
问:在线等《独立思考的重要性》 英文作文,150字
- 答:百度文型改库有液棚现成闹租则的。
- 答:父母为孩拍含子包办一切范文:There are two paintings: the first picture, although the storm outside, the greenhouse is still in full bloom with flowers. But the second picture, we see the same flower, once moved to the outside, immediately withered in the wind and rain, and this also confirms the title of "greenhouse flowers can not withstand the wind and rain," the thesis, which is two pictures for meaning.
- 答:Britain's was a mentality unable to appreciate
the aims and aspirations (热颤历望) of its colonial
people. Superpowers, all too often, are not much
given to introspection(内咐凳省) ,to questioning their
values and assumptions.And it had been a long time
since the British themselves had felt their
liberties threatened,either by a foreign danger or
by internal menace (恐吓) from a tyrannical ruler.
Thus, when Britain adopted a new imperial program,
the colonists were never meaningfully consulted.
Furthermore, Britain's tactics (策茄简搜略) could hardly
avoid arousing the Americans. Having left the
colonies virtually alone for decades with a de
facto attitude of"salutary neglect, "the London
government now attempted too much too quickly