英语阅读课翻转课堂教学设计——以“The 333 Story”为例,本文主要内容关键词为:为例论文,教学设计论文,英语阅读论文,课堂论文,Story论文,此文献不代表本站观点,内容供学术参考,文章仅供参考阅读下载。
翻转课堂颠覆了传统课堂中知识传授与知识内化两个阶段。笔者在一次高中英语阅读课翻转课堂的实践中,以学生为主体,以学定教,设计课外学习材料,并根据学生自主学习情况设计课堂教学,在课堂上完成了知识内化。以下为笔者的教学设计: 一、背景描述 (一)教学对象 学军中学高三(7)班学生。该班为理科班,学生高二时参加省英语会考成绩全部为A,具有较强的自主学习能力。他们基本功扎实,自主合作和探究能力较强,喜欢富有个性的教学设计,不满足于教师对教学内容的简单重复与重现。但高三学生课业压力大,学习时间紧,全班仅6人因不在学校参加晚自习可回家利用网络手段学习,其余41人几乎不能接触网络。 (二)教学内容 阅读材料“The 333 Story”选自英文版《心灵鸡汤》,属励志类记叙文,讲述了身为广播公司领导的主人公,通过开会激发员工出点子的方式完成为遭受龙卷风袭击的灾区筹款计划的故事。该文共有720个单词,对高三学生而言有13处生词、词组,阅读理解难度偏大。 (三)教学目标 1.语言知识目标。学习并运用以下词汇: 单词:smash,conviction,executive,valid,objection,compatible,anchor。 短语:a string of,be committed to,come up with,figure out,fast and furious,get the credit。 2.语言技能目标。进一步提高阅读理解能力,如学习用准确的语言概括故事主旨,分析故事中戏剧性变化的原因,分析故事主人公的性格特征,理解故事的启示,并能与同学合作将故事改编成一个小剧本,呈现一个小话剧。 3.学习策略目标。独立思考与合作学习相结合。 4.情感态度目标。引导学生正确认识并学习主人公身上的优良品质,即富有同情心,乐于助人,且不惧困难,坚定不移地朝目标前进。 5.文化意识目标。让学生了解当代社会人与人之间是密不可分的,学习西方国家的公众意识、志愿者精神。 (四)教学重点、难点 1.教学重点。让学生概括故事大意,分析故事中戏剧性变化的原因,分析故事主人公的性格特征,概括故事的启示。 2.教学难点。让学生通过课外自主学习,合作完成话剧创作,并提出文章中的不理解之处。 (五)教学模式 本阅读课采取“翻转课堂”教学模式,即课外学生自主学习完成知识传授,课内师生讲解讨论作业、检测学习效果并巩固知识以完成知识内化。基于教学对象在校期间无法接触网络在线学习的现实情况,笔者放弃了制作微视频让学生课前自主学习的设计,而是采用设计任务式导学案让学生在课外自主学习并分组合作完成导学案中任务的方式。 二、导学案设计 【Part 1】Finish the following tasks before class Ⅰ.Reading Comprehension Read the text for 2 to 3 times and answer the following questions. A.What does 333 mean in the story? B.The two underlined sentences in the passage show a dramatic change.What's the change? How did it take place? C.How do you like the main character Bob Templeton in the story? Was he a good boss or not? Why? D.Conclude the main idea of the story.(Please include the following elements:when,where,who,what,why and how.) E.Discuss with your group mates about the difficulties you have in understanding the story and the difficulties in answering the above questions.If you cannot solve them with your group mates,please write down the difficulties here:________. Ⅱ.Vocabulary Comprehension Match the following words and expressions with the correct synonyms or paraphrases.

