(徐州医科大学 江苏徐州 221000)
【摘要】目的:探究新诊断2型糖尿病患者的阿司匹林抵抗发生率及分析相关因素。方法:选取124例新诊断2型糖尿病患者,采用血栓弹力图检测观察其阿司匹林抵抗情况,分为阿司匹林抵抗组(aspirin resistance,AR);阿司匹林半抵抗组(aspirin semi-responders,ASR);阿司匹林敏感组(aspirin sensitive,AS),并进行相关指标检测。结果:AR发生率5.65%,ASR 发生率30.65%,其余为AS,且AR组TG水平显著高于其余两组(P<0.05),而BMI、PLT及HbA1c等指标三组间均无显著差异(P>0.05)。结论:新诊断2型糖尿病患者中,AR的发生率为5.65%,且伴有脂代谢异常的患者更易出现AR或ASR。
【中图分类号】R587.1 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1007-8231(2018)06-0020-02
An investigation into the incidence of aspirin resistance in the new diagnostic patients with type 2 diabetes
【Abstract】Objective To explore the incidence and analysis of aspirin resistance in the new diagnostic patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Methods A total of 124 cases of newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes were selected,and the resistance of aspirin was detected by the thrombus test.Divide them to 3 groups:aspirin resistance group (AR),Aspirin semi- responders(ASR),aspirin sensitive group (AS),and teste the relevant indicators.Result The incidence of AR was 5.65%, and the ASR was 30.65%,the rest of the AS.The TG levels of AR group were significantly higher than those of the other two groups(P﹤0.05),and there was no significant difference between BMI, PLT and HbA1c(P﹥0.05).Conclusion: In the new diagnostic patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus, the incidence of AR was 5.65%, and patients with abnormal lipid metabolism were more likely to be AR or ASR.
【Key words】Type 2 diabetes;Aspirin resistance;Thromboela-stogram.
1.1 一般资料
选取2016年4月至2017年10月在我院新诊断的124例2型糖尿病患者,其中男性77例,女性47例,全部患者均符合2型糖尿病诊断标准,均口服阿司匹林0.1 qd至少1月。排除肝肾功能不全、糖尿病急性并发症等疾病。所有入选者均签署知情同意书,符合医院制定的伦理学标准。
1.2 检测方法
生化指标测定选用日立7600全自动生化分析仪当日完成;HBA1C测定用Variant II全自动糖化血红蛋白监测仪;血栓弹力图检测采用美国血液中心TEG仪,检测试剂均使用相应配套试剂。
1.3 评价标准
TEG血小板图AA抑制率结果判断。TEG血小板图AA抑制率<20%为阿司匹林抵抗即阿司匹林抵抗组(aspirin resistance,AR);AA抑制率介于20%与50%之间阿司匹林半抵抗组(aspirin semi-responders,ASR);AA抑制率>50%为阿司匹林敏感组(aspirin sensitive,AS)。
1.4 数据处理
1.1 血小板聚集测验结果
表1 血小板聚集测验结果
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标签:阿司匹林论文; 糖尿病患者论文; 患者论文; 血小板论文; 表现为论文; 糖尿病论文; 发生率论文; 《心理医生》2018年6期论文;