
——以Book 3 Unit 5《Dinner’s ready》为例

渤海大学 辽宁 锦州 121013;山东省胶州市向阳小学 266300


1.Enjoy a song《Let’s have a picnic today》.

2.Free talk.T:In this song,what’s for picnic?

Ss:Cake and milk.T:I’d like some milk,what would you like? Ss: I’d like some…(设计意图:通过歌曲活跃气氛,在自由谈话中用“I’d like some…”句型复习已学的食物名词,为下面的学习做铺垫。)



(1)Read the words“rice/fish/juice/milk/bread” together.Stick the cards on the board.Review “I’d like some…”.Lead in:“What would you like?”T: Look!Zip has a restaurant.Let’s go and see.Look at the menu.We learned this part before.Let’s read together.板书句子。What would you like?Let’s ask this girl together.教师举起句子卡片“What would you like?”示意学生齐问。Ss:What would you like?S1:I’d like some….(由热身部分的T-S,转入现在的S-S,保证学生上口新句子。)(设计意图:以旧引新,引入新句型“What would you like?”并通过学生齐问的形式达到让学生上口新句型的目的。)

(2)New words.T:I know,you would like a lot.(边说边将问句贴在黑板上)Look here(PPT).What do you know?Discuss in groups.(设计意图:小组合作、自主学习新词,并在班内交流。教师板书3个新词并进行语音渗透。) T:Who can teach 1 word for us?Ss…板书3个新词,配上单词卡进行语音渗透:/I/、/i:/、/u:/、/e/。

(3)用刚学过的3个新单词编歌谣(CAI配上节奏)。T:I think we can make a chant now.What would you like?What would you like?I’d like some…please.Can you chant together?

(4)学习另外的两个新词.T:Let’s go on to learn the new words.

(5)Let’s listen and imitate.Pay attention to your pronunciation.

(6)Read the words in groups and try to remember.

(7)Play a game:Bomb.(设计意图:通过游戏激发学生说句型的兴趣,在游戏中巩固新知。)



T: Look! Who are coming?What are they talking about? A: Family.B: Friends.C: Dinner.(设计意图:学生整体感知对话,把握文本重要信息。)再次出示卡片“晚餐,正餐”。T:Let’s see:“What’s for dinner?”贴卡片“for dinner”。

(2)第二遍听。T:I have questions for you。Q1:What would you like?Q2:What would you like for dinner?(再次出示for dinner,并将卡片移动至重点句后)(听第一段)Ss:I’d like some soup and bread,please.(听第二段)Ss: Some fish and vegetables,please.(设计意图:分段听音,降低学生回答问题的难度,增强学生自信心。)

(3)理解“What’s for dinner?”。T(PPT):Now can you tell me,in this dialog,what’s for dinner?Open your books,read and find out the answer.Q3:What’s for dinner?A:Vegetables,fish,bread and soup.B:Vegetables,soup,noodles and rice.(设计意图:学生通过默读找到问题答案,注重学生阅读能力的培养。)

(4)引导学生在语境中理解“Dinner’s ready”。T:Look!Dinner’s ready!Close your books.Can you guess,what’s for dinner?(PPT)You can ask me together.学生齐问:“What’s for dinner?”教师依次点击鼠标展示dinner图片。(设计意图:引导学生理解句子的意思,并在情境中询问:What’s for dinner?”加深对文本内容的印象。)

(5)Emotion education.T:What do you think of their dinner?Ss:It’s yummy…Eat more healthy food.Do not picky for food.(不要挑食)

(6)Try to ask some new questions.T:Just now,we solved 3 questions.Do you have any questions?(设计意图:通过评论Mike家的晚餐食物,渗透合理饮食的意识,培养学生发问的意识。)

(7)第三遍听:Listen,point and imitate.

(8)Practice in groups,then perform.

T: You can perform any part you like.

If you can perform part 1/2,you can get 2 cards.If you can perform all,you can get more.

Perform without your books.(不看书表演)

Actions and expressions.(动作和表情)



T:What do you think of their performance?(奖励食物小图片)


三、Consolidation & extension

1.Make a menu.(3人一组,小组长负责在表格上填好组员名字)

T:You performed wonderful just now.Follow me,Let’s go to another restaurant.Look!XiangYang restaurant.(PPT出示主情境图)But there’s no menu. I know each group has many cards now.Take out your cards, make a menu in groups.



2.Make a survey.

T:The menu is good.Thank you.Now,I’m the waitress of the restaurant.It’s dinner time.What would you like?S1:…T:Now,can you play like this?

3.Make a report.Would like some…?I’d like some…and….




T:What have you learned this class?(设计意图:引导学生系统地总结梳理本节课的知识点。)


T:How do you think of your performance?



Need to do better.需努力。

T:All of you did good job this class,so you can get 5 points today.(设计意图:通过引导学生自评,培养学生自主学习的意识。)




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