of history.Under the strong impacts of the western culture,some Chinese blindly admired foreign countries and could not identify the correct tendency of our national mainstream culture development,they were confused and suspicious of our culture and indifferent to the mainstream cultural attitudes of contemporary China.Now,under the background of globalization,the intertwinement and collision between the eastern and the western cultures and tradition and modern cultures not only promote each other,but also have conflicts and contradictions,which still become more and more prominent among the cultural phenomena.In view of these perceptions and circumstances,on one hand,we should vigorously develop our material civilization to catch up with and surpass the developed countries in order to prove the superiority of our socialist system,thus establishing institutional self-confidence;on the other hand,we should fully develop spiritual civilization,fully excavate the essence of our excellent culture,inherit,innovate and develop our culture in order that it can shine in the new historical era and make people establish cultural self-confidence.Only by having a strong self-confidence and consciousness of national culture subjectivity,can a nation have a cohesively national culture and common values,and only by fully understanding our own nation,culture and values,can a nation have a more cohesive force.As a member of the nations in the world,we should have lofty national consciousness,national culture subjectivity and cultural self-confidence.As the main body of the foreign communication of Chinese nation,the young in China should be well-educated to study Chinese culture,cultivate the transactional competence,master the knowledge of Chinese culture,ideology,philosophy and values,constantly strengthen the subjectivity of national culture to improve the ability of cross-cultural communication and provide a solid knowledge guarantee and tough ideological weapon for cultural communication and Chinese culture spread in the future.
How to keep the integrity of culture when developing our economy? Of course,developing economy is very important,but it doesn’t mean giving up cultural subjectivity to exchange material benefits.On the contrary,cultural subjectivity and self-confidence should be more emphasized when communicating with other cultures.At the same time,we must adopt the method of Marxism to look at some problems objectively,correctly analyze our traditional culture,tell essence from dross and inherit the cultural excellence,thus cultivating our cultural subjectivity and self-confidence.Only in this way,can we maintain the characteristics of Chinese culture in the sustained development.In addition,it is necessary for us to adhere to and firmly believe in the positive leading function of Chinese excellent culture according to our socialist core values.Fei Xiaotong believes that the individual’s understanding of his culture in a cultural group is conducive to strengthening his independence of cultural transformation and adapting to an independent status and cultural choices in the new era.Therefore,Chinese nation must cultivate its cultural consciousness in order to adapt to the globalization of culture in the new era and find its own status in the world.As far as Chinese nation is concerned,we should strengthen our cultural confidence and study hard about China’s excellent culture,including traditional culture,new democratic revolutionary culture and the socialist construction culture created in the past 40-year reform.These all belong to Chinese excellent culture,and we should inherit and innovate them.Cultural self-confidence is not to be complacent,but to focus on the development of the times and society while advocating and developing China’s socialist advanced culture.
Ⅲ.Theories about cultural subjectivity and cultural self -confidence
1.Development of China’s economy and culture
On the other hand,cultural subjectivity and cultural self-confidence are closely related,that is,the former promotes the latter,and the latter in turn strengthens the former.In fact,cultural self-confidence is a full affirmation of a nation’s values,a firm belief in the cultural vitality and a persistence of a national culture.So cultural subjectivity and self-confidence complement each other.Only when we have cultural subjectivity,can we have self-confidence to find out the advantages of our own culture,thus promoting it to spread throughout the world.The subjectivity of a national culture depends on the cultivation of cultural self-confidence,the inheritance and dissemination of the culture.History and reality have repeatedly shown that an awakening of a nation,first of all,is an awakening of its culture.The strength of a nation,a country or even a political party depends to a large extent on its cultural consciousness and cultural self-confidence,according to Fei Xiaotong.A high cultural awareness and self-confidence is a nation’s ideological basis,which is not only relevant to the revitalization of culture itself,but also determines the cultural subjectivity,the prosperity of the nation,the development of its political party and the destiny of the country.Therefore,only by cross-cultural communication on the basis of fully understanding and respecting each other’s culture,can we exchange cultures favorably and make Chinese culture global.In the process of exchanges one another,we should constantly strengthen our cultural subjectivity,gradually enhance cultural self-confidence,and finally improve the dissemination of our national culture.
