Los Angeles—Bill Joy is not a Luddite(注:卢德派成员,卢德派是19世纪初英国工人运动的一派,极力阻挠雇主使用节省劳动力的机械。后泛指在一切领域反对机械化和自动化的人).He is not afraid ofnew tectmology.On the contrary,as founder and chief scientistof ★ Sun Microsystems(注:一家著名网络公司),tile SiliconValley company that devised JavaScript(注:一种由NetscapeCommunications和Sun Microsystems公司共同开发的描述语言,它与Java语言的关系比较松散,主要能为网页添加基本的联机应用程序和功能。)and countless other Intemet-era computerinnovations,he has been ill the vanguard of the high-techrevolution for more than 20 years:a geek's(注:geek原意是街头杂耍中由低级演员扮演的野人,做吞吃活动物和观众投放的污物等疯狂表演。常借指行为疯狂、怪异的人,带一定贬义。这里是说Joy原是个天不怕地不怕的人。)geek if ever there was one.His latest innovation is the new Jini techmology.Based onJava,Jini is predicted to become file leading managementsoftware for home networks.
[2] But recently Joy took a glimpse into the fulure andit scared him to death.
[3] What he saw was a world in which humans have beeneffectively supplanted by machines;a world in which super-powerful computers with at least some attributes of humanintelligence manage to replicate themselves and develop theirown autonomy;a world in which people become superfluous andrisk becoming extinct.
[4] Writing in the April issue of Wired magazine,this guruof high technology said:
[5] "It might be argued that the human race would never befoolish enough to hand over all the power to the machines.Butwe are suggesting neither that the humanrace would voluntarilyturn power over to the machines northat the machines wouldwillfully seize power.
[6] "What we do suggest is that the human race might easily(注:free from pain,discomfort of trouble舒舒服服地)permititself to drift into a position of such dependence onthe machines that it would have no practical choice but toaccept all of the machines'decisions.As society and theproblems that face it become more and more complex andmachines become more and more intelligent,people will letmachines make more of their decisions for them,simply becausemachine-made decisions will bring better results than man-madeones.
[7] "Eventually a stage may be reached at which the decisionsnecessary to keep the system running will be so complex thathuman beings will be incapable of making them intelligently.Atthat stage the machines will be in effective control.Peoplewon't be able to just turn the machines off,because they willbe so dependent on them that turning them off would amount tosuicide."
[8] Previously,Joy had dismissed such scenarios as sci-fifantasy,but then he listened to friends who were experts inrobotics and realised that this brave new world was muchcloser than any of us might imagine—as close as 30 years away.
[9] The further that Joy dug into the cutting edgeof research in the new technologies—robotics,geneticengineering and nanotechnology—the more horrified he became.Notonly did he see scenarios in which robots would take on alife of their own and exterminate the human race,but he beganto see ways in which other staples of sci-fi(science-fiction)horror might come to pass.
[10] They include the ability to download consciousnessinto a computer and thus effectively merge human beings andmachines into a new organism;the proliferation of so-called★White Plagues(注:此词在医学上原指结核病,尤其是肺结核。这里大写,实际上是指美国近年流行的一本科幻小说的名字,这本书讲的就是in which以后的那些内容。故按字面译为“白色瘟疫”),in whichmalevolent scientists or governments could unleash disease thatwould strike widely but selectively;genetically engineered bacteriaor plants that could dominate and wipe outexisting species.
[11] "We have yet to come to terms with the fact that themost compelling 21st-century technologies pose a differentthreat from the technologies that have come before,"Joy writes."Specifically,robots,engineered organisms,and nanobots sharea dangerous amplifying factor:they can selfreplicate.A bombis blown up only once—but one robot can become many,andquickly get out of control...
[12] "I think it is no exaggeration to say we are on the cuspof the further perfection of extreme evil,★ an evil whosepossibility spreads well beyond that which weapons of massdestruction bequeathed to the nation-states,on to asurprising and terrible empowerment of extreme individuals(注:
原文用bequeath一词隐喻苏联解体后核武器遗留在各民族国家,有可能被恐怖主义分子利用。此句语法稍为复杂:whose引起an evil的一句定语从句,其中的that用来代替后面事物所具有的possibility;which又引起that的一个定语从句,而which在从句中的地位是谓语bequeathed的直接宾语;on是“接着”的意思,它前后的两个to引起的短语是同位的,作间接语)."
[13] That's ★ quite some(注:值得注意的;不寻常的 )warning
from one of the leading gurus of the technological age.
[14] "We are being propelled into this new century with noplan,no control,no brakes,"Joy concludes."Have we alreadygone too far down the path to alter course?I don't believe so,but we aren't trying yet,and the last chance to assertcontrol—the fail-safe point—is rapidly approaching."
洛杉矶——比尔·乔伊不是个卢德分子。他不惧怕新技术。相反,作为"Sun Microsystems"这家发明了Java描述语言和因特网时代无数其他计算机创新技术的硅谷公司的创始人和首席科学家,比尔20多年来一直是高技术革命的先驱:简直是个少见的“怪才”。比尔最近的创新是新的Jini技术。Jini是在Java的基础上开发出来的,人们预计它将成为领先的家庭网络管理软件。