杨瑛笛 孙晓峰 丘文君
(广州中医药大学附属第一医院产科 广东 广州 510405)
【中图分类号】R271 【文献标识码】B 【文章编号】2095-1752(2016)22-0365-02
【Abstract】Objective To understand the main TCM clinical sydromes of gestational diabetes mellitus and pursue the relation among ages, gestational weeks on diagnosis,BMI and the common TCM clinical sydromes by investigating multi-factors in 220 patients with gestational diabetes mellitus so as to provide foundation for the clinical treatment and prevention of gestational diabetes mellitus.Methods 220 patients with gestational diabetes mellitus were selected to study their TCM clinical sydromes by questionnaires.The distribution of the TCM clinical sydromes were mastered by statistics analyzing the informaion above.Results The main TCM clinical sydromes of gestational diabetes mellitus were mind Yin deficiency syndrome(65 cases,accounting for 29.5%),Qi and Yin deficiency syndrome(52 cases,accounting for 23.6%), Spleen deficiency with damp harassment syndrome(21 cases,accounting for 9.5%),Liver depression and qi stagnation syndrome(19 cases,accounting for 8.6%),Spleen and kidney Yang deficiency syndrome(17 cases,accounting for 7.7%), kidney Yin deficiency syndrome(8 cases,accounting for 3.6%), kidney Yang deficiency syndrome(5 cases,accounting for 2.3%),Heart qi deficiency syndrome(5 cases,accounting for 2.3%),Liver stomach Yin deficiency syndrome(4 cases,accounting for 1.8%), Spleen deficiency anemia(2 cases,accounting for 0.9%),Syndrome does not exceed 14 points is defined as undetermined type(22 cases,accounting for 10.0%).Patients with an average age of 33.14±4.21 years in Spleen deficiency with damp harassment syndrome group,whose ages were increases markedly comparing the other four groups of the main TCM clinical sydromes with significant statistical significance (P<0.05).Conclusion The most common TCM clinical sydromes of gestational diabetes mellitus is mind Yin deficiency syndrome.The factor of age affect the distribution of the TCM clinical sydromes of gestational diabetes mellitus.Spleen deficiency with damp harassment syndrome more often occurs in elderly patients with gestational diabetes.
【Key words】Gestational diabetes mellius(GDM); TCM clinical sydrome; Spleen deficiency with damp harassment syndrome
妊娠期糖尿病(gestational diabetes mellitus ,GDM)是一种妊娠期的特有疾病,属于糖尿病的特殊类型,对母儿危害性明显高于血糖代谢正常的孕妇。大量临床数据显示,世界各国GDM发病率约为1%~14%[1],我国GDM发病率约为1%~6.8%,近年有明显增高趋势[2]。糖尿病属于祖国传统医学“消渴病”范畴,是先天禀赋与后天各因素所导致[3],最早见于《黄帝内经》。本研究旨在通过调查GDM患者的中医症候群,总结常见的中医证型,为妊娠期糖尿病的中医证型诊断提供客观依据,并为该病的中医药干预提供理论基础。
1.1 一般资料
1.2 诊断标准
1.2.1妊娠期糖尿病的诊断标准:(1)在妊娠24~28周及以后,应对所有尚未被诊断为糖尿病的孕妇行葡萄糖耐量试验。(2)空腹血糖、服糖后1小时和2小时血糖值分别为5.1 mmol/L、10.0mmol/L、8.5mmol/L。达到或超过上述任意一点血糖值即可诊断为GDM[4]。
1.3 中医证型诊断标准
1.4 制定问卷调查表
1.5 统计学方法
应用Microsoft Excel建立数据库录入相关信息,采用SPSS 19.0中文版统计软件进行数据统计。所有统计检验均采用双侧检验,P<0.05被认为有统计学意义。计量资料的结果以均数±标准差表示,计数资料以百分比(%)表示,计量资料比较采用t检验,计数资料比较采用卡方检验[5]。
2.1 本次调查的220例妊娠期糖尿病患者中,按临床证型分类,结果如下:心神阴虚65(29.5%)>气阴两虚52(23.6%)>脾虚湿困21(9.5%)>肝郁气滞19(8.6%)>脾肾阳虚17(7.7%)>肾阴虚8(3.6%)>肾阳虚5(2.3%)>心气虚5(2.3%)>肝胃阴虚4(1.8%)>脾虚血亏2(0.9%)>未定证型(证候积分未超过14分者)22(10%)(见表1) 。
表1 证型 例数 比例
2.2 妊娠期糖尿病中医证候积分(表2)
[1]Guariguata L,Linnenkamp U,Beagley J,et al.Global estimates of the prevalence of hyperglycaemia in pregnancy for 2013 for the IDF diabetes atlas[J].Diabetes Res Clin Pract,2013,S0168-8227(13)00386-0.
[2]Zhang F, Dong L, Zhang CP, et al.Increasing prevalence of gestational diabetes mellitus in Chinese women from 1999 to 2008[J].Diabet Med,2011,28:652-657.
[4]International Association of Diabetes and Pregnancy Study Groups Consensus Panel.International association of diabetes and pregnancy study groups recommendations on the diagnosis and classification of hyperglycemia in pregnancy[J].Diabetes Care,2010,33(3):676-682.
标签:妊娠期论文; 糖尿病论文; 中医论文; 脾虚论文; 统计学论文; 患者论文; 见证论文; 《医药前沿》2016年8月第22期论文;