凌晓青 - 大学英语教师思想政治素质分析

凌晓青 - 大学英语教师思想政治素质分析

Title:An analysis of the ideological and political quality of College English teachers




论文来源:现代盐化工 2019


Abstract:In the new era, the development of higher education requires college English teachers to play the role of value guidance while imparting English knowledge to students. Therefore, it also requires college English teachers' Ideological and political quality. The mainstream of the ideological and political quality of College English teachers in China is positive, but there are some problems in the ideological and political work of teachers, which are reflected in the influence of Western values on the ideological and political quality of some college English teachers, the lack of personal ideological and political quality of teachers, and the inability to combine teaching and education in the work At the social level, this paper analyzes the causes of the problems, and then puts forward the corresponding measures to improve the ideological and political quality of College English teachers.


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凌晓青 - 大学英语教师思想政治素质分析
