



作为课堂的管理者、示范者、监控者、辅导者、促进者和信息提供者,教师的课堂话语不仅是教师向学生传递信息的主要方式,也是调控学生课堂行为的重要手段。笔者在美国明尼苏达州的Simley High School访学期间,观摩了他们的课堂教学,对美国中学课堂教学中教师的课堂话语进行了一番观察,在此将观察所得与各位读者共享。

学期之初,教师对学生提要求,鼓励学生努力学习争取优异的成绩:“You need to work hard to hti the highlights of the school expectation.”教师对学生在教室里的行为也有明确的要求:“Hydrate yourself after class.But,no pop.Pop drives me nuts.”有时老师还会排座位,并告诉孩子们这样做的意义:“The point of the seating chart is to help you successful.”并对调皮的孩子特别“照顾”:“Jack,you are going to sit here.”老师会明确奖惩措施:“If you...you will lose your point.If you...you will get extra points.”开学之初,大部分教师会告诉学生本学期要做的事情,明确本课程的教学目标:“We are going to focus on...”

由于美国中小学采用学生跑班制,每一节课老师对不同的学生上课,开学初的几天教师会点名:“Now I will take attendance.”有时学生会迟到(tardy),这时他们必须在学生处登记并说明原因。有时还没有到下课的时间,有些学生就要离开,这时老师会说:“Take a seat:There is some time to go yet.”

待学生坐定后,老师会让学生把书拿出来:“Grab your book.Everybody should sit down.Your book should be out.”有时教师会让学生有几分钟时间写日记,让学生反思过去的一天,并稳定情绪,准备上课:“There should be zero talking.You should be reading your books.Finish the page you are on,and put away the book.We get a lot to work on today.Let's catch up.”


Any questions?

Questions here?

Ok,I will take questions.

I am going through the answers.If you have any questions,please let me know.

Is that correct?

Got it?

See what I am saying?

Is there anything you want me to explain?

Do you have questions whatsoever?

Why does that make sense?

Did you see any failed logic?

Did you see any fallacy?

Would you agree?

You see what I am saying?


How does that sound?

Can you tell me something about that?

That's about it.

鼓励性话语:美国中学普遍设有AP(Advanced Placement)班,相当于国内的快班,其他的普通班学生水平参差不齐。由于美国社会强调教育机会均等,同一个班级学生的基础有时会有很大的差异,甚至还有残疾和智障的学生。对于接受力弱的学生,老师就要有足够的耐心,不断的给予鼓励:


You are the first to finish.I'm proud of you.

You could do that.

Absolutely,and there is more.

I want to see different hands.

即使是学生做对了很小的一部分,老师也会说:“Excellent catch.”“Ok,here we go.”


...what makes you think that...?

Why does that make sense?

All right,but that's beside the point.

What idea do you come up with?

There is something in what you are saying.

Can you conclude something?


Let me ask you this.

I want to ask you...

The first thing I want to ask you is...

Yesterday we were talking about...

How many of you are familiar with...?

Why don't we take a few minutes to...?

I don't know whether you remember...?


Please clear your desk for books.

So if you want to sit down.we'll begin.

Let me have your attention please.

Listen up please.

I want to remind you that...

Books open.That's it.

Please sit up.

Jess,you face this way.

I am going to put you in groups.

Please take out your writing utensils and start to write your journal for 5 minutes.

Eyes on the paper please.

Every pencil gets moving.

Keep your fingers busy.There should be no talking.

Head up please!

Put your writing utensils on the paper.

Get the pencils rolling; nobody should be talking.

Tom,you want to go on with that?

Now let's row.There it works.

What's so funny?

When you get this done,go ahead to answer the questions.


Please don't talk now.I don't want people to talk as a background.

Here,quiet down please.

Ok,let me have your attention.

Please.I need your attention.

Guys,everybody needs to stop talking.

Sit on your hands.

There is no reason for talking.


It's the last warning.

There are consequences if you don't respect.

I don't hesitate to send you to the headmaster.

Guys,knock it off.You are supposed to...There you go.

When I am talking,you are not.If you are talking,you shouldn't be.

Please do not talk when I am talking.

You will get into trouble if...

That's enough.

Where do your eyeballs go?

You know better.That's not allowed.

It's going far too loud.There should be zero talking.

老师有时会让学生随意放松地围坐在地上:“You call make yourself comfortable,but not too comfortable.”有时,学生会蹿位,老师会说:“Sit where you belong.”偶尔教师会错怪学生,这时教师多半会向学生道歉:“I am sorry,you have my apology.”


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