Title:Detection and engineering practice of water rich property of main roadway floor
论文来源:华北自然资源 2019
Abstract:In this paper, the high-resolution three pole electrical sounding technique is used to predict the water inrush from the floor of the weak zone of the main roadway in Xiyu coal mine, and the water rich and distribution characteristics of the weak zone of the floor are found out. It is considered that the tensile strength of the rock stratum in the normal rock stratum development section is greater than the critical tensile strength, and the risk of water inrush is small. Although the newly exposed collapse column has a high density, the electric method is used to detect the fracture development, the tensile strength is small, and the risk of water inrush is large. Cement, water glass and Br reinforced waterproof agent were used to reinforce the floor of the weak zone collapse column with single liquid grouting method. The water condition monitoring of the floor was applied. The re detection and verification of the electrical method showed that after the floor was strengthened, the fracture degree of the collapse column was obviously reduced, the water yield of the column and its edge was weakened, and the risk of water inrush was reduced.
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