

The Sixth Sino-Russian “Yangtze—Volga Rivers” Youth Forum Held in Hunan Province Where Young Delegates from Chongqing Had Their Show for the New Era

□ 文/郑玥祎 付景 图/徐润 付景

□ Article/ Zheng Yueyi & Fu Jing Picture/ Xu Run & Fu Jing Translator/Wei Mingliang





The Sixth Sino-Russian “Yangtze—Volga Rivers” Youth Forum, sponsored by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and hosted by Hunan Province, opened in Hunan University on July 16 with the presentation of the visual feast full of humanity, dance rhyme and talent in poetry and painting such as Arts Cross Rivers, Best Youth, Pen Friendship between China and Russia Spanning 56 Years.

Wang Yong, State Councilor of China, Mashkovtsev, deputy plenipotentiary representative of the Russian President's delegation to the Federal District along the Volga River, and leaders of Hunan and Jiangxi provinces attended the opening ceremony and delivered speeches. More than 300 young delegates from 6 provinces and cities in the middle and upper reaches of the Yangtze River in China and 14 municipalities in the Volga River Basin in Russia gathered here to carry out a rich and colorful exchange and learning journey in 12 days. A delegation of 30 young people from Chongqing, co-led by Chongqing Municipal Government and Chongqing Education Commission, attended the forum.

模拟计算跨接线缆长度时,不需要考虑车辆偏移的影响,即在直线区段,设置车体的中心线与线路中心线重合;在曲线区段,设置车辆的心盘点在线路的中心线上。两相邻端车辆的车钩在任何线路状态下始终保持一条直线。以跨接线缆SC1为例(该线缆固定点距离车体纵向中心线830 mm,距离车体端墙20 mm,距离轨面630 mm),采用该线缆来模拟车辆通过曲线时线缆固定点间的距离变化,并对其拉伸和压缩状态进行分析。通过分析,得到以下结论:




Mashkovtsev, Russian President's Deputy plenipotentiary representative in the Federal District along the Volga River, read the congratulatory letter from the plenipotentiary and delivered a speech. He said that the “Yangtze—Volga Rivers” Youth Forum provided a useful platform for Russian-Chinese youth exchanges. He believed that the youth representatives of the both sides would deepen their understanding and friendship and jointly act as a firm defender of Russian-Chinese friendship in their future work. The 12-day exchange will be an unforgettable and warm memory for all the young people who participated in this forum.


With the theme of “Meeting young people in Hunan and chasing dreams across two rivers”, the forum divided Chinese and Russian youth into five groups and connected them with five universities in Hunan Province. Meanwhile, the Chongqing delegation participated in a series of activities such as round tables, Russian Day and Chinese Day at the camp of Hunan Agricultural University with the delegations of Samara and Saratov states. At the round table, Chinese and Russian youth talked freely about the cultural resonance between China and Russia, shared their learning experiences, and expressed their willingness to contribute to the coexistence of friendship.中俄“长江—伏尔加河”合作机制于2013年正式启动,主要合作范围包括中方长江中上游的川、渝、鄂、湘、赣、皖6省(市)及俄罗斯伏尔加河沿岸联邦区14个联邦主体,重点是促进两大区域的经贸和人文交流合作,2016年正式升格为中俄“长江—伏尔加河”合作理事会,中俄“长江—伏尔加河”流域青年论坛是其重要活动之一。

The Sino-Russian “Yangtze River—Volga Rivers” cooperation mechanism was officially launched in 2013. The main scope of cooperation includes the six provinces (cities) of Sichuan, Chongqing, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi and Anhui in the middle and upper reaches of the Yangtze River and 14 federal bodies along the Volga River in Russia. The emphasis is on promoting economic, trade and human exchanges and cooperation between the two countries. In 2016, it was upgraded to the Sino-Russian “Yangtze—Volga Rivers” Cooperation Council. The Sino-Russian “Yangtze—Volga Rivers” Youth Forum is one of the important activities.



The Chongqing delegation is composed of 30 outstanding young people from Sichuan International Studies University, Chongqing Technology and Business University and Chongqing Nanfang Translators College of SISU. They worked together and participated in various activities of the forum. They promoted the unique historical and cultural charm and development potential of Chongqing, shared learning achievements and actively provided translation support and other services in various activities, demonstrating the positive spirit and accomplishment of Chongqing youth, which was unanimously affirmed by all parties of the delegation.



In addition, the youth delegation of China and Russia visited Yuelu Academy, Hunan Museum, Ceramic Museum, Mao Zedong's former residence and took pictures together, which not only deepened our understanding of China's history, impressed by the profound Chinese culture, but also enabled young friends of the two countries to establish a profound friendship of mutual help and mutual assistance. And the Zoomlion Heavy Industry Science &Technology Co., Ltd. and Broad Group, as well as libraries, school history buildings and laboratories of universities, have left a deep impression on the young people of the two countries. They have felt the charm of modern science and technology and the strong atmosphere of learning in universities.

State Councilor Wang Yong said that this year marks the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Russia, and is also the concluding year of the annual cooperation and exchange between China and Russia. As the first regional cooperation mechanism between China and Russia, the Yangtze—Volga Rivers Local Cooperation Council should further implement the important consensus reached by President Xi Jinping and President Putin on the orientation of the new era of bilateral relations and practical cooperation in various fields, and play an exemplary and leading role in local cooperation between China and Russia. A closer relationship between countries lies in the people's close relationship, and the people's close relationship should start with the youth. The young people of China and Russia should actively inherit the friendship between the two peoples, be the promoters of a better future of bilateral relations, take the initiative and show their talents, and constantly add bricks and tiles to the magnificent building of Sino-Russian relations in the new era.






In the “Russian Day” activities, the Russian delegation has brought the guests wonderful singing and dancing performances, among which the song “Millions of Us” showed the heartfelt friendship between Chinese and Russian youth. Su Jingwen, a student from Chongqing Technology and Business University taught Tajiyana from Russia embroidery. They gave each other “Ping” and “An” embroidery and offered their sincerest wishes to each other. Yang Xuemei, a student from Chongqing Nanfang Translators College of SISU, played Songs of The Fishing Boats at Dusk with the Chinese traditional instrument Guzheng. Accompanied by enchanting tone, Xu Ziqi gave a Chinese handwriting show of the ancient poem Note on A Rainy Night to A Friend in The North to the young representatives of China and Russia present.

Short moment for getting together and the deep friendship would become more brilliant with the baptism of time. On the afternoon of the 25th, the 6th Sino-Russian “Yangtze—Volga Rivers” Youth Forum was successfully concluded with the affectionate chorus Night in the Suburbs of Moscow by all Chinese and Russian youth.


Editor/ Liu Dingrui

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