

International Migration and Its Security Challenge

Chen Jimin

Abstract: The international migration issue has become more pronounced as larger numbers of refugees and working-age populations cross national borders seeking to improve their economic opportunity and personal security. While refugee protection remains the international community’s focus, the movement of illegal migrants arouses national security challenges.An accurate understanding of factors developing out of the press of migrants helps countries create sound policy and systems. National, regional and global governance is required for a better response to transnational movement.

Keywords: international migration,security challenge,refugees

I nternational migration is an unsurprising outgrowth of globalization since opportunity facilitates the movement of people and, in return, their choices and actions trigger the development of globalization.“Like other flows, whether financial or commercial, flows of ideas or information, the rising tide of people crossing frontiers is among the most reliable indicators of the intensity of globalization,”1 IOM, World Migration Report 2003, accessed February 18, 2019, an insightful migration study from over 15 years ago noted. Handling the consequent security problems ensuing from international migration is important in governance, but migration issues are distinctly different from in the past. People flows are faster and more random than before in today’s world which offers fast transit, instant electronic communication, and lower barriers to people-to-people connection. For one thing, the number of international migrants hassubstantially increased.Statistics for 2000-2017 show international migrant numbers increased 49 percent, from 173 million to 258 million people. UN studies found that 3.4 percent of humans in 2017 were international migrants,1 UN, International Migration Report 2017: Highlights, accessed February 18, 2019, most of them having moved away from their homes in the South, moving South-North or South-South.2 UN,International Migration Report 2013,accessed February 18,2019, Another pattern is that highincome countries absorbed most of the recent growth in international immigration, gaining 64 million migrants in 2000-2017. Two-thirds of international migrants were living in just 20 countries, the largest number(50 million) in the United States.3 UN, International Migration Report 2015: Highlights, accessed February18, 2019, The gender ratio is balanced, and the majority of international migrants are of working age, their median age being 39 in 2017, a slight increase from 38 in 2000.4 UN,International Migration Report 2017:Highlights. The tightening of immigration policies by some countries, often intentionally, tracks specific national needs for skilled labor and resources.


International migrants with ambiguous citizenship offer another governance question. A case study of such a hidden, mobile group of people is difficult in places where statistics are lacking or unreliable. In the US,public perception that the number of illegal immigrants is increasing is not supported by statistics.“Unauthorized”US immigrants were fewer in 2016 than in any year since 2004, the 2016 statistic of 10.7 million unauthorized immigrants indicating a 13 percent decline from the 2007 peak. Fewer new unauthorized immigrants are coming into the US,especially with migration from neighboring Mexico declining5 Jens Manuel Krogstad, Jeffrey Passel and D’Vera Cohn,“5 facts about illegal immigration in the U.S.,”accessed December 19,2018, as a result of Mexico’s reduced population growth and improving economy.The birth rate for women in Mexico has dropped to 2.2 children,from 6.5 children in the 1970s,1 “Population Growth in Mexico,”August 7, 2018, accessed December 19, 2018, and the Mexican GNP income per capita reached US$13,245 in 2011. Lessening the incentive to leave Mexico is the country’s improvements in wages, education access, and attitude toward US lifestyles,2 Sara Miller Llana,“Four reasons why illegal immigration across the US-Mexico border has dropped,”October 26,2011,accessed December 19,2018, along with Mexicans’perceptions that living and working in the US without authorization is less attractive than before.A study sample in 2017 showed interest in coming to the US was noticeably less,13 percent,down from 20 percent two years prior.3 Margaret Vice and HanyuChwe,“Mexican Views of the U.S. Turn Sharply Negative,”September 14,2017,accessed December 19,2018,

