


When the first spring flowers blossom,Easter comes.It is theoldest Christian feast,commemorating the resurrection of JesusChrist.

Along with the traditional Easter walk or outing,the givingof Easter eggs and,more recently,of Easter presents is a mainfeature of the feast.Parents give their children"Easter eggs"-colored and boiled eggs,chocolate eggs,marzipan eggs-Easterbunnies,sweets,and other gifts.In some German regions,childrenvirtually"collect"Easter eggs from their relatives,especiallytheir godparents.

Usually,the Easter eggs are carefully hidden in the garden or inthe house and the children must search for them on the morningof Easter Sunday.They are.told that the Easter bunny has broughtthem.This anonymous,mysterious bunny is like Santa Claus atChristmas.But it is less of an "educational"figure than SantaClaus is,since the eggs are not given to children as rewards forbeing good.

Some Easter egg games have been preserved at certain places inGermany or have even been newly developed.Children try to outdoeach other in rolling colored eggs down grassy slopes,for instance,or they knock the eggs'pointed ends together and the child whoseegg does nut shatter gets the broken one,too.In some places,this custom was even used as the name of a local festival.

Easter presents furnish interesting stories of cultural andsocial change.The first historical mention of colored eggs goesback to the year 1230 A.D.In the 16th and 17th centuries coloredeggs were given as Easter presents.In the Baroque period itbecame customary for young people who wanted to become engagedto give each other colored and decorated eggs.This remained arural custom in some regions of central and eastern Europe fora long time.

The origin of the "Easter egg"custom is not fully known.Onereason for it is that around Easter time the rural householdhad plenty of eggs handy.The hens began to lay eggs again in thespring.Another explanation is that Easter marks the end of the time of fasting during which eggs and meat were forbidden.The decisivefactor,however,probabiy had to do with the taxes whichthe peasants had to pay to their lords,to the Church.or to theirparsons.Easter was one of the dates when they became due andmany eggs were among the payments delivered at this time.Thelords of the land,espcially the church and the monasteries,gave some eggs to the poor as a kind of charity.

Modern society claims that all men have the same rights andobligations.The customs relating to gifts have changed accordingly.Easter eggs have lost their original color of charity,and havebecome"surprise gifts"Presents are now exchanged between individualswno want to surprise their friends or relatives and make them happy.








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