A French photographer touring the world to take picturesof the world's oldest and biggest trees says his images (注:图像; 影像。 在句中指拍摄的照片) will
anexhibition to try to save the world.
He is now heading to China to carry on his project.
Jerome Hutin-Koechlin has spent 11 months travellingthrough Chile, Canada, the United States, Mexico andAustralia photographing native trees. In California, hephotographed a bristlecone pine(注:芒松, 一种美国西部产的松树,其果具有突出刺毛尖头) that is at least 3000 years
old.In New Zealand he visited Tane Mahuta(注:泰恩·马休塔, 一棵树的名字),the giant North-land kauri(注:考里松, 产于新西兰的一种松树) which is more than 1,000 years old,a totara (注:托达拉罗汉松,产于新西兰的一种高乔木松树。) in Waikato'sPureora Forest and a large pohutukawa(注:绒毛树心木, 一种产于新西兰的乔木,花深红色,叶下面披银白色绒毛。) in Opotiki.
Hutin,who is 32,plans to enlarge his tree photographsto life-size(注:和实物一样大小) and work them on(注:轻轻地装上。在这里指固定到……上。) to canvases.He will unravel(注:解开,拆开。在这里指把……开展。)the artworks of gianttree photographs hundreds of metres tall from high buildingsin Paris,New York and Sydney.
He estimates that the photographic reproduction
andcanvas will cost about $8 million. He also wants toincorporate a laser-light show of a seed growing into a treewith the exhibition,planned to start in 2000.He has not yetsecured a sponsor but has found a French publisher willing toback a book featuring the trees he has photographed
Hutin's message is that the human population is nottaking trees seriously and they will die if it does notchange its attitude to them.
"With pollution,forestry and neglect we are
ruiningour trees too quickly,yet we know we cannot survive withoutthem.We must save the remnants of these old trees andalthough it is difficult with the hazards of the world,thataction will save the world."
Hutin will head to India,China,Japan and Africa beforereturning to France in September 2000 to begin preparing hisexhibition.