Increased immigration from Central America to the US poses a challenge in illegal migration structure and refugee status applications.After a group of unaccompanied minors from Central America had been proceeding toward the southern border of the US,the Trump administration introduced a“zero-tolerance”policy in prosecuting people caught entering the US illegally. As a result, nearly 3,000 children were separated from their parents before Trump, bowing to public outrage, signed an executive order on June 20 halting the family separations.4 “Q&A: Trump Administration’s‘Zero-Tolerance’Immigration Policy,”August 16,2018,accessed December 19,2018, Not all families have yet been reunited, which will have a chilling effect on Mexican immigration.With the Central American group more than 1,000 miles from the border,Trump seized on the“caravan”as an issue in the midterm elections5 John Fritze and Christopher Schnaars,“President Trump Latches onto Migrant Caravan as Top Issue in Midterms,”October 25, 2018, accessed December 19, 2018, and as a reason for a US$5 billion border wall. Most members of that group were seeking asylum, but many turned back or were forced to stay in Mexico.Asylum-seekers must prove that they are fleeing gang activity, violent crimes or economic collapse in their home country.Differentiation between asylum-seekers and unauthorized immigrants makes immediate immigration enforcement problematic. In the US asylum and immigration cases may linger in the courts for several years before they are resolved.Since 2015, the EU also experienced an influx of refugees and migrants,and the cases to determine the future of unaccompanied minors is a judicial and governance issue there.

Refugee protection and governance remain issues within the international community.To create standards for handling refugees who are forced to flee their homes due to political, religious, military or other problems, the Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees was passed in 1951, after World War II, and in 1967 an additional protocol was instituted as international law. Refugees seek asylum in another country because of well-founded fears of being persecuted in their home country for their race,religion, nationality, membership in a social group, or political opinion.Under international law, refugees are persons identified as being in need of international protection because of a serious threat to their life, physical well-being or freedom in their country of origin as a result of persecution,armed conflict,grave violence or public disorder.1 UNHCR,“The Refugee Concept under International Law,”accessed December 20,2018,

The Refugee Situation

By the end of 2017, there were 25.4 million refugees worldwide—the highest ever.2 UNHCR,“Global Trends: Forced Displacement in 2017,”accessed December 20,2018, 2017.pdf. Obviously influenced by outside factors such as war, climate change and famine, the global refugee population is younger, on average,than the population of global immigrants. Children below 18 years of age constitute about half of the refugee population,1 UNHCR,“2016 in Review: Forced Displacement in 2016,”accessed December 20,2018, and due to humanitarian and human rights considerations, international refugee protection has been established. It is generally accepted as a necessity. But enforcement and protection are patchy in the global refugee protection system. While the developing countries that host many refugees have systems in place and experience in handling a multiplicity of issues, the world’s poorest countries do grant legal asylum status to refugees. By contrast, their methods of handling refugees, inferior accommodations, and inexperience do lower the efficiency of refugee protection.Approximately 85 percent of the refugees under a UNHCR mandate (2017 statistics) were granted protection in countries in the developing world.2 UNHCR,“Global Trends:Forced Displacement in 2017.” The US and EU, after opening their doors to many refugees and legal immigrants, have experienced political pressure from the negative public attitudes towards refugee resettlement during these economically uncertain times.Nonetheless, on September 19, 2016, the UN General Assembly unanimously adopted the New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants to reaffirm commitments for protecting people on the move. Two global compacts subsequently created in 2018 help protect refugees and ensure safe, orderly and regular migration. UN High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi called the New York Declaration“unprecedented”for filling“a perennial gap in the international protection system—that of truly sharing responsibility for refugees.”3 UNHCR,“New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants,”accessed December 20,2018, When Trump pulled the US out of the UN global compact on migration in late 2017,4 Patrick Wintour“,Donald Trump pulls US out of UN global compact on migration,”December 3,2017,accessed December 20,2018, it weakened immigrants and refugees’human rights, particularly in parts of Europe where political parties have talked up the“threat”of newcomers to gain power.Assertions by leaders of Alternative for Germany and Italy’s Five Star Movement,for example, fuel voters’resentment toward immigration policies, and these assertions can be a successful ploy at election time.

The impression that immigrants are responsible for most terrorist attacks is misleading and creates a dangerous misperception among the public, leading to xenophobia, social division, and hate crimes on a personal basis. Throughout human history, the outsider has been the focus of suspicion and often hatred.2 Monika Wohlfeld,“Is Migration a Security Issue?,”in Omar Grech and Monika Wohlfeld (eds.), Migration in the Mediterranean: Human Rights, Security and Development Perspectives, Gutenberg Press, 2014,68, accessed February 23, 2019, One set of people may distrust, doubt or hate certain foreign populations. If a country’s leaders magnify the link between terror and immigration, and chose to intensify distrust of its foreign population, negative consequences can follow. Some evidence is showing that isolation,alienation,impoverishment from underemployment,and the social exclusion of foreigners and immigrants in the receiving countries can increase the likelihood of their involvement in terrorist activities.3 Huseyin Cinoglu and Nurullah Altun,“Terrorism, International Migration and Border Control,”European Scientific Journal,No.20(2013):101. Blaming terrorism on the migrants creates anxiety and rage in immigrant societies, fosters discrimination, and leaves room for hostility against the state. For native and immigrant groups, physical separation and emotional disconnect rises along with the possibility of clashes between native and foreign societal groups.4 Ibid.,103. Rather than concentrate and fund efforts to block genuine terrorists, governments can waste time and money in treating almost all immigrants with suspicion.


