语言在科学探究中闪光——双语科学课《Animal Growth》课堂实录,本文主要内容关键词为:双语论文,闪光论文,语言论文,课堂实录论文,科学论文,此文献不代表本站观点,内容供学术参考,文章仅供参考阅读下载。
师:What can animals do?
生1:Animals can run.
师:Yes,you're right.Some animals can run.(师满意地拍拍该生的肩膀。)
生2:Animals can fly.
师:Yes,Birds can fly.
生3:Animals can swim.
师:Yes,animals can do lots of things,but what else can animals do? Who wants to try?
师:Ok,don't worry.Let's see some pictures.(播放第一张幻灯片,内容为一只幼狮和成年狮的对比。)What are they?
生:They're lions.
师:Yes,they're baby lion and adult lion.(老师自然地引入baby和adult两个关键词,并教读两遍。)
师:Now,I'll show you some more pictures.(继续展示一系列动物成长的图片,如猫、狗、马、鱼等动物的幼年时期与成年时期的对比,让生观察。)
师:So,what do you know from these pictures?What else can animals do?(生认真思考,跃跃欲试,但没有学生主动举手。)
师:Don't be shy,just tell me your ideas.(老师微笑着鼓励学生大胆地发表自己的意见。)
生1:Animals can big.
师:Animals can big? Yes,animals can become bigger when they grow up.Any more ideas?
生2:Animals can“生长”.
师:Yes,you're right.Super! Animals can grow.Everybody clap your hands for him please.(师竖起大拇指,将“生长”译成英文“grow”教给学生,并引导全班同学鼓掌以示鼓励。)
师:Today we'll talk about animal growth.(师提高语调,并板书“Animal Growth”。)
师:When animals grow,how do their bodies change? "bigger or smaller?"
师:Yes,their bodies become bigger.
师:Now everybody knows that animals can grow.And there're some special animals.When they grow up,their babies change in shape.Look here.(师紧接着引入下一个教学主题——青蛙、蝴蝶的变形。)
师:What are these?
师:Very good! They're eggs.What's the next one?
师:Look! It's__.
师:Great! You're right.It's a tadpole.
师:So,the next one will be__.
生:Baby frog.
师:You're really great! Yes,it's a baby frog.(师表扬后播放幻灯片。)So,what is the last one?
生:Adult frog!
师:When a frog grows,a frog egg grows into a tadpole.The tadpole then grows into afrog.This is the life cycle of frogs.
师:Look,what's this?(展示一张蝴蝶的幻灯片。)
师:Very good! Yes,it's a butterfly.Now,Who can tell me the growth of a butterfly?(生开始七嘴八舌地开始小声讨论,但没有人举手。)
师:Ok,I will give you three minutes to discuss the growth of the butterfly.You please work in pairs.
师:If you have any questions,you may ask me.
师:Ok,time's up.Let's share your ideas.Who wants to try first?.
生:First,butterfly eggs,then毛毛虫,茧。
师:You are right.毛毛虫is "larva",茧is "pupa".
师:Anyone else?
生:A butterfly lay eggs,an egg grows into a larva.The larva grows into a pupa and then into a butterfly.
师:You are so great.Give her your hands-clapping.
师:Today we learned the growth of animals.You did a very good job!I think you can finish the sentenses.You can help each other.(播放总结本节课主要内容的幻灯片,鼓励学生互相帮助完成句子:“Animals can__.When animals grow,their bodies become__.Some even change in__.”生认真阅读句子,并开始小声讨论答案,陆续开始有人举手。)
生:Animals can grow.When animals grow,their bodies become bigger.Some even change in shapes.
师:Very good! Let's read it together.(生大声、高兴地跟读)
师:That's all for today.Bye-bye!