石麟 - 《红楼梦》是曹雪芹家族的集体创作

石麟 - 《红楼梦》是曹雪芹家族的集体创作

Title:A dream of Red Mansions is the collective creation of Cao Xueqin's family




论文来源:荆楚学刊 2019


Abstract:The author problem of dream of Red Mansions has been a hot topic since the book appeared, but the discussion of this problem is only strong and weak. In recent years, this hot topic has become more and more popular, with various opinions springing up, and the traditional "Cao zuogaogao" theory has been challenged. In fact, sticking to Cao Xueqin's work a dream of Red Mansions, there are many problems, but if we expand our perspective a little bit, we can attribute the copyright of dream of Red Mansions to Cao Xueqin's family, and position Cao Xueqin as the author of the incomplete draft, many problems will be solved, and the copyright problem of dream of Red Mansions will be in a bright future.


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石麟 - 《红楼梦》是曹雪芹家族的集体创作