Immigration and Terrorism

Since the 1980s, the relations between migration and national security have attracted international community’s concern. The Third Pillar on Justice and Home Affairs, the Schengen Agreements, and the Dublin Convention patently link migration to terrorism, crime, and inadequate border control.4 Jef Huysmans,“The European Union and the Securitization of Migration,”Journal of Common Market Studies,Vol.38.Issue 5,December 2000,756. In the US, migration and terrorism have, sometimes unquestioningly, been assumed to be one and the same ever since the September 11, 2001 attacks. The Anti-terrorism, Crime and Security Act 2001 articulated a link between immigration and international terrorism.Policies in other countries used this unexamined argument to equate“terrorism”with foreigners, even though native citizens make terrorist attacks. Despite the EU’s open borders on other matters, France has established joint border patrols with Italy, the UK and Belgium to prevent migrants with a valid visa in one country from moving to another. To do this, funding for border control had to be increased.5 Alexander Spencer,“Linking Immigrants and Terrorists: The Use of Immigration as anAnti-Terror Policy,”The Online Journal of Peace and Conflict Resolution 8.1,No.1(2008):4. In the past several years, US Republican officials in federal and local governments cite combatting foreign terrorism and crime as among the reasons, along with job protection, for more restrictive measures to enable migration control,using laws and penalties on immigrants’employment, housing, motor vehicle licensing, traffic violations, and their children’s access to public education. Since his election, President Trump has added pressure by enacting a“Muslim ban”on visitors and students from some Muslim countries including Iran; by refusing to legalize the native-born children of illegal immigrants, the so-called “Dreamers”; by challenging the constitutional right of citizenship for those born on American soil; by threatening“sanctuary”cities; shutting down much of the US government for more than a month to try to force Congress to fund a wall to keep out border crossers in the American Southwest, and by encouraging more frequent ICE raids (US Immigration and Customs Enforcement) on businesses employing unauthorized immigrants.

For authorized immigrants, contractual relationships with destination countries are already in place, but for the situations of unauthorized immigrants, more analysis is needed. As US scholar Monika Wohlfeld pointed out,“irregular migration”today results from“increased mobility as a result of globalization,”“increasing limitation of legal migration possibilities,”and a“substantial mismatch between the supply and demand sides for labor.”A fourth trend she identified“is that cases of mass migration often result from mass infringements of human rights and conflict, such as is the case in Syria, Libya, Iraq or the Middle East.”3 Monika Wohlfeld,“Is Migration a Security Issue?,”67. The 2015 UN migration study reported that root causes of migration are“conflict, poverty, inequality and lack of decent jobs.”Irregular migration is a form of migration produced by an imbalance between sovereign control and the global economy. Governance of irregular migration, to effectively address the future impact of globalization and technology,should target the motivations driving migrants to leave their homes.Above all, rationality about irregular migration will go farther in understanding why countries that traditionally invited immigration were ones that lacked a sufficient labor force, or specific skill sets among their populace. These traditional immigration destinations have more tolerance for cultural newcomers but are now shaken by the security risks of terrorism. The ad hoc, convenient scapegoating of immigrants during economic recession is best answered by information and leadership. At least one well-designed research study has demonstrated that the more expertise a person has about immigration, the more the person will regard immigrants’influence and contributions to society as positive.1 Stephen Moore,“Social Scientists’View on Immigrants and U.S. Immigration Policy: A Postscript,”Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science,Vol.487,September 1986,217.

