



Changjiang,also known as the Yangtse,which runs acrossten provinces and many other cities and automonous regions,is a vigorous and




greatanthropological spectacle on the land of China.In the timesof antiquity the boundless mountains between Sichuan andHubei stood in the way of the Yangtse River Consequently, anearth-shaking battle was fought between Changjiang and thelofty mountains in the remote past, which resulted in thebreakthrough at the Wushan Mountain Ranges and a zigzag longcorridor in the midst of perpendlcular cliffs, known as theworld famous Yangtse Gorges,came into being.

天山天池,位于天山东麓的博格达雪峰北坡。湖面海拔1,900米, 最深处90米,南北长3,300米,东西宽约1,500米,面积4.9平方公里。 夏季,这里云杉挺拔,碧水粼粼,林深景幽,气候凉爽;冬天,银装素裹的天池像一颗巨大晶莹的蓝宝石,放射出奇异动人的光彩。风光特异的天山天池,吸引着络绎不绝的中外旅游者,成为西北边陲闻名遐迩的游览胜地。

The mountain lake known as Tianchi lies on the northernslope of the Bogeda Snow Peak,to the east of Mount Tianshan(Snow Mountain) in Xinjiang.1,900 meters above the sea level,90 meters from the surface to the bottom,3,300 meters longfrom south to north and 1,500 meters wide east to west, LakeTianchi covers an area of 4.9 square kilometers. In summer,the dragon spruce trees are tall and straight,the lake wateris clear and glistening in the summer sunshine, deep in theforest the scenery is serene and inviting, and the weatherthere is cool and refreshing. In winter, Lake Tianchi,covered with snow, looks like a colossal shining blueprecious stone,giving off a sort of exclusive brilliancerarely seen elsewhere.With its unique and exotic scenery,Lake Tianchi of Mount Tianshan has become a famous scenicspot of the northwest frontiers, known far and wide,attracting more and more tourists home and abroad.


Hong Kong consists of Hong Kong Island,Kaoloon Peninsulaand New Territory and covers an area of approximately 1078square kilometers.Hong Kong,a large deep- water port, islocated on South China Sea,where islands,big and small, arescattered all over.On Hong Kong Island,the countless numberof highrises and skyscrapers makes the city look all the moreflourishing and prosperous. On Kaoloon Bay, against therolling hills stand continuous rows of brightly- lit storesand resturants.The prosperous and gorgeous Hong abright,illuminating pearl in the oriental world, is animportant modernized metropolis not only in the Asian PacificRegion but also in the whole world Hong Kong, traditionallyand affectionately referred to as Pearl of the East", notonly boasts charming,lovely landscape but also makes herselfeconomically indispensable in the present- day world HongKong's take-up in industry,com merce, finance, trade andshipping is rapidly changing her appearance. Hong Kong hasdeveloped from an out- of- the- way village into a modernmetropolis with a multiple.comprehensive economic make- up,hence popularly known as one of the "Four Miniature AsianDragons".

少林寺位于河南登县少室山北麓的五乳峰下,始建于公元495 年的北魏时期。相传印度僧人菩提达摩“上嵩山、赴少林、创禅宗”,少林寺自此被奉为禅家“祖庭”。唐初,少林寺救唐王有功,从此,众僧广习拳法武术,禅宗与少林拳盛名远播。时隔一千五百年,少林寺宏伟庄严如初,浑朴古迈不减,不愧为“天下第一寺”。

The Shaolin Temple, first built in 495 during theNorthern Wei Dynasty,is located below Mount Wurufeng at thenorthern foot of Mount Shaoshishan in Dengxian,Henan Province.Tradition has it that an Indian monk by the name ofPutidamo "went up to Mount Song Shan and visited the Shaolin Temple where he established the Chan Sect ( Dhyana) ". Sincethen, the Shaolin Temple has been looked upon as the"ancestral home" of Dhyana.In the initial years of the TangDynasty,the monks of the Shaolin Temple saved the emperor'slife in a battle to their credit.From then on,all the monksof the Shaolin Temple learned Chinese boxing and martial art.As a result,the Shaolin boxing and Dhyana began to be knownfar and wide. Built 1500 years ago, the Shaolin Templeremains grand and dignified as ever and no less simple andantique,hence worthy of the compliment "No.1 Temple in theWorld".

武陵源位于湖南省张家界市境内,总面积390平方公里, 最高海拔1334米,年平均气温为摄氏15度。由于地质变化和水流切割作用,洪荒时期这里形成了罕见的砂岩峰林峡谷地貌,被誉为“天然大盆景”。境内山美水秀,峰奇石怪,洞阔景幽,野趣横生;山、水、林、禽、兽同生共荣,构成一幅奇特的大自然美景, 形成一个天然的地质博物馆。 1992年12月,武陵源被联合国教科文组织列入《世界自然遗产名录》。

Wulingyuan,a scenic spot within a larger scenic spotknown as Zhangjiajie in Hunan Province, with its utmostheight of 1334 meters above the sea level and an averagetemperature of 15℃,covers an area of 390 square kilometres.As a result of geological changes and the cuts caused bywater flow, early in the times of antiquity, a raretopographic feature of canyons made up of sandy rocks andneedle karst had taken shape. That accounts


itspopularity known as "A potted landscape by nature". InWulingyuan, there are green mountains, cool springs,grotesque stones and perpen-dicular peaks,enchanting views inspacious caves.Mountains,streams,forests,birds andanimals coexist in prosperity,making up a gigantic uniquenatural panorama,forming a natural geological museum of itsown.In December 1992,Wulingyuan was collected in the WorldNatural Heritages Catalogue by the UNESCO.


