

Dialogue on the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI)and Development in Southern Lebanon

The Arab-Chinese Cooperation and Development Association, a member of Silk Road NGO Cooperation Network, held a dialogue in the Kamel Jaber Cultural and Social Center of Nabatiyeh under the title "Belt and Road Initiative and Development in South Lebanon”. More than 50 people including MP Yassine Jaber, the Chairman of the Foreign Affairs and Emigrants Committee in the Lebanese Parliament, Kassem Tofailli,Chairman of the Arab-Chinese Cooperation and Development Association and President of the Arab Chinese Cooperation and Development Association, members of the local municipal council, and business people. Wang Kezhen, the Chinese Ambassador to Lebanon, was invited to attend the meeting.

Mr. Ahmed Bazoun, Director of Cultural Affairs of the Arab Chinese Association, delivered a welcoming speech, focusing on the importance of the“Belt and Road” Initiative and the role of the Association in activating relations between China and Lebanon.

The first speech was delivered by His Excellency Yassin Jaber, stressing the importance of the leading role played by China at the economic level in the world. He praised the positive role of the "Belt and Road” Initiative and the important achievements it achieves. He also expressed his appreciation for China's efforts in promoting the development of bilateral relations with Lebanon,hoping for more positive progress on development projects between the two countries.


The next speech was made by Mr. Kassem Tofailli,President of the Arab Chinese Cooperation and Development Association who explained the objectives of the Association in reviving the Arab-Chinese relations. He also noted the distinctive gesture of Minister Jaber on the importance of relations with China and the special role he should play. Lebanon and China are closely linked in economic, social and cultural aspects. Lebanon should actively participate in the construction of the“Belt and Road” and build on China's development express train. The Arab Chinese Cooperation and Development Association maintained good cooperative relations with many Chinese organizations. He hoped that the association can further strengthen communication and cooperation with Chinese social organizations.


The Ambassador outlined the goals of the "Belt and Road” Initiative, briefed the audience on the latest development in the initiative and mentioned the achievements of cooperation in the "Belt and Road” Initiative between China and Lebanon. He wished for more fruitful relations to open wider horizons in Lebanese-Chinese relations. He also pointed out that Lebanon imports more than 2 billion US dollars from China and China is ready to adjust the trade balance by opening the Chinese markets and encouraging investment in Lebanon.

The Ambassador also offered some updates about the Second Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation.

Then the Chinese Ambassador Wang Kejian thanked Minister Jaber for inviting him to participate and visit South Lebanon. He stressed that China and its embassy in Lebanon and the Commercial and Economic Consular Section welcome in all channels of communication with those concerned to begin to develop plans for the development of the South, and benefit from Chinese expertise in all fields.

After the speeches, the Chinese Ambassador had further dialogue and discussions in which a number of attendees participated, focusing on how to benefit from Chinese experience and investment for the development of Southern Lebanon.


At the end of the dialogue, honorary trophies were distributed to Chinese Ambassador Wang Kejian and Minister Yassine Jaber.

(Translated by Bian Peilin)

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