Studies have not verified a link between immigration and crime,despite common belief that there is a correlation. In fact, foreigners are even less likely to report being the victim of a crime. A study by the University of Oxford’s center on migration,policy and society (COMPAS)found that foreign-nationals are less likely to report being a crime victim than British nationals.2 Pew Research Center,“On Immigration Policy, Partisan Differences but Also Some Common Ground,”August 25,2016,accessed December 25,2018, To clear up matters, the pro-immigration American Immigration Council studied the 1990-2013 data. While the foreign-born share of the US population grew from 7.9 percent to over 13 percent and unauthorized immigrants more than tripled from 3.5 million to 11.2 million, FBI crime statistics for that period showed violent crime nationwide declined 48 percent. Rates of aggravated assault, robbery, rape,and murder fell.Property crime fell 41 percent,including declining rates of motor vehicle theft,larceny/robbery,and burglary.According to an original analysis of data from the 2010 American Community Survey (ACS)conducted by the authors of this report, roughly 1.6 percent of immigrant males ages 18-39 are incarcerated, compared to 3.3 percent of the nativeborn. The conclusion to be drawn is that immigrants are less likely to be criminals than the native-born.1 Walter Ewing,Daniel E.Martínez and Rubén G.Rumbaut,“The Criminalization of Immigration in the United States,”July 13,2015,accessed December 25,2018, A review of police department crime data revealed the US-Mexico border cities El Paso and San Diego are two of the country’s safest urban areas. Despite this, the assumed crime-migration correlation still has its feet, a case in point being Trump on the campaign trail in 2016 vilifying non-white immigrants as“criminals,”“rapists”and“bad hombres.”

The complexity of the international migration situation involves economic, social and security aspects1 IOM,World Migration Report 2018,accessed August 20,2018, because unauthorized bordercrossing can be viewed as undermining state sovereignty2 Khalid Koser,“When is Migration a Security Issue?,”March 31,2011,accessed December 24,2018, and because public concern over“irregular migration”3 IOM,World Migration Report 2018. touches cultural as well as security issues.


Because international immigration is a change agent that creates security risk, objectivity about the situation and sensitivity to public backlash are called for to solve the problem without“demonizing”migration. Both immigrants’rights and national sovereignty can be and ought to be respected. The development of human society is inextricably linked to individuals’movement. As stated in the Human Development Report 2009, the ability to move is a dimension of freedom, an inherent right of every person—with potential for societal development.1 UNDP,Human Development Report 2009,accessed September 15,2018, Only the advent of an abstract construct of the nation-state made border control a symbol of sovereignty and necessitated population migration rules. The high-level 2016 UN General Assembly summit for refugees and migrants took on the way in which the international community responds to large movements of refugees and migrants. UN member states unanimously adopted the New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants that declares,“We reaffirm that everyone has the right to leave any country,including his or her own, and to return to his or her country. We recall at the same time that each State has a sovereign right to determine whom to admit to its territory,subject to that State’s international obligations.”2 UN,“New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants,”accessed September 15,2018,


Presuming that outsiders pose a cultural threat, especially if they will not be subservient and inferior, is characteristic of human societies, and integrating newcomers who look, act, and believe differently from the mainstream or the norm will challenge the cultural security of destination countries. Different countries recognize the rights of immigrants’culture differently, as France had shown with its decision a few years ago banning girls’head coverings in French public schools. Historically and legally the US has welcomed immigrants and their cultures, except during periods of isolationism. Most Americans view openness to foreigners as essential to US culture and publicly celebrate diversity in schools and communities. Of late, however, structural changes provoke fears about national identity.Europeans in some countries view migration as a threat to traditional identity and core values, whereas relatively under populated Canada maintains tolerance towards migration as its policy. For foreign immigrants, cultural integration often is delayed a generation due to language barriers and too little government investment. Consequently, the human rights and social inclusion of immigrants has risen on UN agendas.

Potential for Solutions

Reputable statistics show that immigrants are far less likely to commit crimes than native-born citizens. Why this is so is not easily pinpointed,and two opposing theories compete for acceptance. One is that illegal status encourages law-abiding behavior, meaning that undocumented immigrants refrain from crime for fear of being traced and expelled. The other theory is that undocumented immigrants are more likely than others to commit crimes in order to survive, especially if they are excluded from public services and the formal labor market. In essence, this theory is that poverty and marginalization caused by their illegal status make them more likely to be law-breakers.Geography,rather than data,affects which theory is more popular.Europeans favor the theory that immigration triggers more crimes, whereas at least one poll found that a majority of US citizens view undocumented immigrants as hard-working and as honest as US citizens;67 percent of those polled said illegal immigrants are no more likely than citizens to commit a serious crime.1

