
(广东省人民医院风湿科 广东 广州 510080)



【中图分类号】R563 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-1752(2017)12-0217-02

The efficacy and safety of connective tissue disease associated interstitial lung disease treated one year later.

Zhang Guangfeng, Xu Ting, Zhang Xiao corresponding author .Guangdong General Hospital, GuangZhou, China. 510080.China

【Abstract】To observe the efficacy and safety of patients with connective tissue disease associated interstitial lung diseases (CTD-ILDs) treated by glucocorticoids and immunosuppressive agents after 1 year. Method Retrospective analysis of 46 in-patients treated in Guangdong General Hospital was performed. Pulmonary function tests (PFTs), especially, forced vital capacity (FVC), expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) and carbon monoxide diffusing capacity (DLco) were detected 3 or more times each year. High resolution CT (HRCT) was scanned for at least two times in these periods of time. Incidence of infection, hepatic and kidney function and blood routine were also monitored to assess the safety. Result There were no differences in FVC%, FEV1% and DLco% (p>0.05). HRCT, especially ground grass lesions showed a significant difference between before and after one year later. 27 cases were found to catch infections and only one case indicated leucopenia. Conclusion After one year treatment, the PFTs of CTD-ILDs maintained stability and ground grass lesions were improved. The safety was well.

【Key words】 Connective tissue disease; Interstitial lung disease; Treatment

结缔组织病(connective tissue diseases, CTDs)是一组以免疫和免疫接到的器官损伤为主要特征的系统性疾病,而肺部又是CTD常见的受累器官,称之为结缔组织病肺间质病变(connective tissue disease associated interstitial lung disease,CTD-ILD)。常见于系统性硬化症(systemic sclerosis,SSc),多肌炎和皮肌炎(polymyositis and dermatomyositis,PM/DM),原发性干燥综合征(primary sj?gren syndrome,pSS),系统性红斑狼疮(systemic lupus erythematosus,SLE)和类风湿关节炎(rheumatoid arthritis,RA)等疾病,其异质性较强,发病率高、病理类型复杂、治疗效果不佳为主要特点,是目前造成CTD患者死亡的主要原因。本文通过回顾分析45例广东省人民医院治疗1年的资料齐全的CTD-ILDs患者在肺功能、胸部高分辨CT(high resolution CT,HRCT)的改变,以及治疗期间出现的不良反应,观察这类患者对药物治疗的反应和判断患者预后。


1.1 对象

选择广东省人民医院2012年1月到2014年12月为止,经过正规治疗(激素加或不加环磷酰胺、吗替麦考酚酯、环孢素、羟氯喹等各类免疫抑制剂)满一年的CTD-ILDs患者,(1)年龄18~80岁。(2)符合国际通用的风湿病协会制定的各类风湿病诊断标准,包括SSc、PM/DM、pSS、SLE和RA等。(3)有咳嗽、咳痰、胸闷、胸痛及气促等呼吸道表现;肺功能提示为限制性通气功能障碍、弥散功能降低; HRCT检查显示磨玻璃样、网格样、蜂窝样、纤维条索状影及囊性变。(4)至少有三次肺功能检查,每两次间隔至少≥3个月,且至少相隔1年有过两次HRCT检查者。

1.2 观察指标

(1)肺功能检查(pulmonary function test,PFT):主要观察用力肺活量(forced vital capacity,FVC)、1s用力呼气容积(1 second forced expiratory volume,FEV1)、一氧化碳弥散功能(carbon monoxide diffusing capacity,DLco)占预测值的百分比,分别表示为FVC%,FEV1%,DLco%



1.3 统计学方法

用SPSS 17.0统计软件,计量资料以x-±s表示,计数资料以例数及百分数表示。组间差异用重复测量的方差分析(ANOVA)以及配对t检验进行检验;呈非正态分布的数据用非参数秩和检验;率的比较用χ2检验。


2.1 一般资料


CTD-ILD几乎见于所有结缔组织病,其中以SSc,PM/DM),pSS,RA等疾病较为多见,Castelino报道其发病率分别为:SSc约为45%,SS>25%,PM/DM 20%~50%,RA 20%~30%,而其死亡率为:SSc9%~30%,PM/DM 30%,RA5%[2],而且以中年女性较为多见。而且目前治疗效果并不满意。正是因为CTD有自身免疫性的基础病存在,其肺部病变病理特征早期均可见炎性细胞浸润,为应用激素及免疫抑制剂治疗CTD-ILD提供了理论依据[3]。目前最常用的免疫抑制剂为环磷酰胺及吗替麦考酚酯,2006年Tashkin等人所做的环磷酰胺在SSc-ILD中的作用为临床应用提供了依据,尽管作用轻微,但与安慰剂相比仍有统计学意义[4],时隔十年Tashkin再次带领他的团队,对比了吗替麦考酚酯和环磷酰胺治疗SSc-ILD的优劣,尽管在疗效上没有得到预期的比环磷酰胺更优的结论,但因为吗替麦考酚酯的低毒性,也是值得推荐的药物[5]。其他诸如硫唑嘌呤的研究显示,可以作为二线维持治疗[6,7],对难治性CTD-ILD可以尝试使用CD20单抗[8]。本研究对46例应用激素及各类免疫抑制剂的患者追踪一年的也发现患者的肺功能并没有得到明显的改善,但可以保持稳定。无论采用何种治疗方案,患者的疗效和安全性值得肯定。




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