(中材建设有限公司 山东 潍坊 262705)
【摘 要】在一些地形复杂地区一般情况下控制点两两之间不能通视,全站仪极坐标法无法使用。全站仪后方交会法可以很好地解决这个问题。全站仪后方交会是指通过观测待测点到两个已知点的距离快速得到待测点坐标。该方法不必考虑折射的影响。全站仪后方交会操作方便.一般在保证已知点精度的前提下,观测点越多,待测点精度越高。因此全站仪后方交会在控制、监测等测量中应用十分广泛。
Analysis of Total Station
Fan Qiang
【Abstract】In some complex terrain areas generally between 22 control points can not pass, total station polar coordinate method can not be used. Total station resection method can be a good solution to this problem. The rear intersection of the total station is to quickly get the coordinates of the points to be measured by observing the distance between the points to be measured points and two points. The method does not need to consider the influence of refraction. Total station before the operation is convenient. Generally to ensure the accuracy of the known point of the premise, the more points, the higher the accuracy of the point to be measured. Therefore, the total station in the control, monitoring and other measurements are widely used.
【Keywords】Total station; Engineering survey; Resection
【中图分类号】TD80 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1002-8544(2016)20-0055-02
1 后方交会原理
全站仪后方交会是指通过观测待测点到两个已知点的距离快速得到待测点坐标[1]。全站仪后方交会法程序已经固定模块化了,只需测出待测点到已知点的距离。待测点位置全站仪自动算出了。为了讨论方便建立坐标系(上图),O点坐标系的原点, A,B两点已知A(),B(),AB两点之间距离为S。AP的方位角为,AB方位角为,假设 无角度误差。将全站仪架在未知点P处,分别测得P点到A,B点的距离PA= ,PB= 。
标签:全站仪论文; 精度论文; 角度论文; 测量论文; 距离论文; 误差论文; 点到论文; 《建筑知识》2016年20期论文;