Behind the intensity, the argument goes, is the fear that international terrorism relies on immigration system loopholes to place their individual actors in the host country, immigrants who can later launch attacks. Major terrorist attacks in North America and Western Europe, excepting the Oklahoma City bombing which was homegrown terrorism, utilized foreigners, according to a 2004 report from the Richard Nixon Center, a report with the stated position of“cautioning policymakers on both sides of the Atlantic to reappraise the policy that allows terrorists to enter the United States without so much as an interview by American authorities.”The report noted, however, that the 9/11 jihadist hijackers had entered the US on visitor, tourist and student visas and were not immigrants.1 Dimitri Simes, in Robert S. Leiken, Bearers of Global Jihad: Immigration and National Security after 9/11, The Nixon Center, 2004, accessed December 20, 2018, Immigration policies can provide avenues for terrorist groups and other actors to pursue their intents,2 Fiona B. Adamson,“Crossing Borders: International Migration and National Security,”International Security,No.1(2006):195. but the connection between immigration and terrorism is often exaggerated. Terrorists also include local residents working alone or in a network. UK government statistics from September 2013,showed that out of the 120 persons in prison custody in Great Britain for terrorism-related offences, the overwhelming majority of them, 79 percent, were UK nationals.1 “Operation of Police Powers under the Terrorism Act 2000 and Subsequent Legislation:Arrests,Outcomes and Stops and Searches,Quarterly update,Great Britain,”accessed November 17,2018, The lag in downplaying the assumption that all terrorists are foreigners is profound. Despite Oklahoma City, only in 2010 did the US National Security Strategy officially identify homegrown terrorism as a national security threat.

National governance should play a core role in a sound migration policy system. In the destination country, good governance should support national security and be foundational for international migration mechanisms. A good migration policy mechanism comprises two components, legal system and law enforcement. Western countries have formulated immigration law, which has become an international trend.Existing legislation specifies cross border movement and also offers guarantees and intelligence support for migration. Law enforcement is crucial for restricting illegal immigration, mainly to expel illegal immigrants or refuse them entry at the border.

① eɡ sedkil-i endeɡüü oilaasan yum ain-a(你误解你姐姐的心意了)

A balanced, flexible migration policy would maintain equilibrium between attracting talent and allowing regular migration. Uncontrolled migration evokes a negative emotion in most destination countries, and policy should restrict it, but a severe policy is more likely to be counterproductive. While noticeably increased migration will engender anxiety among the local population, distinguished talents are needed because of the rapid development of new technology. For instance, British people attach high importance to skills but lower importance to skin color and religion.1 Scott Blinder and William Allen,“UK Public Opinion toward Immigration:Overall Attitudes and Level of Concern,”accessed September 15, 2018, However, a country’s refusal to accept any regular laborers will inevitably result in irregular migration.

Social integration and naturalization of immigrants are a necessary next step. A Pew Research Center survey verified that Muslims in the US perceive much discrimination against their religious group, are leery of President Trump’s words and actions, and think their fellow Americans do not see Islam as part of mainstream US society; 48 percent in the Pew survey said they experienced at least one incident of discrimination in the past 12 months.2 “U.S.Muslims Concerned about Their Place in Society,but Continue to Believe in the American Dream,”July 26,2017,accessed January 4,2019, Immigration policy should include how best to integrate immigrants and let them become a part of the country.

Nowadays, national governance plays the dominant role whereas regional and global governance is restricted by sovereign states. To tackle the migration issue, the full potential of national, regional and global governance is necessary. The EU exemplifies high quality regional governance among geopolitically close partners, State actors, regional organizations, non-governmental organizations and private sectors can share responsibility for the governance of illegal migration. Human Development Report 2009 foresaw that the international community has architecture for trade and financial relations governance in place, but“governance of mobility has been well characterized as non-regime, with the important exception of refugees.”3 UNDP, Human Development Report 2009: Overcoming Barriers: Human Mobility and Development,accessed September 15,2018, Well-timed efforts regarding global migration should foster good governance of the issue to ensure a secure,orderly and cyclical transnational flow.

*Chen Jimin is an associate research professor with the Institute for International and Strategic Studies, Party School of the Central Committee of CPC (Chinese Academy of Governance).His research focuses on US national security strategy,Sino-US relations, and international migration. This article was funded by National Social Science Fund Youth Project 14CGJ011.

(edited by Zhang Yimeng)

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