Like a snake,it winds across China. From its startingpoint below sea level,it climbs west for nearly 1,500 miles.This is the Great Wall of China.It is one of the engineeringwonders of the world.Yet it was built 2,200 years ago.
The story of the Great Wall is the story of Emperor ChinShih-huang(注:此处称秦始皇为Chin,是外国人对于中国事情知道太少所致。Chin Shih-huang是过去通用的拼法,现在应按汉语拼音方案拼为Qin Shihuang。),who thought of it.And it is the story of millions of Chinese who worked—and died—to build it.
In 246 B.C.,Chin,at the age of 13,became king of oneof the many states in China. The states were warring witheach other,the rulers fighting for power.Chin was ambitious.He set out to bind the states into an empire —his empire.By 221 B.C.he had succeeded.
Emperor Chin knew that the men he had defeated would want to overthrow him.So he brought 120,000 of the richest and most powerful to his capital.In a sense,they were prisoners.But Chin built palaces for them just like those they had left.They lived in glory as lords of his court.
The emperor's own palace was the largest and richest ofall.It had thousands of rooms and separate apartments forthe emperor's wives,some of the most beautiful women in theempire.
Even with all this wealth,Chin lived in fear. Always present was the danger from the north.For 500 years northern barbarians had raided(注:raid/reid/vt.袭击,侵入) the farms of the Chinese.The raids of the savage horsemen weresudden—and they were terrible.
Chin could think of only one way to stop the raids. Thatwas a giant wall.It had to be so big that no horseman couldjump over it or ride around it.So the Great Wall was begun.
To build the Wall,Chin needed millions of workers.Almost no able-bodied(注:able-bodied adj.体格健全的) person in China escaped the call to work.Men who had never held a tool in their hands were sent to the stone pits(注:stone pit采石场).Murderers and thieves were made to work — the Wall became the empire's jail.Cruel masters with whips kept the workers on the job.And those who got sick were left to die.
The Wall began at the Gulf of Chihli(注:Gulf of Chihli:“直隶湾”,是渤海湾过去的名字。清初将明代的北直隶改为直隶省,约相当于现在的河北省,1928年正式改名为河北省。).From
the workers cut out two trenches(注:trench/trent∫ / n.深沟,堑沟),25 feet apart.They laid stone squares and bricks in the trenches to a height of 20feet.The stones and bricks became the sides of the Wall.The space between was then filled withearth and paved with-bricks.The top of the Wall became a roadway for horses (wide enough for two of today's automo-biles). Then the workers built up the sides of the wall even higher.
Over the first 300 miles the workers did not find a levelstretch for weeks at a time.Up the steep hills they draggedthe heavy stone, their backs bearing the blows of themasters' whips.With little to eat and only rotting bits ofcloth to wear,many became sick and died. Families of theworkers sent messengers with food and clothes. But fewmessengers reached the Wall.They were afraid they, too,would be made to work.
West of Peking(注:Peking北京的旧拼法),the builders struck(注:strike/straik/ vt.发现; 其过去式为 struck ) sticky(注:sticky/'stiki/adj.粘性的)
clay.Here they chained heavy logs and dragged them into place to make a mold(注:mold//n.模子,模板) for the Wall.In between the rows of logsthey dumped the soil.A long line of workers,each carrying two baskets of earth hung from a bamboo pole,filled the roadway .Others packed it down.As each stretch was finished,they hauled(注:haul/
/vt.拖曳) down the wooden mold and moved on.The Wallstood,made only of hard-packed clay.
Every 200 yards or so,towers 35 to 40 feet high werebuilt.Here soldiers with bows and arrows were left to defendthe Wall.About every mile,block-houses were built to housethe soldiers who guarded it.
Month after month,year after year,the Wall progressed.It swept in daring curves,climbed mountains, dropped intovalleys,leaped rivers.Work on the Wall stopped at a 200-foot cliff hanging over a foaming(注:foam//vi.起泡沫)white river.
How long did it take to build the Wall? No one can tellfor sure.It is known that Chin used millions of workers.Also he made use of many miles of walls already built. So it is possible that the job may have taken only 18 years.
Engineers say that the Great Wall is one of the greatestworks of man.And for a long while,it did its job. It keptout the wild horsemen of the north for more than 1,400 years.
The Wall we see today is not wholly that of Emperor Chin.It was worked on in later years,mostly between 1380 and 1644.Parts of it are in good condition. Other parts, nearlycovered by sand,rise only a few feet above the desert. Yetthe Great Wall still stands.Here is a lasting record of oneman's desire for power—and the work of unknown millions.
公元前246年,当时年仅13 岁的嬴政成了中国大地上诸多诸侯国中的一个国君。这些国家当时正在互相征战,各统治者为了权力而相互讨伐。嬴政野心勃勃。他开始了大业,要把这些国家统一为一个帝国——他的帝国。公元前221年时,他已完成了统一大业。
即使拥有如此巨大的财富,秦始皇仍生活在恐惧之中。来自北方的危险不断威胁着帝国。500年来, 北方的野蛮人不断抢掠中国的农业区。野蛮的胡骑常闪电般长驱直入,进行极其凶残的掠夺。
在前一段300英里的修建中, 民工们几个月找不到一段平坦的地段。他们背上挨着监工的鞭子,身后拖着沉重的石头,爬上陡峭的山坡。他们食不裹腹,衣衫褴缕,许多人都病死了。民工的家庭派人去送食品和衣物,可是能到达长城的很少。他们害怕自己也会被逼着去干活。
每隔200码左右,就会有一座高35至40英尺的敌台。 士兵们带着弓箭留驻在这里保卫长城。大约每隔一英里,修起一处供守墙士兵居住的碉堡。