The term of“cultural other” refers to a study of culture from the perspective of a third party,which was originally popular in the discourse of post-colonial criticism.We tend to study culture from two different perspectives:one is to look into a culture from others’ perspective called “cultural other”;the other depends on ourselves named “cultural self”.The westerners studied the oriental culture from their perspective in the post-colonialism period.Their research covered many fields of the oriental culture,such as anthropology,sociology,history,linguistics and so on.The West is equivalent to the capitalist powers,while the East is synonymous with colonial and semi-colonial countries.The image of Chinese “cultural other” was actually shaped by some western Sinologists in the colonial context.The cultural interpretation is based on the western culture including its religion,philosophy and values,which is regarded as the core of global culture.Therefore,the western scholars who studied Chinese culture just followed the western conduct codes in their social norms,religion,philosophy and values.They considered their culture to be superior to Chinese culture in the background of the west-centered culture.On the other hand,Chinese culture was represented to be an image of “cultural other” without any beliefs,self-consciousness or thoughts.Chinese culture,as the “cultural other”,is heterogeneous from the perspective of the western culture,which needs to be improved and transformed,and assimilated.This view still has some influence in today’s world.The westerners have been attempting to project their cultures to other countries as universal values up till now.They spread their values to the developing world and make their cultures universal in the context of globalization.As a result,some cultures in the colonial countries were assimilated by the western cultures and lost their own characteristics and cultural subjectivity.Finally,the cultural integrity for these cultures meant a complete destruction.Nowadays,Chinese people are striving for the improvement of life both in spirit and in matter,so it is very important for us to have cultural confidence and maintain cultural subjectivity in the spread of Chinese culture in the world.We should adhere to the socialist road with Chinese characteristics,strengthening people’s institutional confidence,road self-confidence,theoretical self-confidence and cultural self-confidence in the light of cultural subjectivity.
Ⅳ.The strategies of cultivating cultural subjectivity
In order to establish Chinese culture subjectivity,we must undertake two tasks:one is to vigorously develop our economy and culture to show the superiority of socialist political system;the other is to completely change the cultural status that we previously had in the world.
Cultural consciousness was first put forward by Fei Xiaotong when studying Chinese history and the formation of our nation.He believed that cultural consciousness is cultural self-awareness of a nation,an awakening of its culture and a process of practice.The understanding of a national culture status,function and trend in historical progress is all related to the cultural consciousness as well as the sense of responsibility in developing and innovating a national culture.Therefore,maintaining the nation’s cultural subjectivity is a prerequisite of preserving the integrity of the culture and making a cultural innovation.So it is necessary to keep cultural consciousness when innovating its culture from different angles,such as understanding its cultural origin,formation,and characteristics,reflection of cultural essence and dross and analysis of differences among cultures.And the reflection analysis of one’s own culture is often helpful to understand the culture itself,to distinguish the relationship between different cultures,and to achieve cultural self-awakening and self-confidence.Moreover,the reflection of other cultures can have lessons from others’ advantages to make up for one’s own shortcomings.One principle we must follow,is that Chinese people should inherit the excellence of our culture and innovate it on the basis of cultural subjectivity.
2.The negative influence of “cultural other” in the discourse of post-colonial criticism
2.Identity of “cultural other” and cultivation of cultural subjectivity
“Cultural other” means a kind of discourse relation wordily.The deep meaning of the term is actually a kind of power and relationship between the East and the West,to be specific,a changing and complex international relationship.The oriental culture tends to be regarded as “cultural other”,which is inferior to the western culture.So it is necessary to be assimilated and transformed from the view of the western culture.The interpretation of Chinese culture means some of cultural hegemony in the post-colonial context.Moreover,the opinion hasn’t been changed and has always had an influence around the world up till now.In fact,the interpretation is not objective,which is just a prejudice of our culture under the post-colonized background.According to the background,the representation of western hegemonism in culture is more prominent than that of other fields at that time.
The basic principle is to develop socialist culture with Chinese characteristics when developing our economy.Socialist culture with Chinese characteristics originates from Chinese excellent traditional culture nurtured by our national civilization with more than 5,000-year history,which results from the revolutionary culture and advanced socialist culture created by the Chinese Communist Party in the practice of revolution,construction and reform.In addition,the culture with Chinese characteristics should be guided by Marxism and should adhere to its cultural subjectivity based on the social reality and the times when developing our economy in the process of communicating with other cultures.The scientific development of socialist culture should take its modernization and current and future situations seriously to promote the coordinated development of socialist spiritual and material civilizations.
In the 21st century,the global development tends to be diversified,so is the culture.And the development of the non-western cultures begins to return to the right track,especially for the non-western culture after many years’ struggle.With the development of China’s economy and politics around the world,it is urgent for us to build a new cultural identity to adapt ourselves to the new situation.It must start with the establishment of our cultural subjectivity and cultural self-confidence.As Chairman Xi said that the world is full of different cultures,which are wonderful and colorful,and the culture of each nation is unique and should be respected.So we should not only respect others’ cultures,but also inherit and carry forward our excellent culture,keep its uniqueness of our culture,and construct the independent status of our culture when communicating with others.Here are some significant points for reference in detail.
