My dear granddaughter,
You've been on my mind ever since this ship left New York,and I know why.You're exactly the age I was--two months short of your twentieth birthday--when Papa John and I were married 50 years ago.But it's what happened onboard this morning that's brought me down to our stateroom to write to you.
Today one of the events in the schedule caught our eye:11:00 A.M.:Renewal of Marriage Vows;Archdeacon Robert Willing;The Yacht Club.
It sounded like the very thing for a fiftieth-an-niversary(注:anniversary周年纪念)celebration.The couples would face each other and answer "I do"to the traditional promises.Of course,Kerlin,my mind went at once to the conversation you and I had at Christmastime.I was telling you we'd chosen the Queen Elizabeth 2 for this trip because it was on her namesake(注:namesake(以他人名字命名的)同名的物)the Queen Elizabeth,en route to Europe in 1947,that Papa John and I first met."We fell in love and were married in Switzerland just four months later,"I said.And you said,"I might fall in love someday,Gran,but I'd never take a chance on marriage!"
I understood that reaction,Kerlin,with partnerships so fluid today.I remember your telling me rather wistfully,when you were in grade school,that all your friends there in Nashville had two Christmases--one with their mother,one with their father.
Reverend(注:reverend对牧师的尊称)Robert Willing urged us old-marrieds to take a message to young people today.Can we really,I wonder?Can our experience mean anything now?So much has changed!In 1947 you traveled by ship because that was the way you got to Europe.You married because that was the way two people in love could live together.Today going by ship is an option--traditional and romantic--but you can get where you're going quicker and cheaper by air.You can get seemingly everything marriage offers quicker and cheaper too.So why get married?What makes marriage any different from living with a significant other?Most of the weddings we've attended recently have been between couples who've lived together for years.When they take the formal step of marriage,does anything change?I think it does,and I think the change is precisely the making of promises.
Promises are scary things.To keep them means relinquishing(注:relinquish放弃,放开)some of our freedom;to break them means losing some of our integrity.Though we have to make them today,promises are all about tomorrow--and the only thing we know for sure about tomorrow is that we don't know anything for sure!
And it's not just the outer world that changes in unforeseeable(注:unforeseeable无法预见的)ways;it's you yourself.Every new experience--new responsibilities,new contacts--changes your perspective.
There's something that makes promises between two people still riskier:Your partner keeps changing too.In a long-ago letter to my grandmother I wrote,"On the ship today I met an Army veteran who's on his way to the University of Geneva,just like me!" The veteran,of course,was Papa John,and through the years I've kept on meeting him.Different ages,different stages--he's always someone new.
Your grandfather has written about his struggle with alcohol,so you know how difficult those times were for us.And I'm sure he never expected to be nurse,housekeeper and sole functioning parent to three small children when I went into a clinical depression.
Yet out of both those traumas(注:trauma(精神)心灵创伤),tremendous growth and joy eventually came.And the reason,I think,lies in the power of promise.The power of a promise is that it keeps partners together while the tough times turn into healing,closeness and deepened love.If we drop in and out of relationships,we don't stick around long enough to allow these good things to happen.
Don't be afraid,Kerlin,if you fall in love someday,to make that lifelong commitment(注:commitment许诺,承诺).The two of you won't be setting sail alone!
With love from us both,Gran