









在此阶段,老师应注意培养学生良好的阅读习惯,提高学生的阅读速度。由于中学英语注重语法和词汇教学,学生养成了一词一句仔细推敲的阅读习惯。拿过文章就逐词逐句默读,或用指指读,而且其注意力常集中于句法结构的分析和对个别词句、片言只语的理解,一叶障目,忽视了文章的中心思想及布局谋篇。这些不良的阅读方法和习惯势必大大制约着阅读效率。所以,教给学生正确的阅读方法和技巧非常必要。在第一阶段,教师应把阅读技能的训练重点放在跳读(scanning)和略读(skimming)上。跳读(又称快速寻读)旨在培养学生在规定的时间内从指定的阅读材料中,迅速准确地寻找有关细节和事实性信息或回答阅读理解题所需要的事实及依据的能力。略读(又称快速浏览),主要训练学生在规定时间内快速读完所给的材料,迅速准确地了解并抓住文章大意和主旨,让学生对文章有个总的概念和印象。若文章里有主题句(topic senten-ce),应飞速找出。在教做scanning练习时,要注意抓住五个“W”练。一般文章都包含这五大要素,而文章的大意、中心思想也往往掩藏在这五个“W”里。大量的跳读练习可以纠正学生不良的阅读习惯,使他们能逐渐把注意力放在文章里最关键的信息上,而不是单语片词上。细节注意到了,如何抓文章的主题,这就是skimming的任务。大量的略读练习,能使学生通过keywords,迅速总结出文章大意。据试验,跳读和略读间隔练习,效果更好一些。先练跳读,后练略读,再练跳读,这样一个循环一个循环地练,学生既能抓住文章的重要细节,又能总结出文章的主题,而且提高了阅读的速度。

下面选摘一篇短文,探讨一下具体的做法:John was driving home late one night when he picked up a hit-chhiker.On his way home,John checked to see if his wallet was safe in the pocket of his coat that was on the seat between them,but it wasn't there!He was suspicious of his passenger.So he slammed on the brakes,ordered the hitchhiker out,and said"Hand over the wallet immediately!"The frightened hitchhiker handed over a wallet,and John drove off.When he drove home he started to tell his wife about the experience,but she interrupted him,saying,"Before I forgot,John,do you know that you left yourwallet at home this morning!"针对此类文章,老师可先设计几个scanning练习,例如:

(1)Why did John checked his coat?

(2)What did John do when he found his wallet wasn't there?

(3)What did his wife say when he told her about the experience?

寥寥几道scanning练习题,把文章最重要的细节展露无遗。老师引导学生抓住这些细节之后,再来几个skim-ming练习,例如:What can we learn from this passage?

(A)We can judge person quickly.

(B)We aretoo quick to judge a person.

(C)How important it is not to jump to conclusion!

(D)How important it is to jump to conclu-sion!

这道题实则是让学生找出文章的中心思想(main-idea)。这是篇小故事,没有topic sentence。学生只有根据文章所提供的具体细节进行分析,归纳出中心思想。据此,老师要循循善诱,引导学生用scan-ning练习中提供的重要信息,进行判断总结,选出正确答案C。最后,老师不妨用游戏或竞赛的方式再做几个简单的猜词练习,象推测hitchhiker,suspic-ious,interrupt等词的意思,为第二阶段的学习打下基础。


经过第一阶段的阅读训练,学生已形成了良好的阅读习惯,掌握了正确的阅读方法和一些阅读技巧,词汇量扩大,解词断句与分析文章的能力都有较大提高,英语基础更加牢固,接下来教师应进行第二阶段的训练,提高阅读材料的难度、深度,选择诸如较难的叙述文、说明文及议论文等。同时进一步深化阅读技巧,训练如何猜测词义,如何找关键词(key words),如何找出隐含的意思(implied mea-ning)并作逻辑推理,揭示“弦外之音”等等。对于这些技巧,教师应分门别类进行系统地、有针对性地练习。例如如何猜测词义,最常见的方法是根据文中所给的线索进行猜测,如:He picked up a heavy encyclopedia from the bookshelf。即使不知道encyclopedia的确切含义,学生也可猜出它一定是本非常厚的书,因为它很重且放在书架上。此外,还可以根据上下文来推测,如:Unlike his father,who was quite friendly,Jack was quite standoffish.假如你不认识standoffish,不妨猜一下。Jack的父亲很友好和善,既然Jack不像他父亲,那他应该是不友好的,冷漠的。所以standoffish一定是unfriendly的意思。当然还有其它猜词的方法,象根据构词法、同义词或反义词等。教师把这些方法整理出来,通过专题练习的形式逐一传授给学生。然后再进行高强度、大密度的综合练习。这样学生的阅读理解能力必然有较大的提高。


A breakthrough in the provision of energy from the sun forthe European Economic Com-miunity(EEC)could be brought forward by up to two decades,if a modest inerease could be provided in the EEC's research effort in this field,according to the senior EEC scientists engaged in experiments in solarenergy at EEC's scientific laboratories at Ispra,near Milan.

The senior West German scientist in charge oftheCommunity's solar energy programme.Mr.Joachim Gretz,toldjournalists that at present level of research spending it wasmost unlikely that solar energy would provide as much asthree per cent of the Community's energy requirements evenafter the year 2,000.But he said that with a modest increasein the present sums,devoted by the EEC to this work it waspossible that the breakthrough could be achieved by the endof the next decade.

Mr.Gretz calculates that if solar energy only provided three per cent of the EEC's,this could still produce a saving of about a billion pounds in the present bill forimported energy each year.And he believes that with the possibility of utilizing more advanced technology in this field it might be possible to satisfy a much bigger share of the Community's future energy needs.

At present the EEC spends about s2.6 millions a year on solar research at Ispra,one of the EEC's official jointresearch centers,and another s3 millions a year in indirect research with universities and other independent bodies.

26.The phrase"be brought forward"in Line 2 most probablymeans…….

A.be advancdC.be expected

B.be completedD.be introduced

27.Some scientists believe that a breakthrough in the use ofsolar energy depends on…….

A.advanced technology

B.further experiments

C.sufficient funding

D.well-equipped laboratories

28.According to Mr.Gretz,the present sum of money will enablethe scientists to provide…….

A.less than 3% of the EEC's needs before

the year 2000

B.3% of the EEC's needs before the year


C.a little more than 3% of the EEC's needs after the year 2000

D.only 3% of the EEC's needs even after

the year 2000

29.which of the following is Not true according to thepassage?

A.the desired breakthrough could be obta-ined by the endofnext decade if in-vestment were increased.

B.At the present level ofresearch spen-ding,it isdiffieult to make any significant progress in the provision energy from the sun.

C.The EEC spends one billion pounds onimported energy each year.

D.The total yearly spending of the EEC on solar energyresearch amounted to almost 6 million dollars.

30.The application of advanced technology to research in solarenergy…….

A.would lead to a big increace in research funding

B.would make it unnecessary to import oil

C.would make it possible to meet the future energy needsof the EEC

D.would provide a much greater propor tion of theCommunity's future energy needs

这篇文章属新闻报导体裁的叙述文,信息较庞杂。针对此类文章,应指导学生把注意力集中在数据和主要事实上,让其先审题,后读文章,迅速浏览全文之后再做题,以减少盲目性。针对细节题,运用scanning找出答案。对找中心思想等综合题,要运用skimming手法。象上面这篇文章,从27题至29题均属细节题,依据第一段第一句,特别是其中的关键词"research effort",27题应选A;依据第二段第一句,28题选D;29题应正确理解第三段第(下转第76页)

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