(山东科技大学 266590)
Whilst the project has been governed by the Regional Council, other groups including a Project Leadership Group (considering financial and commercial aspects) and a Stakeholder Group (considering environmental, social and cultural issues) have provided advice.
Analysis: This is also an example that the translator uses domestication strategies and literal translation with annotation method to add the expressions according to Chinese cultural habits. It is quite common that the passive voices are employed in English structures. The Chinese meaning of the passive voices usually is “受”“被”“遭遇”, while putting this meaning in the Chinese sentence is not idiomatic. Therefore, under the guidance of the domestication strategies, the sentence “the project has been governed by the Regional Council ” is translated as “该项目已由区域市政局负责”, which conforms to the Chinese expression and is easily accepted by readers. http://www.baidu.com explains “利益相关方”“利益攸关者”. The translator scans some other websites, knowing that, in many western countries, “stakeholder” is usually adopted by various non-government environmental organizations as well as civil right protection organization. In contrast, in China, we seldom mention the character “利益相关方”“利益攸关方”instead of the similar word“股东”who join some organizations and have the possibility to draw extra dividends or some interests from them. According to http://www.baidu.com, “Stakeholder ” is utilized very common by people around the world, they are not limited to the original meaning “利益相关方”“利益攸关者”, but select the similar meaning of their own language in accordance with their traditional law or custom. In some non-English countries including Japan, French, they are also describe the meaning of “Stakeholder ” in their mother language based on their culture. For Chinese readers, considering the Chinese cultural habits, it is understandable and faithful to explain the word the “Stakeholder ”as “股东”.
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标签:英语论文; 利益论文; 科技论文; 术语论文; 股东论文; 该项目论文; 英汉论文; 《知识-力量》2018年1月下论文;