2006年是农历“狗年”。提起动物中的狗,中西方对待它的态度有很大的文化差异。在我们中国人的眼里,“狗”字多用于贬义,什么“狗仗人势”“狗急跳墙”“忠实走狗”“狗苟蝇营”“狗血喷头”“狗胆包天”“狗屁不通”“狗嘴里吐不出象牙”等等,屡见不鲜。但在英美等国家人的眼中,狗是人类最忠实的朋友,他们对dog则给予了更多的感情色彩和人文关怀,比如,You cannot turn a lost dog away.(不拒绝贫困者,应对其帮助)就是一句这样的表达。因此,英语带dog的词语中,除了用于贬义外,用于褒义的时候也不少。例如Love me,love my dog.就是“爱屋及乌”的意思;a lucky dog是“幸运儿”的意思;a gay dog的意思是“快乐的人”;A good dog deserves a good bone.的意思就是“有功者应受赏”。据统计,dog是英语与动物有关的习惯用语中用途最广的词之一。下面就将与dog(小狗)有关的英语词语列举出来,供大家学习英语时参考使用。
1.Barking dogs seldom bite.吠犬不咬人。
2.This(That)dirty dog.这(那)个狗东西。
3.Every dog is a lion at home.狗是百步王,只在门前狂。
4.Dumb dogs are dangerous,不叫的狗最凶恶。
5.He is as faithrul(loyal)as a dog.忠诚如狗。
6.Nobody but a dog would evict his own mother.只有狗(禽兽)才会把母亲赶出门。
7.He that lies down with dogs must rise up with fleas.与狗同睡觉,惹得一身蚤。
8.a dog-eat-dog strugSle一场狗咬狗的争斗。
9.a dog in the manger狗占马槽(占着茅坑不拉屎)
10.An old dog will bark not in vain.老狗不乱叫。
11.Beware of a silent dog and still water.提防不叫的狗,当心静止的水。
1.a lazy dog懒惰的家伙
2.a water dog水性好的人
3.come like a dog at a whistle一呼即来,
4.a case of dog eat dog相互残害
5.die like a dog; a dog's death潦倒而死
6.dressed like a dog's dinner穿着极其讲究
7.give(throw)sth to the dogs丢弃某物,牺牲某物以自保
8.Give a dog a bad name and hang it.一旦有了坏名声,就永远洗不清。
9.go to the dogs堕落;败坏
10.help a lame dog over a stile助人于危难;雪中送炭
11.look like a dog's breakfast(dinner)零乱的;乱七八糟的
12.Dogs that put many hares kill none.多谋寡成。
13.Dogs don't eat dogs.虎毒不食子。
14.Fight dog,fight bear.决一雌雄。
15.Every dog has its day.人皆有得意时。
16.The new singer is a dog.那名新歌手不受观众青睐。
17.He gets ill easily on dog days.三伏天他爱感冒。
18.A staff is quickly found to beat a dog with.欲加之罪,何患无辞。
19.Better a living dog than a dead lion.好死不如赖活着。
20.He leads a dog's life.他过着牛马不如的生活。
21.Let sleeping dogs lie.别惹事生非。
22.I work like a dog to make good.要达到目的,我拼命干。
23.My dogs are killing me.我的双脚疼极了。
24.The scalded dog fears cold water。一年被蛇咬,十年怕井绳。
25.Hungry dogs eat dirty puddings.饥不择食。
26.There is life in the old dog yet.人老雄心在。
27.It's raining cats and dogs.正在下倾盆大雨。
28.He is on top dog.他身居高位。
29.The team does not stand even a dog's chance.那支队伍毫无希望。
30.a dumb dog沉默不语的人
31.a sly dog暗中寻欢的人;暗地里偷鸡摸狗的人
32.dog tied非常疲劳(因打猎时狗总是在东奔西跑,疲惫不堪。)
33.to be under dog居于低位,听命于他人
34.to give the dogs因无价值而废弃掉
35.Things are going to the dogs.形势每况愈下。
36.like a dog with two tails(某人)非常高兴
37.yellow dog无赖
38.Everything goes to the dogs.一切都完了。
39.teach an old dog new tricks使守旧的人接受新事物
40.teach the dog to bark多此一举
41.The dog returns to its vomit.狗回头吃自己吐出的东西;重犯旧日罪恶。
42.be old dog at对某事在行
43.top dog当权派;头儿
1.heavy fall or a fall flat on the face吃狗屎
2.horseshit; rubbish狗屁
3.a person who offers bad advice; inept adviser狗头军师
4.redthug; lackey; benchman狗腿子
5.be a bloody snob狗眼看人低
6.let loose a stream of abuse against Sb; Pour out a flood of invective against sb.狗血喷头
7.be abully with the backing of apowerful person狗仗人势
8.A filthy mouth can't utter decent language.狗嘴里吐不出象牙。
9.monstrously audacious狗胆包天
上述关于“狗”的用语要是还没有涵盖全,请其他人“狗尾续貂”!“狗尾续貂”英语的翻译是a dog's tail joined to sable(of a literature work);a wretched sequel to a fine work.