吴育辉,朱书涛 - EPS服务质量决策机制研究

吴育辉,朱书涛 - EPS服务质量决策机制研究

Title:Study on decision mechanism of EPS service quality




论文来源:河南科技 2019


Abstract:At present, mobile network operators have the ability to provide diversified mobile communication services. In this context, it is necessary to improve the decision-making mechanism of LTE network service quality, improve the service quality of mobile communication, and optimize the user experience. This paper summarizes the PCC decision-making operation mechanism driven by service, and focuses on the analysis of the interaction between PCRF and DPI by studying the interaction mechanism between EPS service quality control modules. At the same time, it studies the interaction between PCRF and wireless resource scheduler, and analyzes that the indirect interaction mechanism between PCRF and wireless resource scheduler is an important reason that affects QoS control delay.


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吴育辉,朱书涛 - EPS服务质量决策机制研究