(1)Construction of our cultural subjectivity and cultural system.
It is important for us to strengthen the awareness of Chinese excellent culture,to build our culture system and to improve the influence of Chinese culture.One point should be emphasized that cultural construction is to stick to the status of Chinese culture,cultural superiority and innovation of three parts of our excellent culture.So what are the three parts of our excellent culture? It is important and necessary to clarify this issue first.The first part of it is the excellence of Chinese traditional culture.Chinese nation has a long history and an excellent civilization rooted in its profound history.The second part is the culture of new democratic revolution.And the third part is the culture of socialist construction and achievements achieved by the leading of the Communist Party of China.After the founding of the new China,the Communist Party of China led Chinese people to carry out a series of reforms and achieve great achievements in the period of the socialist construction and reforms.All these are the important excellent and advanced parts of Chinese culture,which bear Chinese people’s wisdom and brave struggling spirits and are worthy of inheriting them for us and carrying them forward.
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As is known to all of us,Chinese excellent culture is an important carrier of Chinese foreign cultural exchanges in the new era.It is the responsibility that the Chinese young generation spread the excellent culture in the cross-cultural communication and enhance the attraction of Chinese culture.On the world stage,we should actively communicate with foreign countries,spread Chinese excellent culture,make a voice of China and make a contribution to the peace and development of the world.
(2)Construction of a culture with new Chinese contemporary characteristics.
To realize the rejuvenation of Chinese culture,we should firstly cultivate the cultural subjectivity of consciousness,clarify the advantages and disadvantages of our culture,and transcend the traditional culture and make it innovative while adhering to the tradition.Cultural modernization will promote the practice of national culture and be conducive to the establishment of a set of cultural values with freedom,democracy and equality as the core.So cultural innovation is truly cultural modernization.Secondly,we should correctly depict and represent the cultural image of Chinese nation by ourselves through translation of Chinese classics and reconstruct the international status of culture in the world,making Chinese culture go out and conducting an equal conversation with all the other cultures.Thirdly,it is also important for us to cultivate cultural self-confidence and consciousness.In a word,we must vigorously develop China’s material civilization and spiritual civilization,both of them should be done together.Only by being convinced of our national development,such as road confidence,theoretical confidence,institutional confidence and cultural confidence,can we make others accept our culture,convince our culture and share each other’s cultures.Therefore,it is a good way to popularize Chinese excellent culture through school education,cultivate the youngsters’ cultural confidence,and make them act as the Chinese messengers to convey our voice in cross-cultural communication and gain the autonomy of our cultural spread.
(3)Cultivation of the consciousness of cultural tolerance,cultural integration and cultural harmony with differences.
Cultures are different around the world.What kind of attitudes should we take towards the spread of Chinese culture in the practice of cultural communication? Should it be a complete resistance to the western culture from its impacts,or can we accept all the cultures with a liberal attitude,letting the differences among the cultures be inclusive and harmonious? Of course,we choose the latter.But we should adhere to the two principles in the course of the cultural exchanges between Chinese and the West.First of all,we must persist in our cultural subjectivity in communication.We should not run into confrontation with the western culture,nor should we become its followers.We should keep Chinese cultural characteristics and promote its excellence with the spirit of common development.A platform for equal dialogue can be set up to make all voices heard by ironing out differences and narrowing the cultural gap between countries.The other is to adhere to the mainstream of our national culture.The traditional culture is the root of our national civilization,and we should study it deeply and get its essence.Besides,don’t forget to spread the revolutionary culture and socialist constructive culture as well,which are the important parts of our culture.However,we must notice two incorrect methods of cultural spread:one is to interpret Chinese culture from the perspective of westernization,and the other is to pursue the modernization of Chinese culture partly.Cultural modernization is just a means of recreating culture,by which we can interpret our culture with Chinese humanistic spirit from the view of modern development,reconstruct the modern values on the basis of Chinese traditional culture,and get better dissemination through international exchanges and cooperation,thus cultivating our cultural self-confidence and a sense of cultural pride.
