


香坊区卫生监督所 150030

摘要:目的 探讨并研究生活饮用水微生物检验质量影响因素,并提出质控措施。方法 选取2017年1—12月期间在疾病预防控制中心进行的960件生活饮用水微生物检验为研究对象,回顾分析检测报告,分析影响检测结果的因素,并提出针对性的质量控制措施。结果 生活饮用水微生物检验影响因素主要包括环境因素、实验设备因素、人为因素。结论 分析生活饮用水微生物检验质量影响因素,并采取有效地措施加强对生活饮用水微生物检验质量控制,具有重要的意义。


[Abstract] Objective To explore and study the factors affecting the quality of microbiological test in drinking water,and to put forward the quality control measures. Methods from 2017 to December,960 microbiological tests of drinking water in the center for Disease Control and prevention from 1 to December were selected as the research objects. The test reports were analyzed retrospectively,and the factors influencing the detection results were analyzed,and the targeted quality control measures were put forward. Results the factors affecting the microbial test of drinking water mainly include environmental factors,experimental equipment factors and human factors. Conclusion it is of great significance to analyze the influencing factors of microbiological inspection quality of drinking water and take effective measures to enhance the quality control of microbial testing for drinking water.

[Key words] drinking water;microbial test;influencing factors


1 资料与方法

1.1 一般资料


1.2 方法

1.2.1样本采集 选取具有代表性的地点取样,采集过程必须严格执行无菌操作要求,确保水样采集、运输、储存等过程不受污染,且确保在采集4 h内进行检验,以免因放置时间过长造成水样变化或污染。若当天不能检测,应冷藏4℃下,并于24 h内完成检测。

1.2.2材料 按照《生活饮用水标准检验方法》(GB /T 5750—2006)要求[2],配制培养基并经121℃灭菌15 min。培养基制成平板以后,置于培养箱37℃培养24 h,若无菌落生长,证明培养基无菌,符合实验要求。将含有大肠埃希氏标准菌株的菌液接种在培养基上,若大肠埃希氏菌能够正常生长,证明培养基的成分能够满足细菌生长的条件,符合实验要求。

1.2.3实验仪器 水浴箱、恒温培养箱、高压灭菌器等。

1.2.4检验方法 按照《生活饮用水标准检验方法》(GB /T 5750—2006)要求,依据检验微生物类型,选择最适宜、最准确、最科学的实验检验方法。

2 结果

2.1 不同季节水样微生物检测情况


2.2 不同存放时间水样微生物检测结果

存放24 h的水样菌落总数最多(13 MPN/100 mL),总大肠菌群也最多为(1.8×103)CFU/mL。

2.3 不同体积水样微生物检测结果

100 mL的水样菌落总数与总大肠菌群多于1 mL水样。

2.4 不同培养温度水样微生物检测结果


3 讨论

3.1 影响生活饮用水微生物检验因素

3.1.1环境因素 通过以上分析认识到微生物检测结果容易受到外部环境的影响,并且其操作环境必须在无菌环境进行。若无菌环境遭到破坏,生活饮用水微生物检验结果可能存在误差,影响检验质量。

3.1.2实验设备因素 由于实验设备长期使用,若日常维护和保养不到位,可能会导致实验检测结果存在误差。特别是恒温培养箱,需要检定内部不同角落温度是否符合检测需求。细菌的培养温度对其生长效果影响极大。

3.1.3人为因素 ①若操作技术不规范,可能影响检测结果;②微生物样品被接收之后需要立即进行检测,避免其遭到破坏或者发生变化。样品存放时间越长,菌落总数的检测结果越高。③检测过程中取样体积、检测方法和标准限值的不同,检测结果可能出现不符合规律现象。

3.2 生活饮用水微生物检验质量控制措施

3.2.1控制实验环境 加强对实验室环境的控制,依据实验实际需求和性质,检测环境采用超净工作台或洁净间,避免生活饮用水受到环境、空气、外界温度的影响[3]。在培养基制备過程中,应确保实验室的通风性,严格消毒处理,及时验证培养基的可使用性,并做好相关使用、维护、配制记录。


3.2.2控制实验设备 在检测工作中应随时确认仪器设备是否检定或校准合格,工作状态是否正常。例如对天平仪器要进行校准,检查电热灭菌箱是否达到灭菌要求等[4]。注意检测中所用水必须进行离子或者蒸馏处理,不可使用渗透水。

3.2.3控制人为因素 加强对检测人员专业技术水平提高,进一步规范操作过程,确保检测结果的准确性。同时对其检测结果应进行客观评价,应以多次采样、多次试验的实验检测数据为依据进行合理判断,以降低实验结果误差[5]。此外,在生活饮用水水样微生物检测过程中,应注意对细节性问题的控制,确保一个环节都符合实验要求。在实验结束后对检测数据进行计算和处理时,要仔细、认真,最大化避免人为误差。








Experimental study on the fabrication of 3D printed porous implants and its flexural strength

SUN Yanzheng1&,WU Jincheng2&,LI Yi1,YANG Jianjun1*

1Unit:The Affiliated Hospital of Qingdao UniversityMedical College,Qingdao 266109,China

2Unit:The Chengyang district people's hospital,Qingdao 266003,China

Corresponding author:YANG Jianjun

Co-first author:SUN Yanzheng、WU Jincheng

Abstract:Because the collected 20 extracted premolars for orthodontic cone beam CT(CBCT)image information,using modeling software and 3D printers to produce a new bionic dental implant porous,bionic implant and premolars were divided into A and B two groups,by the universal flexural strength testing machine testing two groups. Statistical differences and flexural strength of two groups.

Key words:oral implant;3D printing technology;flexural strength

With the introduction of CBCT scanning technology and the rapid development of CAD/CAM technology,the application of 3D printing technology in oral implant has become more and more extensive in. so that it can achieve the uniform requirements of implant morphology and function,and make implant and natural dental organs better consistent with the biomechanical principle. The purpose of this study is to explore the feasibility and feasibility of 3D printing porous bionic dental implants,and to provide scientific basis for clinical application.

With the development of dental implant technology,the variety of the material and shape of the implant is increasing. At present,the dental implant system in commercial production has the geometric structure of columnar or cone. The customized implant can not only protect the hard and soft tissue,reduce the time of rehabilitation,but also achieve the uniform requirement of morphology and function,so as to make personalized bionic dental implant in the exercise function when the stress evenly spread to the surrounding bone tissue;on the other hand,the porous structure of the pore mutual connection,which provides conditions for the ingrowth of bone cells and fluid transport. Which is conducive to the stability of personalized bionic dental implant good. In this study,the use of 3D printing technology succeeded in making personalized porous bionic teeth are very similar with the goal of dental implant tooth shape,the neck to the apical surface of 1/3 with porous structure design,internal solid structure,set the 200μm pore size,a research shows that the growth of aperture 200-500μm more to bone cells,if the pore diameter is too small,can lead to cell blockage,hinder the formation of bone matrix and cell permeability,thickness as the beginning of each cross section of 1/5,pore thickness is appropriate,there is no unified results,also need to do related research.


Pirker W,Kocher A. Immediate,non-submerged,root-analogue zirconia implant in single tooth replacement[J].




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