
设计者: 黑龙江省建三江管理局前锋农场中学教师 付鑫宇

Background information:

Student: Qian Feng middle school, Grade 1

Lesson duration: 4o minute

Type of the lesson: new lesson

Teaching Aims and Demands

a)Knowledge objectives

1.Get the new words and expressions, such as height,tall, short, medium height, build, fat, heavy, thin, medium build, hair, long, short, straight, curly,

2.Get the usage of the sentences about describing someone, such as:

1> -What do you look like? -I am short. I am thin

2> -What does he look like? -He is of medium build.

3> -What does she look like? -She is tall. She has curly hair.

4> -What do they look like? -They are of medium height.

b)Ability objectives

Listening: understand the conversation about describing someone.

Speaking: talk about describing someone.

Reading: read and practice the conversation.

Writing: master some useful words and expressions from Pair work and make your own conversation to describe someone.

c)Moral objectives

Lead them to do more exercises and to keep healthy, then they can study harder and harder.

Teaching Importance and Difficulty

Target language

—What does he look like? —He is tall/short/of medium height.

—He is fat/thin/of medium build.—He has long/short/curly hair.

Language structure

Describe some people. Grammar

1.Review the grammar box. Ask students to read the questions and answers.

2.Point out that do goes with you and they questions and does goes with he and she questions.

3.Point to I’m, they’re, he’s and she’s with descriptions of hair, height and build. You may wish to say, we use the verb have/has to describing hair. We also use the verb to be-am, is, are-to talk about how tall someone is or if they’re heavy or thin.

Teaching aids: blackboard, chalk, PPT, students show

Type of the lesson: listening, speaking

Teaching procedures:

Step 1: Greet the class and let the students to play a guessing game, and then lead-in the new lesson, let students to read the article.

T: Can you guess who she is? Ss: yes. She is Miss Fu.

T: Yes, it’s me. I have long and straight hair. I am tall. I am fat but I am happy every day. Ss: Yes.

T: OK, today we will learn how to describe some people.We will learn Unit 7. What’s the tile?

Ss: What does he look like? (read 4 times)

Step 2 New words and sentences

1>Show some pictures about hair, height and build. Let

the students to guess and read them.

2>finish (P41 1a)

match the words with the pictures

Step 3: Chant

Ask Ss read the chant with their hands.

Step 4: Game about memory challenge

1.Ask Ss to look at the screen.

2. If the student knows the answer just stand up and say the answer loudly.

Step 5: Summary

Review that what we have learned about describe some people.

Step 6: listening

1> P42 2a

2> P42 2b

1. Play the record once. Ask the Ss to write down the answers. Then check the answers.

2. Play the record once, ask the students to fill in the blank.Then check out the answer.

Step 6: Play a guessing game

Teacher to describing a student and let the students to guess?

1.Ask Ss to guess.

2. Let some students to come in front of the classroom and

let some students to describe.

Step 7: Exercises:

1> 选择is或has完成下列句子。

1. Lily _____ short and ____ curly hair.

2. Tim __ tall, and his sister __ of medium height.

3. Lucy ___ beautiful long black hair.

4. Betty’s mother ____ of medium build.

5. Mike _____ curly black hair and he _____ very thin.


1. He has of medium height. 2. My father is short and curly hair.

4. What is she look like? 5. She has tall and wears funny glasses.

3 >翻译1. 我长的高而且我是卷发。

2. - 你的朋友长的什么样? - 她中等身材而且留着长头发。

Step 8: Summary

Ask a student to sum up what they have learned today.

Step 19: Homework

1.Recite the new words and sentences.

2.Describe your friend or your parent and make a report.



Blackboard writing




标签:;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  

