paper cuts歌词音译

paper cuts歌词音译

问:求cbx paper cuts lrc文件
  1. 答:2019年4月11日 - 11日,据EXO官博侍局消息,于10日弊败正式发行的CBX日文数码单曲《Paper Cuts》老卜让将于北
问:Mew -《Like Paper Cuts》歌词翻译
  1. 答:Like paper cuts 就像被纸割伤
    I came for you 我为你而来
    Just to feel you 只为感受你
    Finally 终于
    Break in two 碎成两半
    I would that you 我宁愿 你
    Spoke with no words 没有言语地说贺困毁
    Like paper cuts they hurt 就像被纸割伤的痛
    Cicada 蝉
    Sing like it was afternoon already 鸣叫着仿佛已是午后
    Call for your Love 我渴望你的爱
    It is bulit soon to end 它只是昙花一现
    This heart is 正如这一颗心
    You rendered me 你使我
    Unprotected 无法防卫禅备
    My feet part 我的双脚分开
    Of the floor 在地板上
    I would that you 我宁愿 你
    Spoke with no words 没有言语地说
    Like paper cuts they hurt 就像被纸割伤的痛
    Cicada 蝉
    Sing like it was afternoon already 鸣叫着仿佛已是午后
    Call for your Love 我渴望你的爱
    It is built soon to end 它只是昙花一现
    This heart is 正如这一颗心
    你好! 这首歌词很有意境,像诗一尺团般朦胧。我的翻译的水平有限。 希望你喜欢。
问:paper cuts 中文意思?
  1. 答:剪纸 paper-cuts 年画
paper cuts歌词音译
