Introduction The race for the White House is on.Americanpoliticians say that the way they elect their president
isone of the most open and demo-cratic(注:democratic[
]adj.民主的,民众的)processes in the world.But while theelection race in some countries takes just a few weeks,USpresidential candidates must have the stamina(注:stamina[
]n.精力,耐力,持久力)to undergo(注:undergo[
]vt.经受, 经历, 忍受)apolitical marathon(注:marathon[
]n.[ 体] 马拉松赛跑).Find out how the system works byfollowing our player around the baseball diamond(注:diamond[
1.The Primaries
The primary is the first step in choosing a party'spresidential candidate.In most countries,the party picks thecandidate.But in the US,voters who de-clare support for oneparty or another get to choose from the list of
candidates.The candidates,cam-paigning(注:campaign[
] vi.参加竞选)against other members of the same party,mustwin enough state primaries to give them a ma-jority of delegatesat the party convention(注:convention[
]n.政党代表大会)in the summer.Some states,such as lowa(注:Iowa[
]n.艾奥瓦州(美国州名)),use a caucus(注:caucus[
]n.[美] 政党核心会议)system rather than primaries to choosetheir dele-gates.Whereas in primaries people simply indicate(注:indicate['indikeit]vt.标示,指出)at the ballot(注:ballot[
]n.选票)box which delegates they support,caucuses(the wordderives from(注:derive[di'raiv]vi.起源(与from搭配))anIndian word for a gathering)are more complex and work byselecting delegates through a number of stages.
2.The Convention
The party conventions are one of the great set pieces ofAmerican politics.Each state arrives at the hall with its owndelegates and banners (注:banner[
]n.旗,旗帜,旗号)declaring which presidential candidateit supports.By this stage,the party normally knows who has won.The delegates from each state formally choose their championto go forward as presidential candi-date.The candidate with themost delegates wins—and normally secures(注:secure[
]vt.获得,弄到,使安全)the support of party ri-vals(注:rival[
]n.竞争对手,敌手).The winning candidate also names avice —presidential running mate.
3.The Campaign
The rival candidates square up(注:square[
]vt.~up 摆好架势)for the presi- dential campaign proper.Policies are refined,often to take into account thesupporters of the candidates who have been eliminated(注:eliminate[i'limineit]vt.(比赛中)淘汰).This stage of thecam- paign is shorter than the slog(注:slog[
] n.跋涉,步履艰难的行进)through the state primaries.Thereis heavy spending on nationwide television publicity,and thereare usually televised debates between the candidates.In thefinal weeks,the contenders(注:contender[
]n.竞争者)typically concentrate their attention on thebig so-called"swing(注:swing[
]adj.有决定性影响的 )states"as they battle it out for thecritical(注:critical[
]adj.关键性的)electoral college votes.
4.Election Day
Some 100 million people are likely to vote on 7 November2000.But the president is not elected di-rectly by the voters.Each state has a number of Electoral College members whoactually vote for the president on behalf of the people.Thenumber of members reflects the state's representation inCongress.Whichever candidate wins the most votes in eachstate wins all of that state's Electoral College members.Theother candidates get none.Once a candidate gets a majority ofmembers from across the states,the election is over in thepublic's mind.But in fact the Electoral College members doformally meet and vote for the president and the stateresults are counted before the full Congress in January.
引言 进军白宫的比赛正在进行。美国政客说他们选举总统的方法是世界上最公开、最民主的方式之一。可是,在某些国家选举比赛持续不过几周,而美国的总统候选人则必须有足够的耐力跑完一场政治马拉松。让我们参照棒球运动员在赛场上的足迹来了解一下美国总统选举的运作。