(盐城幼儿师范高等专科学校 江苏 盐城 224001)
【摘 要】应用本文所述方法,可在两端固定梁相应简支梁上通过“二次加载法”直接求得固端弯短。
Secondary Load Method to Calculate Both Ends Fixed Liang Gu end Bending Moment
Zhou Jia-lin
【Abstract】The method described in this paper can be used to obtain the short bend of the solid end directly by the “secondary loading method” on the corresponding simply supported beam at both ends of the fixed beam.
【Keywords】Secondary loading method; Fixed beam at both ends
【中图分类号】O39;TB121 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1002-8544(2016)22-0050-02
标签:弯矩论文; 盐城论文; 两端论文; 加载论文; 可在论文; 江苏论文; 所述论文; 《建筑知识》2016年22期论文;