张蕾蕾 - “网络+教育”视角下高校艺术类专业发展路径探索

张蕾蕾 - “网络+教育”视角下高校艺术类专业发展路径探索

Title:Exploration of the development path of Art Majors in Colleges and Universities under the perspective of "Internet + education"




论文来源:美术教育研究 2019


Abstract:" Internet + education " is the result of further practice of Internet thinking, and a new opportunity and a new stage in the development of contemporary education. With the rapid development of the new technology revolution, the education and teaching of traditional colleges and universities have been impacted and challenged unprecedentedly. Facing the wave of Internet, the education and teaching in Colleges and universities are undergoing historic changes. This paper analyzes the characteristics and connotations of ", Internet + education ", and compares the differences in mode, content, method and evaluation system of art teaching and traditional teaching in Colleges and universities, and explores ", Internet + education ", and a new path for the development of Art Majors in Colleges and universities.


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张蕾蕾 - “网络+教育”视角下高校艺术类专业发展路径探索
