Law of pressure appearance along goaf roadway in 8214 face of 12# coal seam in Tangshanggou Coal Mine
LI Shao-peng
(Shanxi Zhongxin Tangshanggou Coal Industry Co.,Ltd.,Datong 037002,China)
Abstract:Based on the successful application and practice of automatic roadway mining technology in Tangshanggou coal mine,the roadway excavation rate is high and the waste of coal resources is serious,in order to further solve the problem that the roadway excavation rate is high and the coal resources are wasted seriously in the mining of conventional coal pillar mining in Tangshanggou coal mine. It is difficult to manage the stress concentration of mining roadway. Tangshanggou coal mine has started the application and practice of automatic roadway mining technology of cutting top and releasing pressure and no coal pillar in 8214 face of No. 12 coal seam. In the process of practice,it is found that the longitudinal pressure transfer of the retaining roadway has a great influence on the formation of the retained roadway and the management of the post-mining roadway,especially when the timing of the single pillar of the retained roadway after mining is not matched with the rule of the longitudinal pressure transfer of the roadway. The problem is that the roof and bottom plate of the retaining roadway are moving near by a large amount,and the side help of the retaining roadway is serious. In order to solve the above problems,through the analysis and summary of the pressure data collected by the single column manometer in 10 groups of monitoring stations in 8214 working face,the law of pressure appearance along the goaf of 8214 face is obtained,and the reasonable timing for the recovery of the single pillar after mining is selected. So that the roof and floor structure of the roadway to maintain a good shape,to ensure the safety of mining operations.
Keywords:non pillar mining;gob-side entry retaining;propagation of pressure;manifestation law;single column retreat
随着第三次矿业科学技术变革[1]的深入开展,借助于中煤集团重大科技项目的大力推进,切顶卸压无煤柱自动成巷开采技术在唐山沟煤矿成功应用[2-3],截至目前已成功回采11个工作面,合计减少掘进巷道4218 m,回收煤柱资源14.6万t,创造经济效益850余万元。
1 8214工作面围岩特征
8214工作面所开采的煤层为侏罗系中统大同组12#煤层,为近水平煤层,倾角平均4 °,结构简单,无夹矸,平均厚度1.85 m,普氏系数2.5。
煤层伪顶为致密灰色粉砂岩,随采随落;直接顶为泥岩、粉砂岩、中砂岩,厚度平均14.9 m,采后冒落较充分,对开采影响不大;本煤层无老顶赋存。煤层直接底为炭质泥岩、粉砂岩,老底为粉砂岩,较硬,如表1所示。
表1 顶底板岩性汇总表
Table. 1 Summary of lithology of roof and floor
2 监测站点布置及数据采集方法
2.1 监测站点布置
监测站点均布置在沿空留巷,从工作面切眼起0 m处为第一个站点J1,依次在25 m、50 m、75 m、100 m、150 m、200 m、250 m、300 m、350 m处布置J2、J3、J4、J5、J6、J7、J8、J9、J10共10个监测站点,如图1所示。
图1 监测站点布示意图
Figure.1 Monitoring site layout intention
2.2 监测仪器选型
图2 监测仪器示意图
Figure.2 Monitoring instrument diagram
2.2 监测时间及方法
表2 监测数据汇总表
Table.2 Summary of monitoring data
3 监测数据分析结果
图3 “压力—时间—进尺”变化曲线
Figure.3 "Pressure-time-advance" curve
通过该压力曲线可以看出,J1站点在工作面推采至13.5 m时,压力值处于谷值19.8 MPa,之后巷道顶板压力持续增大,直至工作面推采至75 m处顶板压力达到峰值23.4 MPa后,基本趋于稳定。
表3 动压显现数据分析统计表
Table.3 Statistical table of dynamic pressure presentation data analysis
从此表可以看出,8214工作面沿空留巷顶板压力增大最小范围0~3.6 MPa,最大范围0~16.9 MPa,平均增大范围0~10.16 MPa;动压显现起始位置最小4.5 m处,即采后4.5 m开始出现动压显现,动压显现起始位置最大23.8 m处,即采后23.8 m开始出现动压显现,动压显现开始的平均位置为采后15.21 m;动压显现结束位置最小34.5 m处,即采后34.5 m动压显现结束,顶板压力趋于稳定状态,动压显现结束位置最大135.0 m处,即采后135.0 m动压显现结束,顶板趋于稳定状态,动压显现结束的平均位置为采后77.21 m。
4 结 论
1、唐山沟煤矿12#煤层8214工作面切顶卸压无煤柱开采沿空留巷平均在采后15 m处出现动压显现,采后77.21 m动压显现结束,顶板压力趋于稳定状态。
2、理论上沿空留巷单体支柱密集支护在采后77.21 m时开始回撤便可以避开巷道围岩动压显现区域,但是根据巷道实际监测数据以及巷道推采区域的地质构造情况,回撤位置置于采后150 m~170 m时,既符合施工现场的安全要求,又能够保证沿空留巷巷道形态不受大的采动影响,巷道使用功能保存完好,完全能满足后续使用。
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* 变化范围“﹢、﹣”表示压力值增大或者减小。
* 压力显现起始位置和结束位置“﹢、﹣”表示采前或者采后。
标签:工作面论文; 巷道论文; 顶板论文; 压力论文; 煤层论文; 唐山论文; 位置论文; 《基层建设》2019年第21期论文;