

樱桃树上的老虎——A Tiger in the Cherry Tree,本文主要内容关键词为:树上论文,樱桃论文,老虎论文,Tree论文,Cherry论文,此文献不代表本站观点,内容供学术参考,文章仅供参考阅读下载。






































High in the hills of faraway Japan there was a littletown.A cherry tree grew in the town-a small bluegreen cherry tree

The children of the town loved the little cherry.So did all the people.The landlord in the town said,"Our little tree is very beautiful.Someday it will be the most beautiful tree in all Japan."

One day the children of the town came running."Honorable Landlord! ." They cried"There is an oldman sitting in our cherry tree!"

There was an old man in the little tree.An old man and something was with him.

"Who are you ?"asked the landlord.

"I'm a man who makes magic." answered the old man."This is my tiger."

"Ho!"laughed the landlord,taking hold of the animal's tail."This is no tiger!"

Just then the animal made a big noise-a big tigernoise.

"It is a tiger!" shouted the landlord,letting go of itstail,"What's it doing in our tree?"

The old man answered,"We must have a place tostay.We can no longer work in the circus.My tiger is not very brave,and he doesn't really like the circus any longer,anyway.It is never very cold here.Please let us live in your beautiful cherry tree."

The landlord didn't know what to say.

"Let him stay,Honorable One,"smd the people of the town.

"Please let him stay."

"Please let the tiger stay ,too." said the children."We will take care of it."

"So be it ." answered the landlord.

Time went by in the little town.

The children loved the tiger.He learned to dance with the children in the streets.

The old man sat under the cherry tree and did magic things.The people of the little town learned to love him,too.That is,all but one of them did.

The landlord of the town didn't like the old man or his tiger.

"That old man should not be sitting under our beautiful tree,"he said."it doesn't look right.As for that animal,it's always eating our cherries.We must catch it and put a stop to that!"

One day the landlord sent his men to catch the tiger.The old man was sitting under the cherry tree.He saw the men coming.

"Don't put a hand on my tiger,"he said."I'll turn each of you into a red-and-black puppy if you do!" He would have done it,too,but he forgot the magic words.

It is hard to catch a tiger-even one that is not very brave.The men tried and tried,but the tiger always got away.At last they tried once more and got the tiger!They put him into a cage.

The old man saw what had happened.He got very red and angry.He was so angry that he jumped up and down under the tree.He said some magic words.By the time he had finished saying them,he and the tiger were gone.They just went away into the air.They were nowhere to be seen.

"Good thing!" said the angry landlord."Now thattiger won't eat our cherries any more."

The children cried for the tiger.The people ot thetown were very sad,too.The little cherry tree began todroop.The cherries fell from it like big red tears.

"Our tree is crying for the tiger.It wants the man who makes magic,too,"they said.

They were right.

"Find the old man,"cried the landlord "his magiccan save our little tree."

For seven days and eight nights the people lookedfor the old man.They could not find him or the tiger.

The little cherry tree drooped and drooped.Its lastcherry had fallen,like a big red tear.The children werein tears,too.Everyone in the town was very sad,eventhe landlord.

"Where is the old man of magic?"they cried."He can't be at the circus.He is too old."

"……and his tiger is not brave enough for the circus,"said the children.

Up popped the little old man.

"……but he is just right for the cherry tree,"he said.

"Please! Oh,please!"said the honorable landlord."Save our tree!"

"So be it." answered the little old man."The tree willbe saved." He smiled and said some magic words.

The drooping tree began to grow beautiful! Thenup popped the tiger.The children laughed and danced.

The old man and the tiger were happy.They were

glad to be in their tree home once more.

As for the little cherry tree,it grew and grew.For allI know,it may still be there.It may still grow high in thehills of faraway Japan.

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