
(四川省九寨沟县中藏医院超声科 四川九寨沟 623400)



【中图分类号】R445 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1007-8231(2017)03-0144-02

Evaluation of left atrial function in patients with rheumatic heart disease with mitral stenosis Wang Xiaorong.

Department of Ultrasound, The Chinese and Tibetan medicine Hospital of Jiuzhaigou County, Sichuan Province 623400,China

【Abstract】Objective To explore evaluation of left atrial function in patients with rheumatic heart disease by real time three dimensional echocardiography. Method The maximum left atrial volume (LAVmax), left atrial minimum volume (LAVmin), left atrial systolic volume (LAVpre) of 46 patients with rheumatic heart disease and 46 normal healthy people were measured by RT-3DE.And the left atrial total shoot blood volume (TASV), left atrial passive ejection blood volume (PASV), left atrial active ejection blood volume (AASV), left atrial dilatation index real( LAEI), left atrial whole shoot blood fraction (LAEF), left atrial passive ejection fraction (LAEFpassive) and left active ejection fraction (LAEFactive) were all calculated. The left atrial maximal volume index(LAVmaxI), left atrial minimum volume index(LAVminI), left atrial contraction of volume index(LAVpreI),left atrial total shoot blood volume index(TASVI),left atrium passive ejection blood volume index (PASVI) and left atrial active ejection blood volume index (AASVI) were all Calculated. Results The left atrial maximal volume index(LAVmaxI), left atrial minimum volume index(LAVminI)and left atrial contraction of volume index(LAVpreI)of patients with rheumatic mitral stenosis were all higher than those in the control group (P<0.05),while the left atrial dilatation index real( LAEI), left atrial whole shoot blood fraction (LAEF), left atrial passive ejection fraction (LAEFpassive) and left active ejection fraction (LAEFactive) were all All lower than the control group, the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05).The left atrial maximal volume index(LAVmaxI), left atrial minimum volume index(LAVminI),left atrial contraction of volume index(LAVpreI),left atrial whole shoot blood fraction (LAEF)and left atrial passive ejection fraction (LAEFpassive) of patients with rheumatic mitral stenosis were all associated with mitral orifice area (MVA) (P<0.05). Conclusion The left atrial memory function, conduit function and pump function of patients with rheumatic mitral stenosis are decreased,RT-3DE can evaluate the left atrial function in patients with rheumatic mitral stenosis.

【Key words】Real time three dimensional echocardiography;Rheumatic heart disease;Mitral stenosis



1.1 一般资料


1.2 检查方法


1.3 统计学分析

利用SPSS 18.0软件进行数据处理分析,计量资料用均值±标准差表示,两组间均数比较采用成组t检验。


2.1 两组左房容积、射血量与功能比较


2.2 相关分析



风湿性心脏病最常累及二尖瓣 。心瓣膜由于病变反复发作和机化,致使瓣膜增厚、蜷曲,瓣叶之间粘连愈着,二尖瓣口开放面积减小,左房血液在舒张期不能充分排入左室,引起左房容积和功能的改变,进一步可导致肺淤血、肺动脉高压。准确测量左房容积与功能对患者病情评估、治疗决策、预后判断具有重要意义[4]。和2DE相比,RT-3DE摆脱几何假设,能更好地评价体积增大形态失常的左房的容积与功能。已有研究表明,RT-3DE对左房容积与功能测值更接近于MRI和CT[5]。

Shashanka等[6]评价肥厚型心肌病左房功能时,认为左房代偿性增加左室舒张末期血容量,Schlosshan等[7]观察舒张性心力衰竭患者,可见左房收缩的后负荷及容量负荷增加,左房做功也相应增加。本研究可见风湿性心脏病MS患 者左房总射血容量指数(TASVI)、左房被动射血容量指数(PASVI)、左房主动射血容量指数(AASVI)与对照组差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),考虑MS患者亦存在一定代偿机制,其可能的机制有:(1)左房内压力增高,根据物理流量公式得到Q=S√P/2,MS二尖瓣口面积(S)减小,而左房内压力(P)增大,使舒张早期通过二尖瓣口的流量(Q)无明显减小;(2)Frank-Starling机制,左房增大使得左房心肌纤维拉长,在一定长度范围内左房肌收缩力随着初长度的增加而增大;(3)另外还可通过神经体液因素进行调节,如左房内压力增大及左房扩大,可导致肾素-血管紧张素-醛固 酮系统分泌增加,以增加心肌收缩力。



风湿性心脏病二尖瓣狭窄患者左房存储器功能、管道功能及泵功能均降低,机体通过代偿机制尽量使左房总射血容量(TASV)保持在一定范围,从而维持左室正常充盈,保障外周血液循环。实时三维超声心动图(RT-3DE)可评价风湿性心脏病MS窦性心律患者左房功能,但在评价心律失常 MS患者左房功能存在局限性。


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