1.滨州市中心医院 山东滨州 251700;2.莒县人民医院 山东日照 276500
摘要:目的 探讨合并小腿肌间静脉血栓形成(muscular calf vein thrombosis MCVT)的下肢骨折患者安全、有效的术前抗凝方案。方法 对2009年7月到2014年10月间因下肢骨折入院,术前合并MCVT,经抗凝治疗并成功实施手术的232例患者临床资料进行回顾性分析。年龄19-74岁,平均46岁,男147,女85例。根据术前抗凝方案不同分组。A组:低分子量肝素钙(Low molecular heparin calcium LMHC)5000IU,皮下注射,每日一次,抗凝1周左右行手术治疗。B组:LMHC 5000IU,皮下注射,每日一次,抗凝2周左右行手术治疗。C组:LMHC 5000IU,皮下注射,每日两次,抗凝2周左右行手术治疗。术后检测肌间静脉血栓脱落,血栓近端扩展及症状性肺栓塞(pulmonary emboli PE)发生率。数据采用SPSS13.0统计软件进行统计处理。结果 A组91例,B组69例,C组72例。术后肌间静脉血栓脱落率分别为4.39%,1.45%,4.17%。血栓近端扩展分别为3.29%,2.89%,1.39%。症状性PE分别为2.19%,1.45%,2.28%。行χ2检验示A、B、C组间差异均无统计学意义。结论 对于合并MCVT的下肢骨折患者采用LMHC 5000IU,皮下注射,每日一次,监测1周左右手术治疗,是一种安全、有效的术前抗凝方案。延长抗凝时间及加大抗凝药用量不能显著降低风险。
Abstract:Objective To investigate a safe and effective method of preoperative anticoagulation in the patients with fracture in lower limb combined with muscular calf vein thrombosis(MCVT).Methods From July 2009 to octember 2014,the clinical data of 232 cases of fracture combined with MCVT were studied retrospectively,range from 19 to 74 years old(average 46).There are 147 males and 85 females which femur fracture in 41 cases,tibial fracture in 137 cases,ankle and foot fracture in 21cases,Multiple fracture in 43 cases.According to the different preoperative anticoagulation approach,all the patients divided into three groups.groupA:Low molecular heparin calcium(LMHC)5000 units,hypodermic injection(iH),once a day.The treatment continued one week before opration.Group B:LMHC 5000 units,iH,once a day.The treatment continued two weeks before opration..Group C:LMHC 5000 units,iH,twice a day.The treatment continued for two weeks before opration.The rate of clot broken off,proximal extension and symptomatic pulmonary emboli(PE)was surveilled postoperatively.The data were analyzed with SPSS statistic software.Rezults There are 91 cases in group A,69 cases in group B and 72 cases in group C.The rate of clot breaking off in group A,B,C was 4.39%,1.45%,4.17%.The rate of proximal extension was 3.29%,2.89%,1.39% respectively.The rate of sympotematic PE was 2.19%,1.45%,2.28%.There were no significant differences between A,B,C group(P>0.05).Conclusion LMHC 5000 units,iH,once a day,continued one week before opration was a safe and effective preoperative anticoagulation approach for the patient of fracture in lower limb combined with muscular calf vein thrombosis.Prolonged preoperative anticoagulation time and larger dose anticoagulant can not reduce operationa and postoperation risk.
Key words:Muscular calf vein thrombosis;Low molecular heparin calcium;Anticoagulation
随着超声诊断技术的不断提高及普及和临床骨科医生对下肢深静脉血栓(deep vein thrombosis DVT)的认识的提升,下肢骨折病人合并MCVT患者几年来呈明显上升趋势。据统计,MCVT患者占总下肢深静脉血栓的40%左右[1][2]。不同于下肢深静脉血栓形成患者的术前准备临床医生已达成广泛共识,此类病人术前准备策略研究报道较少,术前抗凝治疗无统一方案。本研究通过回顾性分析此类患者不同术前准备方案的治疗效果,旨在提供一种安全、有效的术前准备方法。
1.2.1 MCVT检测方法:受检者取俯卧或侧卧位,充分暴露小腿进行多切面扫查,并与对侧相同位置进行对比,存在血栓表现为:管腔增宽且管腔内存在低回声,探头加压不能被压瘪、彩色多普勒超声无血流信号或细束血流信号[3][4]。
1.2.2此类患者诊断明确后,回顾资料按术前准备不同分为:A组:发现后给予下肢弹力绷带加压包扎,LMHC 5000单位,皮下注射,每日一次,立即复查血凝及D-二聚体并检测变化,并每3-4天复查下肢静脉超声。检测1周左右下肢静脉超声示血栓无增大,D-二聚体较确诊时无升高,血凝无明显异常后行手术治疗。术前24小时停用LMHC。B组:发现后给予下肢弹力绷带加压包扎,LMHC 5000单位,皮下注射,每日一次,立即复查血凝及D-二聚体并检测变化,并每3-4天复查下肢静脉超声。检测2周左右下肢静脉超声示血栓无增大,D-二聚体较确诊日明显减低乃至正常范围,血凝无明显异常后行手术治疗。术前24小时停用LMHC。C组:发现后给予下肢弹力绷带加压包扎,LMHC 5000单位,皮下注射,每日两次,立即复查血凝及D-二聚体并检测变化,并每3-4天复查下肢静脉超声。检测2周左右下肢静脉超声示血栓无增大,D-二聚体较确诊日明显减低乃至正常范围,血凝无明显异常后行手术治疗。术前24小时停用LMHC。所有A、B、C组患者术后12-24小时即维持原抗凝治疗方案。术后3-10天复查下肢静脉超声。对怀疑有PE患者,24小时内完成肺部强化CT检查。
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标签:下肢论文; 血栓论文; 静脉论文; 术前论文; 术后论文; 患者论文; 近端论文; 《健康世界》2015年3期论文;