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Considerations and experiments like this led Descartes to invent the concept of“momentum”,meaning“amount of motion”,and to state that for a moving body the momentum was just the product of the mass of the body and its speed.Momentum is traditionally labeled by the letter p,so his definition was:momentum=p=mv


It is then obvious that in the above scenario of the woman catching the medicine ball,total“momentum”is the same before and after the catch.Initially,only the ball had momentum,an amount 5×5=25 in suitable units.After the catch,there is a total mass of 50kg moving at a speed of 0.5 meters per second,so the final momentum is 0.5×50=25,the total final amount is equal to the total initial amount.We have just invented these figures,of course,but they reflect what is observed experimentally.


There is however a problem here——obviously one can imagine collisions in which the“total amount of motion”,as defined above,is definitely not the same before and after.What about two people on roller skates,of equal weight,coming directly towards each other at equal but opposite velocities——and when they meet they put their hands together and come to a complete halt?Clearly in this situation there was plenty of motion before the collision and none afterwards,so the“total amount of motion”definitely doesn’t stay the same!In physics language,it is“not conserved”.Descartes was hung up on this problem a long time,but was rescued by a Dutchman,Christian Huygens,who pointed out that the problem could be solved in a consistent fashion if one did not insist that the“quantity of motion”be positive.


In other words,if something moving to the right was taken to have positive momentum,then one should consider something moving to the left to have negative momentum.With this convention,two people of equal mass coming together from opposite directions at the same speed would have total momentum zero,so if they came to a complete halt after meeting,as described above,the total momentum before the collision would be the same as the total after——that is,zero——and momentum would be conserved.of course,in the discussion above we are restricting ourselves to motions along a single line.It should be apparent that to get a definition of momentum that is conserved in collisions what Huygens really did was to tell Descartes he should replace speed by velocity in his definition of momentum。Momentum=Mass×Velocity




