

智者必愚 拙中藏巧,本文主要内容关键词为:智者论文,拙中藏巧论文,此文献不代表本站观点,内容供学术参考,文章仅供参考阅读下载。

近读The Poets and the Housewife (By Dorine Bush)(诗人和村妇),兴奋无比。人间有各种享受,但是,真正人心的持久的享受来自精神,而最高档次的精神享受又当属品味书香。

我想用“智者若愚 拙中藏巧”这八个字来评价此文。不知读者是否同意。


1/Once upon a time,on a summer's day,two poets,havingshut up shop,went out into the country to collect copy,fortheir stock of this commodity was exhausted.


小析:their stock of this commodity 口吻幽默,可以玩味。2/And they were careful to dress themselves carelessly:one put on a black collar and black-and-white checked trousers,and the other a cravat of raging scarlet,'for' they thought(though they did not say so)'we must dress the part'.And theirhats were wide and reckless and the hair beneath their hatswas like the thatch upon a broad-caved barn.


小析:当careful/carelessly出现在同一句的时候,读者朋友,你是否觉得别致新颖?其实,这里运用了英语的一个常见修辞格:oxymoron/矛盾修辞法。另如:Our home,once full of laughers,now deafens us with its silence。我们的家,曾经充满了欢声笑语,现在却充满了令人震耳欲聋的沉寂。另外,we must dress the part 一句系非常简洁的英语表达。译文“我们必须衣如其人”也译得同样干脆!

3/And as they journeyed,poking about with their walkingsticks after the precious substance of their request,theregathered over their heads the devil of a storm.


小析:本文乃幽默小品,至此段,面目更清。尤其是pokingabout with their walking sticks after the precious substanceof their request一句。

4/And at the proper moment the storm burst and the raincame down and the poets left off seeking for copy and huddledunder a hawthorn tree.And they appeared as two proud exoticbirds,lighted down from the Lord knows where.


小析:幽默笔触,最为淡雅,也最为馨香。as two proud exoticbirds/lighted down from the Lord knows where与前面的'we mustdress the part'等一脉相传。

5/And there was a lodge near the hawthorn tree,and thelodgekeeper's wife looked out and,seeing the two,she exclaimed:'Lord,look what the wet bring out!'and the rainincreased fearfully。


小析:Lord,look what the wet bring out!一句自有英语的美,但是,相应的汉译异曲同工!

6/And after a while she looked out again and the poetswere changed,for their bloom was impaired,the rain hadclotted their hair,and the scarlet cravat of the one hadbecome crimson from saturation.And rain dripped from alltheir extremities.


小析:their bloom was impaired一句可以咀嚼,bloom向读者暗示:他们原先的翩翩风度。相应的汉译也应选用“大字”。

7/And the lodgekeeper's wife was grieved for them andcalled out' Young men,will you not come in?Why play the heronwho stands lugubrious with his feet in cold water when it isopen to you to become as sparrows twittering withgladness beneath the eaves?'



8/But they bowed politely and replied:'Thanks awfully,ma'am,but we are poets and we like it.'



9/And the lodgekeeper's wife was riled and sneered at them,remarking:'They have certainly had a drop too much.'Butthey,smiling deprecatingly upon of her,responded:'Madam youare pleased to be dry。' 'And you,' quoth she,' are pleasedto be wet.' And she slammed to the window,casting up her eyesand inquiring rhetorically,' Did you ever?'and'what wet?'


小析:注意作者的遣词,非常古朴文雅:deprecatingly/quoth(〈古〉说,用在第一与第三人称的过去式)/inquiring rhetorically,如此遣词,有效渲染了行文的幽默。

10/And the rain came down like hell,leaping a foothigh and sousing all things.



11/And after another while,the lodgekeeper's wifelooked out again,and two had gathered closer about the trunk

of the hawthorn-tree,and they were as two old crows,for theirshoulders were up and their beaks were down and they wereunbelievably disheveled.