Ⅲ.A Role Play Adapt the main part of the story for a mini play which is 3-5 minutes long in groups of four and role play it twice. The mini play here includes the four basic factors:scene,character,dialogue/lines and action.You can refer to the play Pygmalion in Unit 4,Book 8). 【Part 2】Supplemental material for class (You don't have to read this part before class.) CARL AZUZ,CNN ANCHOR:Hi,I'm Carl Azuz.Welcome to the special edition of CNN STUDENT NEWS.Today,we're focusing exclusively on the Oklahoma City area and the devastating tornado that tore through there on Monday.This is what we know so far. The tornado touched down near the town of________,just before 3 P.M.________.Residents had about 16 minutes warning before it hit.From there,it moved to the city of ________.And that's where the storm did its worst.You can tell from this video,it was gigantic.Officials said it was ________wide,and the path that took across New Castle and Moore was 17 miles long.That path was one of destruction and devastation.Homes and businesses flattened,a local hospital severely damaged,two elementary schools took direct hits.As of Tuesday afternoon,authorities have confirmed ________from this tornado including ________ children.More than ________ other people were injured.The rescue effort started immediately Monday afternoon and continued through the night. 三、课堂教学设计 课前两天,笔者将导学案发给学生学习,并将班级分为每组6人共8组,让学生独立自主学习后进行小组合作完成任务,次日收回以批改学生作业并收集问题进行反馈。批改后发现,词汇匹配题学生基本全对,无须讲解,学生能完成主旨大意概括、故事情节分析、人物性格分析题,但大部分学生对故事概括、情节分析题理解存在偏差,在人物性格分析方面也需要予以价值观引导。学生们还在作业中反馈了自己在理解文章时碰到的困难,如:What does “to raise 3 million dollars 3 days from now in just 3 hours” mean? What does “That's how we can.That stays.” mean? What does “the biggest names” mean? Is “fast and furious” a mistake? Should we change it into “fast and furiously”?对于改编剧本排练话剧的任务,学生在两天内通过小组合作展开,积极性较高,每个小组都有了自己的剧本并排练了两次以上。 基于以上学生自主学习后的反馈,笔者对课堂教学设计如下: 【Step 1】Lead in & Warming up 1.Watch a video clip about a tornado and fill in the blanks in the supplemental material for class. 2.Answer the following question. Question 1:What's the news report about? Question 2:Faced with such devastating tornado,the rescue effort started immediately Monday afternoon.Would you offer your effort to help the people in the disaster area? Question 3:What can you do to help the people who are suffering if you are a ________(doctor,painter,computer specialist,lawyer,construction worker,photographer...)? Choose one job for yourself and think of the ways to help others through using your own skills.(Ask 4 students to share their thoughts.) 【Step 2】Main idea & Mini play 1.Check the before class task:what's the main idea of the story? After a terrible tornado hit Barrie near Toronto on a Friday night,Bob Templeton,vice president of Tele-media Communications,decided to raise 3 million dollars in 3 hours within 3 business days to help the people in Barrie.He discussed the plan with his executives and finally succeeded in doing it. (When,where,who,what,why,how) 2.Presentation of the mini play.(Ask 2 groups to present.) 【Step 3】Reading Comprehension—to solve the problems students raised 1.Meaning of “333”—raising three million dollars in three hours within three business days! Business day:working day—from Monday to Friday. In three hours:the radio show lasted less than 3 hours. 2.What does the sentences "That's how we can.That stays." mean in the 12th paragraph? A.That's the reason why we can do a radio show across Canada,so it remains. B.That is a real strong objection. C.The idea of doing a radio show across Canada belongs to the side of "how we can",so it should stay. D.The idea shows why we can help the people in Barrie. 3.The two underlined sentences in the passage show a dramatic change.What's the change? There was nothing but silence in the room.(Paragraph 5) At that point,it was absolutely amazing how fast and furious the creative ideas began to flow.(paragraph 13) Why did this happen? Is the word "furious" a mistake here? Should we change it into furiously? (No,fast and furious is an idiom.) 4.What do you think of Bob Templeton? Was Bob Templeton a good boss or not? Why? (He was a good boss/leader.Warm-hearted/willing to help the people who are suffering/shoulder social responsibility/inspiring/determined...) We need a strong-willed leader in a hard situation. 【Step 4】Write your own Paragraph 15 1.The 14th paragraph is the end of the story; however,it is not the end of the article.Authors usually would like to say something philosophical or educational or instructive after telling a story.If you were the author,what would you write in the 15th paragraph? 2.Ask students to share their Paragraph 15 in groups and decide the best one in their group.Share the best one with the whole class. Teacher shares the original Paragraph 15:________. "You see,you can do anything if you put your focus on how to do it rather than on why you can't." 3.Inspiration of the story:Be compassionate.Be willing to help others.Be determined.Focus on how to do it rather than on why you can't. 作为笔者翻转课堂的首次尝试,教学设计遵循了以学生为主体,先学后教、以学定教的原则,突出了学生的自主学习。 “翻转课堂”教学模式引入中国之后,不少实践者认为,“精制课程教学视频是翻转课堂教学的基石”,或“观看课程教学视频是翻转课堂教学的第一步,也是关键一步”。笔者以为翻转课堂的核心思想是以学生为主体,先学后教、以学定教,学生观看教学微视频是课外学习的一种方式,但不是唯一的方式。考虑到学生没法使用网络且教学内容为英语阅读材料的情况,笔者认为文本式的导学案更适合于阅读课前的自主学习。 在此次翻转课堂的实践过程中,笔者感到很难跳出传统教学模式的思维框架,教学设计容易陷入学案导学模式。课后也有不少听课的同行认为教学缺乏新颖的手段,虽然比传统课堂多了师生探讨问题的环节,但“导入热身,主旨归纳,话剧表演,文本探讨解疑,读后写作活动”这样的教学流程与传统模式大同小异。这需要在今后的实践中多借鉴国外翻转课堂的做法以突破思维定势。
标签:翻转课堂论文; 英语论文; 课堂教学论文; 自主学习论文;