江苏省新沂市妇幼保健所 221400
The clinical comparison of two cesarean section and non scar uterus cesarean section
Abstract: Objective: To compare the clinical effect of the two cesarean section and non scar uterus cesarean section in scar uterus pregnancy. Methods:481 cases of cesarean section in our hospital from January 2013 ~2013 to December, Scar uterus was once again the two cesarean section maternal 189 cases as observation group, and 292 cases of cesarean section in the same period were selected as the control group, and the correlation between the 2 groups were compared and analyzed.Results: by statistical analysis that scar the uterus pregnancy second delivery still to splits the palace production mode and social factors is the main reason that the difference between the two groups has statistical significance (P<0.05), in two groups of umbilical cord around neck and production process of abnormal contrast, control group was significantly higher than that of the observation group (P<0.05), in intraoperative bleeding, postpartum hemorrhage, operation time and postpartum lochia after time aspect, the observation group was significantly higher than that of control group (P<0.05). In uterine rupture rate comparison, the observation group was significantly higher than that of the control group (P<0.05). Conclusion: compared with non scarred uterine pregnancy, it is obvious that the risk of cesarean delivery is higher and the risk of cesarean section is higher than that of non scar pregnancy.
Key words: delivery; scar uterus; cesarean section; safety
近年剖宫产率逐逐年升高,社会因素成为了其升高的主要原因,剖宫产可解决各种产科原因造成的母婴安全问题,从而保证了母婴的安全,但同时也存在一些并发症等问题[1], 基于此,我院对收治的进行剖宫产手术分娩的481例产妇进行了分组研究分析,旨在对疤痕子宫再次妊娠二次剖宫分娩的风险及并发症进行认识,现报道如下。
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料 本次研究对象为2013年1月~2013年12月在我院进行剖腹产手术的481例产妇,将疤痕子宫再次妊娠二次剖宫产产妇189例作为观察组,并选取同期住院的非疤痕子宫剖宫产分娩产妇292例作为对照组,观察组产妇的平均年龄为(28.4±2.8)岁,平均孕周为(39.3±2)周,对照组产妇中,平均年龄为(27.6±3.2)岁,平均孕周为(38.8±2)周,且参与研究的2组产妇在平均年龄等一般资料的对比方面不具统计学意义(P>0.05)。
1.2 方法 回顾分析2组产妇的临床资料,对其剖宫产的原因进行重点分析,此外,还需对2组产妇的 出血量、手术时间及子宫异常等相关指标进行分析[2]。
1.3 统计学分析 我院在此次相关数据的统计分析方面运用了SPSS18.0软件,用均数±方差的形式表示计量资料,用t进行对其的检验,并用x?检验计数资料,组间对比差异具备统计学意义用P<0.05表示。
2 结果
2.1 剖宫产原因对比 经我院统计分析得出,剖宫产仍然是疤痕子宫再次妊娠二次分娩的主要方式,而社会因素显然是其造成这种现状的主要原因,此方面2组的对比具备统计学意义(P<0.05),此外,在2组的脐带绕颈及产程进展异常对比方面,对照组明显高于观察组(P<0.05),具体情况如下表。
3 讨论
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通讯地址:江苏省新沂市建业西路妇幼保健所 妇产科 王晓燕 13585378537
论文作者:王晓燕, 金淑会,鲍二
标签:子宫论文; 疤痕论文; 产妇论文; 对照组论文; 高于论文; 统计学论文; 手术论文; 《医师在线》2015年12月第23期供稿论文;