小析:原文中最发噱的遣词是beaks(本义:鸟、龟等的嘴,喙);作者全篇用词虽然夸张,但极有分寸。开始时,写他们是bloom wasimpaired,现在,已经是they were unbelievably disheveled。

12/And she shouted to them again,for she was a charitablewoman,saying:'O miserable gentlemen,in the name ofcivilization and commonsense,come inside.'


小析:乡妇的口吻同样书卷气十足:in the name of civilization and commonsense!

13/But they dared not turn their faces to her,lestthe water should run down their necks; so,revolvingthemselves all of a piece,they replied:'Renewed thanks,ma'am,but we are very well for we are acquiring copy.'And theycowered under the deluge with great earnestness of purpose.

But the lodgekeeper's wife did not understand the wordcopy,so that she was amazed beyond measure and the powerof comment was taken from her.


小析:两位诗人,或曰,两个书呆子的形象,至此暴露更是无遗。当Renewedthanks和ma'am同时出现时,你是否感到他们滑稽可笑?当他们回答we are acquiring copy时,你是否他们傻得可爱?

14/And the storm,having stormed itself out,abated:and the place was bathed in delicious smells of breathingleaves,and the warm sweetness of hawthorn perfumed the air.


小析:And the storm,having stormed itselfout一句写得真好!可这不是“同源宾语”(cognate object),如:The children slepta peaceful sleep.孩子睡了个安稳觉。/He smiled a little smileand bowed a little bow.他笑了笑并点了点头。我们是否可称该句为“同源谓浯”(cognate predicate)?

15/And the lodgekeeper's wife looked out from thewindow a fourth and last time,and the poets were in the act ofdeparture.And the tragedy of their appearance was beyond allcomparing.For the scarlet of the cravat of one had run downinto the bosom of his shirt,so that he was,as it were,arobin-redbreast.And both were soaked to the uttermost.


小析:略带做作的表达也同样渲染和强化了两位诗人的可笑之处。如:so that he was,as it were,等。

16/And when those poets returned home,the onefound that he had lost a shirt and the other that he gained a cold.Therefore the one went out and brought a new shirt at sevenand six and dear at that,and the other got himself a shillingbottle of Ammoniated Quinine,which was tolerably cheap.



17/And the one wrote an ode calledMidsummer Storm for which he obtained five guineas,so that (deducting four pence for stamps and seven and six for theshirt)his net profit was four pounds seventeen and two pence.



18/But the other could only manage a one-guinea sonnetcalled Rain Among Leaves,so that(deducting four pence forstamps and a shilling for the quinine)his net profit wasnineteen and eight pence.



我们所说的文采,并非简单地指遣词的讲究。造句,也是一个极其重要的方面。就造句而言,英语的圆周句(periodic sentence)是一绝,而英语平衡句(balanced sentence)也是一绝,不信,请读以上例句。

两位诗人,去暴风雨中积累创作素材,归来后,一人丢了一件衬衫,另一人得了感冒。作者始终抓住这两个重要细节不放,聪明地加以演绎,达到了令人捧腹的地步。从买衬衫到买药写起,到最后为两人“算帐”,皆不忘紧扣“买衬衫到买药”的细节。素材引人入胜,而表达更是用尽了balanced sentence!

19/Thus the two acquired greatstore of copy and the sum of five pounds sixteen shillingsand tenpence thrown in.


小忻:句子看似简单,其实非常成功地运用于英语修辞格,一种被成为zeugma(轭式修饰法)的辞格。何谓zeugma(轭式修饰法)?Webstel's New World Dictionary对它作了这样的解释:A figure ofspeech in which a single word,usually a verb or adjective,is syntactically related to two or more words,though having adifferent sense in relation to each.).

以上句为例,句子的谓语动词是acquired,这个及物动词的宾语先后有两个:great store of copy(大量的创作素材)/the sum offive pounds sixteen shillings and tepence thrown in(总共5磅16先令10便士的进帐)(注意:句末的thrown in,不是谓语动词,而是过去分词词组作后置定语而已)。


20/But the wife of the lodgekeeper knew nothing of allthis,so that she still believes,like many another ill-informed person,that poets are nothing more than unpractical dreamers.