(4)Persistence of Chinese cultural inheritance,development and innovation
Chinese cultural development should closely combine the stimulation of its innovative and creative vitality with the all-round development of human beings.Let’s first go back to the history of the last century.China’s economy was still at the stage of development in 1970s-90s,and there was a gap in many aspects,especially in economy compared with the developed countries.Under the strong impacts of the western culture,some Chinese people blindly admired the western culture and ignored Chinese mainstream culture and neglected the correct tendency of our cultural development.As a result,they have confusion and suspicion of our culture,even are indifferent to Chinese contemporary mainstream culture.And our culture,as an important part of world civilization,will be shared with others and contribute Chinese wisdom to the world.In practice,the construction of our cultural identity should be on its way and the reconstruction of global cultural map is also needed.These tasks should be taken on by Chinese youngsters on the condition that the young should learn and study Chinese culture deeply to get the essence of the culture,reflect some problems in the construction of cross-cultural communication and cultural exchanges,and strive to build a world with various cultures.
(5)Adherence to the socialist road of culture with Chinese characteristics and the core values
To keep the convergence with the western culture,can we accept the transformation and elimination of cultural differences and just follow the western one? The answer is of course negative.In the post-colonial context,the eastern culture (Chinese culture as a representative) is written only by the westerners,mainly describing the backwardness and ignorance of our nation.So it is time for us to reflect the status of China’s “cultural other”.It is a fact that Chinese culture is the representative of the eastern culture,which is unique with a long history without break and lasts over five thousand years.Moreover,Chinese culture has its unique charm in the cultural psychology with a long and vigorous vitality.As is known,China has developed in a relatively fixed geographical environment,so Chinese culture has formed its unity and integration of the peoples in the long period of development,a strong sense of national culture and self-identity and a sense of belonging to the cultural group.It gains its own distinct culture characteristics during the course of its development.In addition,the cultures in the world are rich and colorful due to their differences.So Chinese culture should keep its specialty,integrity and cultural subjectivity in the international communication.In order to change the unrealistic culture image formed in the post-colonial period,Chinese people should first study our national culture,and then select and spread the essence of our culture in our own ways,for example,through the translation of Chinese traditional classics.Chinese cultural communicators,especially the international talents,must improve their cross-cultural communicative competence and enhance cultural subjectivity in the interactional communication in the world.Only by doing so,can we realize the autonomy of our cultural identity,and make the world really understand Chinese culture better and gradually change the wrong cultural image.Therefore,to reverse the written fate,send out our own voice in the world communication and construct our cultural identity and cultural self-confidence,maintaining our cultural subjectivity should go first,because there is no cultural subjectivity,others are meaningless.We Chinese people should set up our cultural self-confidence,keep our cultural subjectivity and actively spread our culture to the world in order not to be washed away by the waves of globalization.
(6)Training of cross-cultural communicative talents
At present,it is estimated that there are five fields lack of international talents,such as in the fields of international business,cross-cultural communication,innovation and host country’s social culture.College students,as the China’s main body of foreign communication,should make use of the opportunity of higher education to study both Chinese and foreign cultures by comparative method for future international communication.It is important to improve the competence of solid culture and cross-cultural communicative skills,and tough theory of socialist ideology to communicate with foreign cultures in the future in order to make contributions to the development of our country.Of course,strengthening Chinese cultural conviction in ideology,philosophy,values,and subjectivity is equally important.
Ⅴ.Conclusion and discussion
In short,the more developed and open countries are,the less likely they are to be “cultural others”.Accompanied by economic development,there will be more and more opening and disseminated of local cultures throughout the world.It is not easy for any culture to be known,recognized and accepted by others.Therefore,we need others’ criticism for reference to analyze our cultural status in a rational manner in the world,to know how to coexist with differences and gain power to move forward.However,we do not need the “cultural other” with the western culture as the core,but a culture with an equal cultural discourse for reference.So it is very important to adhere to our cultural subjectivity when communicating with other cultures and tell our own stories in our own way,thus making our cultural autonomy come true.In order to keep our cultural subjectivity,we must adopt some methods including learning from our traditional culture,which is helpful for the cultivation of cultural self-confidence.Furthermore,innovation is the most important thing in the process of Chinese culture development.Attention should be paid to respecting our history and traditions on the basis of historical continuity.
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About the author: Liu Wenyuan,lecturer of Foreign Languages Institute of Tianjin Normal University,main research fields:English teaching methodology,British and American cultures.
〔*〕The paper is one of the research achievements of 2018 Philosophy and Social Science Planning Project of Tianjin Municipality “Research on the Cultivation Model of College students’ Cultural Self-confidence from the Perspective of Intercultural Communication” (TJJX18-011).
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1002-1698.2019.10.020
标签:globalization论文; CULTURE论文; cultural论文; self-confidence论文; subjectivity论文; Foreign Language Institute Tianjin Normal University论文;