

Is your wireless provider running rings around you?


If you are one of an estimated 80 million cell-phone users inthe United States,or soon plan to join their ranks,some wirelessproviders prefer for you to be clueless about their secrets.

1."Don't count on us in an emergency."Many cellular usersbelieve their service can be a lifesaver.That's what a formernurse in the Orlando area thought.Driving by a jogging trail,she saw a man on inline skates collapse.She whipped out hercell phone and called 911.

"The call should have been picked up by the nearest cell towerand trausmitted to the Orange County Sheriff's office,"explainsBruce Thorburn,communications-systems director for Lake County,Florida.Instead,the call was picked up by a 911 operator in thewrong county,and subsequent problems transferring the call tothe right office cost the skater precious minutes.When an EMSteam finally reached the skater,who'd suffered a heart attack,he was dead.

"It's reprehensible,"says Thorburn.If you think you can relyon a cell phone to help you in any emergency,think again.

Even if you do get through,you could be in trouble.Most policedepartments cannot track the location of emergency cell callswith any accuracy.Good thing the Federal Communications Commissionis requiring the wireless industry to offer location systems forphones in the year 2001.

2."Cell phones will never replace home phones."Have you everdreamed of coming home and"cutting the cord"of your family,announcing a total switch to cell phones?Assuming your householdhas three or more people,you would be nuts.

This strategy might work-if you don't mind paying for incomingcalls,can deal with patchy coverage in some areas and have noneed for a modem connection to the Internet.

Arguably.for a tiny percentage of people,such as highly mobilesingles who depend on the perks that often come free withdigital cell phones(like caller ll)and voice mail),it could bea good thing.

Be careful,though.If you frequently go over the minutes prescribedby your plan,you may end up paying more than you expected.

3."Our dead zones can make your life miserable."Steve Geimann,asenior editor of Communications Daily,was half a mile away fromSouth Carolina's state capitol when he realized he couldn'treceive incoming phone calls.The situation persisted for a coupleof days.

Wait,there's more.Recalls Geimann."In Virginia's ShenandoahValey,I could have used my cell phone,but I would have had topay for the call with my credit card."It turns out that AT&TWireless—which plays up its sea-to-sea reach in its ads-hadneither its own service nor a partnership with a carrier inthat locale at the time."If you look at the company's financials,it says that four percent of the country is not covered,"hesays."But if they say 'national,'it should be national."

So before signing on with a carrier,make sure that the areasimportant to you are covered.

4."Confused people may be our best customers."Samuel Greenlawof Barnstead,N.H.,had signed up with Bell Atlantic Mobile.Hisplan promised no land-line charges—fess applied when a callgoes from a cell phone to a land-line phone—within his localcalling area.

When such charges appeared on his bill,he took it up with BellAtlantic Mobile.The company adjusted the charges,but continuedto issue new ones.Greenlaw brought up the problem with hisracquetball partner,Charles Grau,former head of the stateattorney general's Consumer Protection Division.Gran filed alawsuit on behalf of Greenlaw and others in New Hampshire.Realizing that it had been billing customers erroneously.BellAtlantic Mobile settled the lawsuit,eliminated the charges andis in the process of compensating Greenlaw and about 23,000other clients.

Cell-phone companies have been accused of using vague terms—like "local usage"and "home calling"—to keep customers confused."The contracts purport to have the right to change definitonsof home and local calling,"says Grau."Customers need to be awareof the flexibilities that companies maintain with these contracts,which are presented on a take-it-or-leave-it basis."

5.There's no such thing as a cheap phone."Sign up with SprintPCS—which,unlike most carriers,requires no year-long servicecontract—and you may feel you're not making much of a commitment.Sure,you might pay a lot of money for a state-of-the-art phone(up to 400).But,you figure,if you don't like the service,you'll just switch.True.But you'll also own an expensivepaperweight.

Digital phones from one carrier such as AT&T Wireless,AirTouchCellular or Sprint PCS—often do not work with others in thesame area.Mark Lowenstein of Yankee Group,a Boston-basedtechnology consulting firm,explains:"They offer their serviceson different spectrums"that aren't compatible.

What about plans like AT&T's Digital One Rate,which can operatewith phones such as the snazzy Nokia 6162,available at acompanysubsidizd rate?to get a cheaper phone,"AT&T will requireyou to sign a contract,"says Bruce Kasrel,senior analyst withForrester Research,a Cambridge,Mass,marketresearch firm."Eitherway,you pay."

6."People will think you're a jerk."Does it make you feelimportant when your cell phone rings in public?Well,you'd betterthink again,People at a recent concert in New York were notimpressed.Salesman Domenick Marmorato explains,"The guy next tome picked up his cell phone and began a conversation:'Yeah,we're at a Neil Young concert,and people are angry because I'mtalking.'Finally he was kicked out,but at 75 a ticketit's ridiculous to hear somebody else's conversation insteadof the music."

At top restaurants these days,bringing in a cell phone isbecoming as gauche as lighting up a Camel.And as leafletsdistributed on a Connecticut train put it,"Cell phones arerude."











还有更糟的呢!盖曼回忆说:“在弗吉尼亚州的夏南多纳河谷时,我本可以用手机打电话的,但如果那样的话,最后就得用信用卡来支付话费了。”这一切都表明AT&T Wireless的电信网并没有像它在广告上宣传的那样,天涯海角无处不及。事实上,当时在那个地方它既没有自己开展服务也没有合作伙伴。“如果你再看一下该公司的财政结算表,你会发现尚有4%的国土有待覆盖。”他补充说道,“但是他们如果声称自己是‘全国联通网’,就应该说到做到。”





5.“使用移动电话绝对不便宜。”和其他电信公司不同,Sprint PCS并不要求用户同它签订长达一年的服务协议,这会让你觉得自己并没有对公司作出多大的承诺。尽管你得花一大笔钱买它最新款的手机(价值近400美元)。但想想既然没有协议的承诺,自己若是不满意那里的服务就马上换台嘛。你确实可以这么做,但这样一来,你无异于买了一个昂贵的镇纸。

不同品牌的数字手机,譬如来自AT&T Wireless、Airtouch Cellular和SprintCPS等不同的公司,通常不能进行合作,即使是它们在同一地区使用。马克·罗文斯坦来自扬基集团——波士顿的一家技术咨询公司,他向我们解释道:“产生这种情况主要是因为手机品牌不同,工作频谱也不同,不能相互兼容。”

由AT&T公司开发的Digital One Rate可以和最新款的诺基亚6162共同作业。为了推广这个品牌,该公司计划出资补贴其用户的话费——这一举措大家觉得怎么样?但如果你想买的是比较便宜的那一种,布鲁斯·卡斯瑞尔说:“你要和公司签订协议,无论选哪一种,最后付钱的都是你自己。”他是位资深的市场分析专家,来自马萨诸塞州坎布里奇的福雷斯特研究中心。




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