Contributing People's Wisdom to Global Governance: Side notes of C20 Japan 2019
Ma Jingjing
Since its initiation in 2013, C20 has gained increasing influence in the international civil society. It has become an important supporting event of the G20 summit and an important platform for civil society to offer advice and suggestions to governments and all sectors of society on topics of G20. C20 Japan 2019 was held by Japan NGO Center for International Cooperation (JANIC) in Tokyo on April 21-23, with the theme of "Leave no one behind". It consisted ten working groups,namely, anti-corruption, education, environment,climate and energy, gender, global health,infrastructure, international financial architecture,labor, business and human rights, Local2Global,and investment and trade. About 830 delegates from 40 countries and regions attended this year's C20. Three representatives from China NGO Network for International Exchanges (CNIE)attended C20, together with representatives from other Chinese NGOs such as China Association for NGO Cooperation, China Association for Life Care, Rock Environment and Energy Institute,Chengdu Huizhi Participation Center, etc.
All G20 members have attached great importance to communication and interaction with civil society through C20. "Civil society organizations are an important force for people of all countries to participate in public affairs and promote economic and social development." President Xi Jinping said in a congratulatory letter to C20 Qingdao 2016.The German Chancellor Angela Merkel attended C20 2017 and accepted the Communiqué. The Argentine President Mauricio Marci attended and addressed the opening ceremony of C20 2018.Prior to this year's C20, representatives of the host organization, together with representatives of previous and future organizers presented the Communiqué and policy recommendations to Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on April 18, and exchanged views with Abe on how to strengthen the contribution of civil society to G20.Abe said that this year's G20 summit would discuss issues related to free trade and inclusive growth,and he would urge relevant parties to seriously consider the policy recommendations presented by C20. At the opening ceremony, Toshiko Abe,the deputy Japanese Foreign Minister made a keynote speech, affirmed the positive role of NGOs in social administration, supervision and service,saying that the Foreign Ministry would like to continue to promote cooperation with NGOs by providing funds, strengthening capacity building,and carrying out policy dialogues, particularly in infrastructure construction, disaster prevention and mitigation, marine governance, climate change and other fields, to further help with Japan's implementation of the UN SDGs. Toshiko Abe,on behalf of the Japanese government, accepted the Communique and policy recommendations of C20 once again. Senior Officials from Japan's Foreign Ministry, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of economy, trade and industry attended the meeting and made specialized speeches.NGO representatives, scholars and experts from Japan, ROK, Cambodia and some African countries, Oxfam Hong Kong, World Vision, Plan International, Transparency International and other well-known international NGOs attended C20 and participated in the discussion.
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After the opening ceremony and plenary sessions,C20 hosted breakout sessions on specific topics.The working group of CNIE and other Chinese NGOs mainly participated in discussions on health, education, environment and other topics,introducing the work done by Chinese NGOs in the above-mentioned areas, and expounding China's views and positions on relevant issues.The working group also exchanged views with representatives of JANIC, the sponsor of C20 2019,introduced the participation of Chinese NGOs in international cooperation, shared experience of sponsoring C20, and discussed how to further strengthen exchanges and cooperation between NGOs in China and Japan. We can feel from the discussions that Japanese NGOs who took part in C20 are highly international and professional, with considerable clout in areas such as development,gender, climate and environment, forging stable relations with the United Nations and important international NGOs. They are willing to make recommendations to G20 through C20, so as to better cope with global challenges.
On the day of closure, the agenda focused on the future of C20 and its interaction with other engagement groups. Over the years, G20 has expanded its agenda, with more engagement groups and more representation. During this year's C20, senior representatives from other engagement groups such as B20, W20, Y20, T20, S20 and L20 were present at the session to report on the preparation or hosting of relevant events. As the host of the next C20, a senior representative from King Khalid Foundation of Saudi Arabia attended and addressed the closing session, introducing the preparation of C20 for the next year. She said that they would maintain close communication with C20 host organizations, make effective coordination in agenda setting and arrangement,to ensure a sustainable role of C20 within the framework of G20. After this year's C20, the Secretariat also proposed to sign a joint statement on issues of protecting the rights and interest of labor and eliminating gender discrimination with other engagement groups.
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According to the Communiqué issued by C20 this year, in order to better advance the UN 2030 agenda for Sustainable Development and uphold multilateralism, G20 needs to take concrete actions. Civil society organizations can engage in effective dialogues with governments, reflect the needs of the people, ensure the implementation of policies, and contribute their wisdom to building an inclusive and prosperous world. After attending this year's C20, we find that G20 and all sectors of society have attached increasing importance to the strength of C20, and would like to strengthen cooperation with NGOs in relevant fields to jointly address global challenges and promote inclusive growth. This presents significant development opportunities for NGOs. Chinese NGOs should give full play to their own strength, enhance their capacity, strengthen interaction with the government and other parties, and strive to become an important force for economic and social development and reform of global governance.
(Translated by Ma Jingjing)
标签:Contributing论文; People’s论文; WISDOM论文; global论文; Governance论文; SIDE论文; NOTES论文; C20论文; JAPAN论文; 2019论文;