
A Global Family

By Wang Xiaosong

The First China International Import Expo in November 2018 in Shanghai attracts participants from 172 countries, regions and
international organizations

China welcomes an increasingly integrated world economy in the era of Globalization 4.0

T he 2019 World Economic Forum(WEF) Annual Meeting, convened in Davos, Switzerland, on January 22-25 under the theme of Globalization 4.0: Shaping a New Architecture in the Age of the Fourth Industrial Revolution,brought together senior government offi-cials, executives from major global companies, leaders of international organizations and non-governmental organizations,and other prominent figures for intensive deliberations.

According to the WEF, Globalization 4.0 refers to a new type of globalization with four major transformations: Global economic leadership is no longer dominated by multilateralism but characterized by plurilateralism; the balance of global power has shifted from unipolar to multipolar; ecological challenges, including climate change, are threatening socioeconomic development;and the industrial revolution is introducing technologies at a speed and scale unparalleled in history. In the face of these changes,China will integrate into the world economy with a more open and inclusive attitude to instill continuous vitality into the country itself and the world at large.


Economic outlook

Viewed from the current situation, the world economy in 2019 will see stable expansion.The market demand of major economies will keep growing. However, as the impact of anti-globalization continues and as the monetary policies of some major economies tighten and geopolitical tensions persist, the world economy faces downward pressure and possible intensi fi ed market fl uctuations.


Anti-globalization has added uncertainty to the global economy. In recent years, the trend has been extending worldwide, prominently manifested by the rise of trade protectionism and the tightening constraint on capital fl ow. The growth of the world trade volume - affected by intensi fi ed trade frictions - is projected to decrease to 3.7 percent in 2019 from 3.9 percent in 2018, dropping for two consecutive years, according to the World Trade Organization. The rise of trade protectionism in advanced economies like the United States has led to a disadvantageous change of the policy environment in the world, making it difficult to maintain stable growth.

In 2019, international financial and commodity market risks are likely to heighten with a higher possibility of fluctuations.The increasingly downward risk of the real economy also discourages entrepreneurs and investors, which may restrain the prices of financial assets and bulk commodities.

China has made steady progress in forging FTAs. By the end of 2018, China had reached 17 FTAs with 25 economies around the world, from Europe to Asia, Oceania,South America and Africa. Currently, China is conducting negotiations with 27 countries on signing and upgrading 12 FTAs. As its FTA network expands, China will experience greater opportunities in foreign trade and investment.


Notably, the Belt and Road Initiative has made great headway. In 2018, trade in goods between China and countries along the Belt and Road accounted for 27 percent of China's total, up from 25 percent in 2013.To date, China has signed cooperation agreements with more than 130 countries and international organizations on jointly pursuing the initiative. In the years ahead,emerging markets and developing countries will play an increasingly important role in China's foreign trade, which will diversify the country's international markets and optimize their structure.

The past five years have seen relatively rapid global economic growth, which can be attributed to the cyclical recovery of the world economy and the implementation of an easy monetary policy by major developed economies. In 2019, the effects of these two factors will weaken. Indicators of major economies, such as industrial production and the manufacturing purchasing managers' index, have presented a deceleration trend.

The rules of international trade will restructure rapidly. On the one hand, the multilateral trading system faces difficulties as different economies have not reached an agreement on the direction and specific ways of reform. On the other hand, while provoking trade frictions, the United States has committed to making up rules for its own interests such as by starting trade talks with the European Union on “zero tariffs,zero non-tariff barriers, and zero subsidies on non-auto industrial goods,” and signing a revised free trade agreement (FTA) with the Republic of Korea.

Widening the door

In response to the anti-globalization trend and world economic development uncertainties, the Chinese Government formulated and implemented a string of specific policies to encourage opening up in 2018. For instance, China cut the overall time for both import and export customs clearance and the number of documents required by another one-third while reducing the cost of customs clearance.

China will integrate into the world economy with a more open and inclusive attitude to instill continuous vitality into the country itself and the world at large.


Foreign trade has achieved more balanced development. In recent years, China has underlined the importance of imports,turning to a new idea where the roles of imports and exports are equally valued. The First China International Import Expo held in November 2018 in Shanghai attracted 172 countries, regions and international organizations and more than 3,600 enterprises. The expo introduced a great deal of high-quality goods and services and created sound conditions for diversifying domestic supply and satisfying import needs. In 2018, China cut its tariffs several times, as the overall tariff level decreased to 7.5 percent from 2017's 9.8 percent.

In April 2018, Chinese President Xi Jinping delivered a keynote speech at the opening of the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference, where he said, “China's door of opening up will not be closed and will only open even wider.” Against the backdrop of profound transformations in the international environment, China will continue to adhere to its fundamental national policy of opening up and pursue development with its door wide open.

二是全球油气资源形成了“两带、三中心”油气供需大格局。“两带”即两大油气供给带,指中东-中亚-俄罗斯和美洲,2017年油气产量分别占全球总产量的45.7%和29.9%, 预计2030 年将分别占44.1%、32.7%。“三中心”即三大油气消费中心,指美国、欧洲、亚太,2017年其油气消费量分别占全球总消费量的19.9%、15.3%和29.6%,预计2030年分别占17.2%、12.8%和33.1%。未来全球油气供需格局将由“供给驱动”向“消费驱动”转变。

Further steps

While China celebrated the 40th anniversary of its reform and opening up in 2018,the world is also making strides in a brand new era of Globalization 4.0. For China,there are opportunities and challenges, along with motivations and pressures. In order to achieve sustainable and healthy development and deal with an uncertain external environment with ease, China needs to focus on the following aspects:

It is crucial to improve quality and effi-ciency during this period. Past experiences in world economic development have shown that a high growth rate cannot last forever. Many economic powers have entered a long-term low growth rate period after a short-term economic boom.However, a low growth rate does not indicate a deteriorating economy; it could also signify high-quality and competitive growth.China is transforming from high-speed development to high-quality progress. As long as stable employment is ensured, there is no need to overemphasize growth rates.

Exploring the depth of opening up is of great importance. A new negative list for foreign investment, which speci fi es sectors where access to foreign investors is denied,was released on June 28, 2018. The list provides a roadmap and schedule of opening up the financial and auto sectors, gradually widening the opening-up process and allowing a transition in relevant industries.

China should convert pressure into driving forces, strengthen basic scienti fi c research, promote the shift from science to technology and create a new engine for economic and social development. CA

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