(重庆市石柱县人民医院 重庆 404300)
【中图分类号】R736.3 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-1752(2018)09-0027-02
Therapeutic effect of docetaxel combined with cisplatin in the treatment of advanced thymic carcinoma Chen Xiao.
Chongqing Shizhu people's Hospital, Chongqing Shi Zhu zip code: 404300
【Abstract】Objective To explore and analyze the clinical efficacy and adverse effects of docetaxel combined with cisplatin in the treatment of advanced thymic carcinoma.Methods 64 cases of advanced thymic carcinoma in January 2016 - January 2017 in my hospital as the research object, a retrospective analysis of the clinical data, were randomly divided into the normal group and the study group of two groups, 32 cases in each group. The study group were given docetaxel combined with cisplatin treatment, normal group with conventional treatment. The clinical data were analyzed and analyzed, and the survival, treatment effect and adverse reaction of the two groups were discussed before and after the treatment.Results Through the statistics of the treatment effect of the two groups, 28 cases in the study group were treated well, 3 cases had moderate therapeutic effect, and 1 cases had poor therapeutic effect. In the normal group, good treatment effect in 20 cases, the treatment effect of the medium in 8 cases, poor treatment of 4 cases of adverse reactions; study group appeared mild adverse reaction, normal group appeared more obvious; disease type III, radiotherapy, surgery patients survival time can be obviously extended.Conclusion Docetaxel combined with cisplatin in the treatment of advanced thymic cancer has better clinical effect and fewer adverse reactions, which can effectively prolong the survival time of patients. It is necessary to be widely applied in clinic.
【Key words】Docetaxel; Cisplatin; Advanced thymic carcinoma; Clinical efficacy
1.1 一般资料
1.2 研究方法
1.3 统计学方法
2.1 两组患者治疗效果的对比
标签:胸腺论文; 治疗效果论文; 患者论文; 晚期论文; 两组论文; 不良反应论文; 年龄论文; 《医药前沿》2018年3月第8期论文;