Much of the historical splendour of China strains theimagination of Western people: its expanse, its culturaldiversity,the length of its history, the beautiful objectsproduced thousands of years ago with a technology that stillmakes the experts gasp.Occasionally, we in the West areoffered a glimpse of such marvels through the organisation ofa special exhibition of art from one of the world's oldestcivilisations.
In New Zealand,at the Waikato Museum of Art and History,a four -month -long exhibition in 1999 has allowed NewZealanders to see some of the glories of Chinese art in theexhibition entitled "Chinese Splendour: 5000 years of artfrom the Shanghai Museum".
Ninety pieces spanning the whole gamut (注: 整个领域)of the Chinese cultural enterprise have beenselected from the Shanghai Museum's extraordinary collectionof 120,000 cultural relies.Almost half of that collection ismade up of robust bronze vessels,sometimes tripod,sometimessquared,inscribed with arcane(注:
神秘的)symbols and designs,and some of these have beenincluded in the touring exhibition.
In the wide—ranging exhibition which New Zealanders havebeen able to see,fine brush paintings from 15th—century Mingdynasty artists through to works by 19th—century painters sitalongside goblets(注:无把柄的玻璃或金属器皿, 但常常带有站脚并有时带盖。)ornately carved from rhinoceros(注:犀牛)horn.
There are also fine examples of painted lacquerware whichappeared in China as early as the Neolithic period(注:新石器时代)—about 5000 BC.This delicate art depends on the skillsof applying the finish:lacquer,from the sap of a tree, isapplied like varnish to a wooden object,sometimes in as manyas 100 layers.
The exhibition includes a characterful round—lidded boxwith feet and a fingergrip,made in the Warring States period(475 to 221 BC).From the Qing dynasty ( 1644 to 1911) ,artwhich New Zealanders are able to feast their eyes on includesan intricately carved incense box in the shape of a pavilion,and a seated Maitreya—Buddha reincarnated(注:使转世;使化身)—carved from rhinoceros horn.
Ceramics are among the most famous of China's culturalachievements,with the basic pottery techniques,according toarchaeological evidence,mastered by about 8000 BC.The Handynasty,which ended in about AD 220,is noted for potteryanimals found in tombs.In this exhibition we can see a dogand a duck,finished in low—firedlead glazes(注:釉料; 上光料).Next to them are the more elegant figures of a woman on a horse,and a seated woman with two enormous gathers of hair on the top of her head.Both figures of the women
are fromthe later Tang period of the 7th to the 9th centuries.
Most famous are the celebrated Chinese blue wares, whosepainted decorations were achieved with the use of cobalt(注:钴类颜料;深蓝色) on porcelain and which were exported tothe West in great quantities.The exhibition includes severalexamples of blue and other highly decorated porcelains.
The Shanghai Museum was established in 1952 but has asplendid building which opened three years ago. It
isarchitecturally stunning,consisting of a square base and acircular top and has 10 galleries totalling 11,000 sqm.
The groundwork for the exhibition was laid with thesigning of a sister city relationship in 1994
betweenShanghai and the southern New Zealand city of Dunedin, wherethe exhibition of this fine Chinese art was shown early in1999.The exhibition then moved on to the Waikato Museum ofArt and History,an institution known for its
splendidcollections of New Zealand's own Maori history.There,in asetting fitting for its reverent (注:虔诚的)look back tothe past,the fine collection of "Chinese Splendour"from theShanghai Museum has been shown in its only other venue(注:现场;指定地点)in New Zealand.
陶器是中国文化成就中最负盛名的一类。据考古证明,约在公元前8000年时中国人就已掌握了基本的制陶技术。于公元220 年前后消亡的汉代,以在其古墓中出土的陶制动物而著称。在展览会上,我们可以见到一只狗和一只鸭子,它们是经文火烧制并上过铅釉的。置于其旁的展品则是制作更为精美的塑像:一个是骑在马背上的巾帼女将,另一个则是头顶上盘着两个高耸发髻的坐姿仕女。此二展品都展现了7至9世纪晚唐时代的妇女形象。