Title:A cross-sectional survey of herpes zoster in people aged 45 and over in Xiamen and Dongtai
论文来源:中国初级卫生保健 2019
Abstract:Objective to investigate the prevalence and risk factors of herpes zoster in people aged 45 and over in Xiamen and Dongtai of Fujian Province. Methods from February to July 2017, 716 permanent residents aged 45 and over in Xiamen and Dongtai were investigated by convenient sampling. Results 76 people had a history of herpes zoster, the lifetime prevalence rate was 10.6%; family members with a history of herpes zoster and high-income people were more likely to suffer from herpes zoster. In the past five years, the prevalence of herpes zoster was 3.2%, and the incidence density was 6.42/1000 person year. 13 patients (17.1%) developed postherpetic neuralgia. The more severe the pain, the higher the risk of postherpetic neuralgia. Conclusion the results show that the lifetime prevalence and morbidity of herpes zoster are high in these two areas, and the corresponding preventive measures are urgently needed.
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标签:带状疱疹论文; 患病率论文; 带状疱疹后遗神经痛论文; 危险因素论文;